French server Broceliande



Anyone know what's going on on Broceliande? was looking at the french camelot-europe site and found this:

Depuis quelques temps, les érudits de tous les royaumes font montre d'une grande inquiétude vis à vis d'un texte étrange et séculaire, relatant un combat titanesque s'étant déroulé « sur les Terres Connues », et qui aurai été partiellement gagné.

La capture récente de Korkan sur les terres de Midgard semble liée à la découverte de ce texte. Certain laissent entendre qu’il escortait en fait un archi druide d’Hibernia lors de sa capture. Alors, coïncidence ou plan mûrit de longue date ?

Les sages ont observé le ciel, et décrété une mission armée pour tirer les choses au clair ce samedi...

Retrouvez tous les éléments de la deuxième animation d’envergure organisée sur Brocéliande par plusieurs joueurs passionnés : ICI.

Found this a little curios and did a babelfishy on it :)
This is the result of the translation:

For some time, the scholars of all the kingdoms make watch of great concern with respect to a strange and secular text, reporting a titanic combat being unrolled "on the Known Grounds", and which will have been partially gained.

The recent capture of Korkan on the grounds of Midgard seems related to discovered of this text. Some imply escorted in fact a archi druide d.Hibernia at the time of his capture. Then, coincidence or plan matures of long date?

The wise ones observed the sky, and issued a mission armed to draw the things with light this Saturday...

Find all the elements of the second animation d.envergure organized on Brocéliande by several impassioned players: HERE

any frenchies out there that can tell us what's going on? from what I read it sounded like fun, and WHY DONT WE HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT (yet) :confused: :cool:


Originally posted by Sortbane
any frenchies out there that can tell us what's going on? from what I read it sounded like fun, and WHY DONT WE HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT (yet) :confused: :cool:
Cause we are not french and GOA is? :)


Originally posted by erl
Cause we are not french and GOA is? :)

Ick.. I knew it had to be a simple answer like that.. :(


Find all the elements of the second animation d.envergure organized on Brocéliande by several impassioned players: HERE

somewhere along the lines some part of the translation got lost, but looking at that this seems to be something of a co-ordination between the players and GMs?
(only keeping my hopes up here... really want to witness a HUGE event :eek: )

m00 :m00:


Hi there. Yes i'm french and playing on Brocéliande...

This is a players made anim/event which the approval (and help) of GOA. The six players (from the 3 realms) who did organize this have contacted GOA (via Joram (kemor's like) and Shanoir (Hibernia GM)), after succesfully made a previous players anim a few weeks ago (in wich a hibernian player, Korkan, was held hostage by midgard on the frontier and both albion and hibernia was sending troops to capture him alive, it was a timed rvr event with a specific goal : bring alive the prisonner to a given point)
If you're passionate and willing, you could do the same. Just prepare a good 3 realm event and try contact Kemor for this. You could first try some small scale event with your guild to practice since it's not an easy affair (especially to make it fair for the 3 realms and convince others to participate)

This event is schedule for saturday the 20th, 20h00 to 01h00 (GMT : 18h00 to 23h00)


Events are happening all the time. Take a look at the Albion/Prydwen board.


Originally posted by Sanctuas

Hi there. Yes i'm french and playing on Brocéliande...

This is a players made anim/event which the approval (and help) of GOA. The six players (from the 3 realms) who did organize this have contacted GOA (via Joram (kemor's like) and Shanoir (Hibernia GM)), after succesfully made a previous players anim a few weeks ago (in wich a hibernian player, Korkan, was held hostage by midgard on the frontier and both albion and hibernia was sending troops to capture him alive, it was a timed rvr event with a specific goal : bring alive the prisonner to a given point)
If you're passionate and willing, you could do the same. Just prepare a good 3 realm event and try contact Kemor for this. You could first try some small scale event with your guild to practice since it's not an easy affair (especially to make it fair for the 3 realms and convince others to participate)

This event is schedule for saturday the 20th, 20h00 to 01h00 (GMT : 18h00 to 23h00)

Thanks for that, that was the wee little thing that I wanted to know :)

If I now remember correctly there was a thread around here somewhere with talk of events from the player side.. I heard a lot of big words about being willing to things like that, but.. can anyone here pull this thing off? :whip:

Originally posted by old.Hendrick
Events are happening all the time. Take a look at the Albion/Prydwen board.

aye, that I know, but what was in my mind was something a tad bit "grandiose".. It's LOT more fun to take part in things that you can help with, eg. player & GM run events.. I don't have the time to start planning something like this for atleast 3-4 weeks due to having a hard math exam in a short time..
just trying to wake the people up so they can get their lazy arses of the XP-threadmill and make an event! (or atleast give it a fair shot ;) )


pah, hard maths...

what sort of exam? :)

Will be cool to participate in some events ;) think I change chars too much to find one :)

A pightly slished Fingoniel.


pah, hard maths...

hehe.. all math is hard and it's all a conspiracy to make us all believe that we're stupid so the swiss can invade us all with their little pocketknives.. (they're more evil than they want us to believe... :m00: )

Was wondering on on thing more.. what's the story sofar on the event? I've had some thougth that could make a cool event, but sofar it seems like we need GM's to do this ;) (what ever happened to that event thread I saw on the forums a little while ago? :rolleyes: )

- Sortbane over and out

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