Friars past lvl 30



Nowdays people are complaining that lvl 30-40 is soo hard because people go to SI instead, i agree, atleast with my infil.
Im thinking of making a Friar, after seeing Trinilim in action i just went nuts :) and i was wondering how hard they really are to lvl up? im thinking of making one that has much healing ability at start to be grp friendly and then at 40 respec to Enchant instead and leave rejuv far down. Is it possible to get into a lvl say 39+ grp in avalon at 35-39 if ya have much healing ability? i doubt they want a fighter in leather that low but maybe a healer?


Originally posted by mrjack
Nowdays people are complaining that lvl 30-40 is soo hard because people go to SI instead, i agree, atleast with my infil.
Im thinking of making a Friar, after seeing Trinilim in action i just went nuts :) and i was wondering how hard they really are to lvl up? im thinking of making one that has much healing ability at start to be grp friendly and then at 40 respec to Enchant instead and leave rejuv far down. Is it possible to get into a lvl say 39+ grp in avalon at 35-39 if ya have much healing ability? i doubt they want a fighter in leather that low but maybe a healer?

Spec rejuv up to 18 as soon as you can. That way you can be an excellent secondary healer. As main healer it will always be tricky, unless you got a perfect group (PBT, paladin(s), etc).

Rejuv 18 is, IMO, an excellent trade-off. You're a good secondary healer and your fighting skills are good.

You really need to level up enhance (not enchant) too, since that is what makes you a friar.

Around lvl 33 I had 18 rejuv. which is what I keep, no more no less. After that it's simply training up staff and enhance.

And I can solo orange-cons easily, unless they got a nasty DD-proc.


Re: Re: Friars past lvl 30

Originally posted by Puppetmistress
Spec rejuv up to 18 as soon as you can. That way you can be an excellent secondary healer. As main healer it will always be tricky, unless you got a perfect group (PBT, paladin(s), etc).

Rejuv 18 is, IMO, an excellent trade-off. You're a good secondary healer and your fighting skills are good.

You really need to level up enhance (not enchant) too, since that is what makes you a friar.

Around lvl 33 I had 18 rejuv. which is what I keep, no more no less. After that it's simply training up staff and enhance.

And I can solo orange-cons easily, unless they got a nasty DD-proc.

Enhance or whatever :)
Still didnt answer my question, can they get into grps that are several lvls higher? because my assassin can't...... (DOH!)


Re: Re: Re: Friars past lvl 30

Originally posted by mrjack
Enhance or whatever :)
Still didnt answer my question, can they get into grps that are several lvls higher? because my assassin can't...... (DOH!)

Depends how hard they need your 'healing-skills'. Sure a friar heals better then nothing, but it's not 'great'.

Look: On lvl 44 I can cast 16x a heal for 215 (with capped pie). I got 18 rejuv, and use a spec-heal. You can, on average, assume that PIE determines your total healing-points if you use spec-heals, since higher rejuv gives you a better heal, for more power. That scales quite linear, so higher rejuv gives you a bigger heal, but with more power-costs. So my 18 rejuv can cast 16x215 =~ 3000 dmgpoints before going OOM on lvl 43.

That's not very good, since it will result in a lot of downtime (due to my mana-bar) on heavy pulls. Groups wanna take on high mobs = high dmg taken = alot of heals needed.

So, you're not a very good healer and you will not be invited in groups several levels highers UNLESS there is a way to reduce damage and/or give you mana (PBT/paladin or necro). You can't keep up with it.

Looking at the fightskills from a friar. Well, alot of peeps think friars are gimped tanks. And vs. high-con mobs they are. It gets a bit better at higher levels (45+) but still you cannot compete with tanking with an arms (let alone a paladin). You do probably more damage, but in PvE that doesn't matter much: Casters kill the mob, not the tanks, they are purely for keeping aggro.

In the end it doesn't look too good for the friar to be invited in higher parties. But, in the game it's not all about numbers. If peeps like you, you got a better chance to get an invite. If they cannot find a cleric, they might want to settle with a friar his heals, etc. etc.

