Friday News: 1.50 Next Week




Friday news from GOA, read on:

Sugar coated friday news !

Well, looks like this time, the Friday news are finally on Friday !
On the list today : Patch 1.50, the version after that (and PvP server) and the crafters display system in the Chronicles.

Patch 1.50 :

For now, we are planning to patch the live servers to 1.50 next week. However, we still have some tests to do and we may have to push this date a bit, depending on what we find out. Of course, we will inform you if we face any problem that could change our planning.

As usual, please read the patch notes carefully. Also, for this patch, take a good look on the realm skills list, many of you will have access to them and it's usually better to know about them before choosing.

Patch coming after 1.50 :

For technical reasons, we will patch to directly to 1.52 after 1.50. Of course, the 1.51 patch will be included in the 1.52. No set date for this as of now, but the delay may be slightly longer than for the two previous patches.
The PvP server will directly be in 1.52 instead of 1.51 as previously announced.

Realm Abilities master list
Realm Abilities per Class (Mythic List)

The Chronicles & the Crafters :

For now, in the Guild Detail pages of the Chronicles, crafters automatically appear. They need to use the command "/webdisplay trades" in game in order to become anonymous.
The game client gives you a message when you use this command, and this message is incorrect, telling you that you are anonymous while you are not, and vice & versa.
We are actually working on fixing this little message, which left many crafters wondering… The rules we are currently using for the Chronicles are not final, we may do more changes in the time to come. Of course, we will keep you informed.

So 1.50 next week (or maybe week after with technical problems) and straight to 1.52 (with mez nerfing :p) after that.

PvP before end of September? Possibly with the rate GOA are patching now I'd truly believe that we'll end up being weeks not months behind the US servers.


edit: I put links back in!


I wonder what those technical reasons for not patching to 1.51 is.

I really want the PvP server and a fresh start. I will be happy if it is out before October.


BOOOOO, no 1.50, it can go screw itself. Good that GOA is becoming faster at patching but I hate the patches coming up :p


I wonder why they put 1.51 and 1.52 in the same eu-patch...

kinnda sux (for me atleast)... Champions get a str/con buff in 1.51 and it also fixes alot of buggs from 1.50, Purge among others...

But then again, with the current speed in patching... end of september doesnt feel that far away... (prolly mid October as it is 2 patches to translate and fix)

Good work GOA :)


Maybe mythic put in some more translation-friendly stuff? :)

Also if you can get a 1.50->1.52 patch and translate that it's probably easier than translating 1.50 -> 1.51 followed by a 1.51->1.52 (assuming they're not just getting both patches and translating both...)

who knows :) but nice :) :clap:


maybe they want to catch up the patches so that we get shrouded isles in November like the US

Well you can only hope heehee


Originally posted by old.moriath
maybe they want to catch up the patches so that we get shrouded isles in November like the US

Well you can only hope heehee

talking about that, unless si contains a crapload of quests and stuff, i think we might have it sooner than you think. after all, the only new content that i can see so far is new maps, which require no translation.

oh damn, i just remembered those zones will be filled with npcs. well, lets hope they dont say much... or give quests :p

[EDIT: oh and the new races etc. but again, i shouldnt think they'de require that much trainslation]

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