Friars in rvr?


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 25, 2004
Im playing prydwen.. but as clustering is inc soon i might as well ask here:)

im thinking of making a friar, or i have already made one (lvl 29 or something).. and i want to go in grps with it... and therefore i wonder - what specs is good for grouping? is healing friar worth doing as a friar, with heals and bodyguards and ressists etc (34 rej, 48ench, 29staff, 6parry)? I wont really get all those expencive artifacts now that clustering is inc.. but EoY i think i will get..

i mean; is friars worth to make as a healing\bging\buffing class and then assist\interupt enemy dudes? or should i just stick with my theurg\mincer?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2005
i would spec
39 staff
50 enhance
18 rejuv
9 parry

also u need to become ml 10.. this will enable u to bodyguard 1 while chain grabling 1 while u spam small heals on a third...
problem is.. u gotta take something out of the grp to get u in.. and imo the paladin is more useful cause he keeps giving the mercs (and everyone else) endurance...

so imo if u wanna go rvr pick one of these:
(there'll be 2 clerics & 2 mercs in grp)

on a final note dont let this scare u if u like the friar, play the friar, u'll get grp u'll go rvr u'll have fun, u just wont be "1337" (lol)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Friars are a solid versatile class, they're just not considered a must have by most alb groups - some of the more enlightened ones do however use them.

As for spec options, there's several main choices with the first point of choice usually being how high do you want to take enhancement (i.e. do you want red or yellow of heat/cold/matter).

So the cutoff points for enhance usually:
45 - best AF and dex/qui self buffs, yellow (16%) heat/cold/matter resists.
46 - best AF and dex/qui self buffs, red heat (24%) yellow cold/matter resists.
47 - as 46 but adds red self haste timed ability (38% - it's lovely).
48 - best AF, dex/qui and haste self buffs, red heat/cold (24%) resists, yellow matter resist.
49 - as 48 but with red (24%) matter resist.

You get nothing going past 49 in enhance.

Next choice is how high do you want to spec staff, common cutoff points being:

29 - boon (the most usefull staff style you'll ever get)
34 - holy staff, you'll probably use boon much more
39 - friar's fury, 2nd in chain off counter-evade
44 - stunning wrath, 3rd in chain nice stun, but you'll get very very few chances to use it.

To be honest, the main thing past 29 is higher weaponskill rather than the actual styles and 3 points of staff is making 25 points weaponskill difference on the friar that I use, so no big deal imho, especially when using battlemaster styles.

Final choice is how high rejuv, with the common cutoff points being:
7 - cure poison/disease, crappy heals, crap rezz
18 - as 7 but with slightly better healing and a 30% rezz
25 - as 25 but with an ok heal
33 - as 25 but with a ok++ heal

So taking all this into account, some (but by no means all) spec permutations Enh/Staff/Rej/Parry are:
47/44/7/12 - all out offence
49/39/18/9 - best resists
49/34/25/12 - best resists better healing, loss of ~ 42 points of weaponskill

and my current favourite: 49/29/33/3, good support spec, 0 points left over, and still only around 83 weaponskill down from 39 staff, which coupled with BM styles doesn't lose all that much damage.

Like any class though, the best spec is the one that suits the way you like to play.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Friars are one of the most overlooked classes to play in rvr, they bring a lot into a group - especially a BG friar - as Gira said - u need to be at least ml8. If you are running in a caster group they are essential, to stop the twoll-charge-of-doom.

red resists are essential - esp to help lessen warcock damage!

Friars are rare - well played friars are rarer than rocking-horse shit!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Girafmad said:
also u need to become ml 10.. this will enable u to bodyguard 1 while chain grabling 1 while u spam small heals on a third...
Only require ML8 to beable to Bodyguard and Grapple, ML9-10 is just a short duration d/q debuff and a random buff shear, which takes quite alot of end for the combo.

Here is a link to some BM INFO if it helps.

I'd like to try 29Staff 21Parry 25Rejuv 49Ench if I was making a Friar tbh. :)

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