In practice : I wasn't too lucky for getting an invite in a group in AC at lvl 40. When I came back at lvl 43 it was alot better. But the grouping in AC is such a messy and crappy process I wouldn't put my money on it. It depends on so much.


So i guess the waiting times for joining a grp there is quite long eh? Is that why it takes so long to lvl after 35? no where to really hunt good and at 40 u get to wait long before ya get into a grp and can only stay there for an hour and then have to leave =P If thats the case then im back at my depression i had a cpl of days ago :(


Originally posted by mrjack
So i guess the waiting times for joining a grp there is quite long eh? Is that why it takes so long to lvl after 35? no where to really hunt good and at 40 u get to wait long before ya get into a grp and can only stay there for an hour and then have to leave =P If thats the case then im back at my depression i had a cpl of days ago :(

Ehm, I soloed most of my time and I am now lvl 45. I grouped a few times (and not because it was better XP/overtime, au contrair I would say) pure from a social POV: Helping infils in guild, joining a necro in guild. Was all the time PM'ing with him and we where both soloing. Might as well group up and talk in /g and it was pretty funny actually.

Really it's not that bad. You can find several good con mobs in DF (quasists, necyomancers, lilispawns (weak to crush too), several soultorns (the lower RR ones).

When DF is not open I often went Lyonesse to do dunters, townsman, etc.etc. Join a gobo-group occassionaly (PM peeps in Lyo around your level what they're doing etc)

And there is Barrows, the home of the Spanish Guilds. Ofcourse you meet lvl 40 paladins who cannot rezz, smite-clerics and other rare specs, but there is enough to solo.. Past the entrance you got a few skelllies who are worth fighting around lvl 38-39 I think, diseased rats, etc etc.

One thing is important if you want to solo: Good armour. Ask someone in your guild (LoD has quite a few nice peeps) if they can buy you some AF80 armour (random qua; won't cost major goldpieces) and let it SC'ed (not very expensive too) and you can easily take on mobs who troubled you while wearing drops.

If they don't wanna give it to ya, tell them you pay it back. I farmed easily 100g/hour around your level in DF when it was ours, so you can pay it back very fast. I had around 1 plat at lvl 38 purely from my XP'ing sessions (ok, I did alot of DF, and sold the seals). Once you got some money you got a firm base to pay for new armour and be self-supportive.


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
Ehm, I soloed most of my time and I am now lvl 45. I grouped a few times (and not because it was better XP/overtime, au contrair I would say) pure from a social POV: Helping infils in guild, joining a necro in guild. Was all the time PM'ing with him and we where both soloing. Might as well group up and talk in /g and it was pretty funny actually.

Really it's not that bad. You can find several good con mobs in DF (quasists, necyomancers, lilispawns (weak to crush too), several soultorns (the lower RR ones).

When DF is not open I often went Lyonesse to do dunters, townsman, etc.etc. Join a gobo-group occassionaly (PM peeps in Lyo around your level what they're doing etc)

And there is Barrows, the home of the Spanish Guilds. Ofcourse you meet lvl 40 paladins who cannot rezz, smite-clerics and other rare specs, but there is enough to solo.. Past the entrance you got a few skelllies who are worth fighting around lvl 38-39 I think, diseased rats, etc etc.

One thing is important if you want to solo: Good armour. Ask someone in your guild (LoD has quite a few nice peeps) if they can buy you some AF80 armour (random qua; won't cost major goldpieces) and let it SC'ed (not very expensive too) and you can easily take on mobs who troubled you while wearing drops.

If they don't wanna give it to ya, tell them you pay it back. I farmed easily 100g/hour around your level in DF when it was ours, so you can pay it back very fast. I had around 1 plat at lvl 38 purely from my XP'ing sessions (ok, I did alot of DF, and sold the seals). Once you got some money you got a firm base to pay for new armour and be self-supportive.

Aye u meantioned that u soloed alot, i have only experience in soloing with my infil and i could only solo yellows because i would get soo bad downtime if i did oranges, i guess that that changes whit friars? can they almost chain oranges?


