Friar without enhance...




I was just wondering, what would a friar be like, if i speced only Staff and Parry, but used a enhance cleric to buff the friar with the enhance buffs, the way i see it, i'd only loose the 3 min retimer speed, and the absorb. Does anyone know what a staff/parry friar would be like, or would it be better with an infiltrator or something?

K thanks :p


The way I see it, is you would be better with an Infiltrator. You'd lose such things as Haste buff and the extra parry, as said by people in the past is not anything special when very high, meaning that Evade is better.


If you want to melee and have a buffbot - roll an armsman. I'd much rather have the additional spec points, hit points, weaponskill and plate armour than friar evade (which is good, but it's not THAT good) if I could count on top-line buffs, and all I wanted to do was hit stuff.

You'd also lose the endurance regen and buff - meaning you'd better add a paladin end-bot to your lineup or spend a lot of time OOE... it's unfunny how quickly that bar goes down if I forgot the end self-buff.


A friar without enhance is a waste of space.

The various self-buffs (absorb, haste, style endurance cost reduction) cant be replaced by a buff-bot. Neither can your resist buffs.


Friar without enhance... about as good as a mooblade.


Trust me, Friar without Enhance is a very very bad idea

I originally (before I realised that it was a very dumb idea) planned on going 44 Staff 49 Parry because I thought I'd be a defensive king. A Friars defence isnt in his ability to Parry (although it helps, Mastery of parry will also help) it's in his ability to avoid/take damage less than a normal meatshield.

You get AF buffs, absorption buffs, end regen, dex/quickness buffs and more that will all affect your ability to defend yourself more than Parry ever will.

Also, if you say you're planning on using a buffbot, while that would work with your own buffbot, you'll find it hard to convince a cleric in rvr to fully buff you because you can't buff yourself properly. They will have neither the concentration points to buff you and a full group or the patience ;)

Plus the resists come in handy


Also you will miss the haste buff,which i think will hurt your melee ability alot.


what you going to do run about soloing stuff ? without stealth ? in this day on daoc ? no groups will want you without resist buffs / mediocre healing etc and youll suck as tank no easy stun etc etc

bad idea dont bother


Imho a friar should spec fully in enchance and rejuv. Just to be 100% support. Friars will add those necessary resistbuffs and will work as a supportclass with good defense (evade5 & parry).


a friar with no enhance will prolyl be about as usefull as a lvl10 smite cleric :p .. total gimp .

what u do when u die ? just for example your in gorge hunting and u die but grp lives. run all the way back to atk emain for buffs from your buffbot?

also parry is NOT friars defense :) EVADE is our main defense

making a non enhance friar iswell and treuly gimping yourself :) im 49enhance and i am glad i spec'd that way :)


a friar with no enhance is like a pally with no chants ^^


Originally posted by skile
Imho a friar should spec fully in enchance and rejuv. Just to be 100% support. Friars will add those necessary resistbuffs and will work as a supportclass with good defense (evade5 & parry).

Not quite - the whole point of the friar is that it's a very flexible class, able to melee AND support. Most of the things a friar gets from speccing enhance are self buffs rather than group support anyway (the exception being the resist buffs). We'll never buff as well as a buffbot, or heal like a rejuve cleric, however we spec. What we can do is whale into combat just a bit more effectively than the cleric can once we're OOM or an enemy gets to us :)


A friar without enchance would be absolutely awful.

BTW. the 50 staff style Excommunicate does the same damage as friar's boon yet is a reactive. Really useful don't you think?


min enhance is 44 really simply cos u need the abs buff to bring ur leather upto chain like lvls.

48+ enhance and your grp will love u ;)


Originally posted by skile
Imho a friar should spec fully in enchance and rejuv. Just to be 100% support. Friars will add those necessary resistbuffs and will work as a supportclass with good defense (evade5 & parry).

imho you really should shut up about absolutely everything, forever. :p


Originally posted by skile
Imho a friar should spec fully in enchance and rejuv. Just to be 100% support. Friars will add those necessary resistbuffs and will work as a supportclass with good defense (evade5 & parry).

Then YOU do it, or no wait ... your really a friar? specing fully enhanc and reju unless your rr6+ will get you really bad staff dmg, and your a hybrid... so

Originally posted by old.LandShark
imho you really should shut up about absolutely everything, forever. :p


Thanks to only two people (the first to reply) who took the time to read my post... rest of you should try it, or just not make stupid posts that don't include the fact i said i had all but the haste/absorbtion buff/resists.


I don't see why Parry wouldn't be useful for a Friar. I regularly put a point into it and damn glad I do: there are fights I would not have survived if it weren't for my parry skill, no matter how good my offense is. Being a light tank does not mean you should neglect your defense.

As for the actual topic of this thread: enhancements would be unmissable. Staff styles make your hits look cool, enhancements makes your hits land hard.

All of this IMHO of course :p


Originally posted by Arwen

I was just wondering, what would a friar be like, if i speced only Staff and Parry, but used a enhance cleric to buff the friar with the enhance buffs, the way i see it, i'd only loose the 3 min retimer speed, and the absorb. Does anyone know what a staff/parry friar would be like, or would it be better with an infiltrator or something?

K thanks :p

well its an interesting idea, but it would probably not work very well, there are more flexible specs you can do.

i think one was 50staff 38enhance rest parry, would probably be quite a good soloer.

i dont quite see where you are heading with a staff/parry spec, that doesnt really make sense to me :p

when you say you _only_ lose the haste and absorb, well tbh those are two of the best things a friar has, and dont forget the end reducing buff, which is essential imo since staff probably has the highest end usage of any style line (try a boon unbuffed and you'll be lucky to land 3)


Originally posted by old.Kian
Not quite - the whole point of the friar is that it's a very flexible class, able to melee AND support. Most of the things a friar gets from speccing enhance are self buffs rather than group support anyway (the exception being the resist buffs). We'll never buff as well as a buffbot, or heal like a rejuve cleric, however we spec. What we can do is whale into combat just a bit more effectively than the cleric can once we're OOM or an enemy gets to us :)

Albion lacks balanced groups and healingclasses. The thing clerics lack (good defense) and resistbuffs adds up. A support class with gr8 defense, something unique to say the least. And alibon needs alternative healers.

Aule Valar

friar with no enchance is caster with staff spec trying to tank

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