Almost? :p
Aside from style-using/instaDDing/dex+qui debuffing stuff in Si zones, most oranges really aren't a prob if you have high staff/enh and good equipment. And of course if you don't fight crush-resistant crushing mobs. Basically, with MCL2, 32staff, 18rejuv and 38enhance (atm) you can solo oranges with no downtime at all. When you run out of power from healing yourself, you blow MCL and off you go again. Any further power-regen time is easily covered by going to make yourself a cuppa ;)


I (Elzy) can chain solo a mixture of yellow and orange at level 34 in DF - only a few seconds downtime. But:

I have 99% SC gear with capped stats
I have a Buffbot giving me renewal and str/con buf and heal inbetween combat.

I have been in higher level groups - actually unless its someone i know I dont bother to group unless it is a higher level group. XP are simply to crappy.


Originally posted by mrjack
Aye u meantioned that u soloed alot, i have only experience in soloing with my infil and i could only solo yellows because i would get soo bad downtime if i did oranges, i guess that that changes whit friars? can they almost chain oranges?

Well, you got end-chant and you can heal yourself up. Chaining yellow is easy, chaining oranges depends a bit on their ' real-con'. If they are normal orange it's ok, but high oranges can reduce your health up to 30% which requires healing, power, etc.

But it's alot better then an infil.


Originally posted by mawina_HB
I (Elzy) can chain solo a mixture of yellow and orange at level 34 in DF - only a few seconds downtime. But:

I have 99% SC gear with capped stats
I have a Buffbot giving me renewal and str/con buf and heal inbetween combat.

I have been in higher level groups - actually unless its someone i know I dont bother to group unless it is a higher level group. XP are simply to crappy.

I use random qua, capped stats, melee-resists. I don't have a buffbot nor other stuff and I can do the same mobs just as easy. Spec str/con gives you only more hp, but if you need that you are taking on to high con mobs (in my opinion) and you would be better off doing a slightly easier mob.

Renewal doesn't matter much, between combat heals help alot, it safes you power you need for end-chant and selfbuffs.


chain yellows is easy . even if 2-3 yellow at same time that are are resistant to crush , red/oranges all soloable. atm im chaining red/orange advisors "i get a - on them" and they drop fast for nice exp .only time i die to advisors is if my buffs drops when i 1st pull "major pain in ass" or if they drop there dot on me ,

i think i kill tasked to lvl20 .

20-24 i was in keltoi

24-29 catacombs and also fairrie frogs/skellys in plains "aweosme and rarely camped"

29-34 goblin whelps/retianers decayed barbs in 1st barrows room

34-38/9 reanimated foes/saxabone skeletons

38/9-40/1 tombkeepers in echo room great exp and easy to kill
also killin the lizard things down in the pit . some of em can be tough but ussually quiet easy

40-45 cliff spiders on the big hill in front of excal "aweosme exp easy to kil . mobs have little hp" also UBER exp down in the tree room deep in barrows, trees/skellys/sacrificial souls all easy to kill "watch out for the skellys DOT .

45-50 i intend on killin advisors/celts/phantoms/vigis

will get grps when i can . i spend most my time in dungeosn for the reaosn of the EXTRA BONUS for dungeosn mobs :) and because my comp is NOT good enough to run si "i have it and its activated" i have to stick to normal areas. i do get grps when i can . but due to virtually everybody being in Si its damn hard to find a good grp :(
the lvl range where i hunted might vary im just looking back at what i killed and tried rmemeber what lvl i ws when i hunted them

another thiong i did was i stayed in bg3 untill ihad enough rp's for dodger2 . has helped me tremendously during my exping :) so i can recomend gtting dodger2 to exp with to anybody :) o and mcl "didnt buy it though: ( i went dodger2 and longwind only rr2 atm :) saving for ip


Well Yoda that was one heck of a post there! i thank u greatly for posting that info! btw how much /play did it take to get to 50 for you all?

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