Are f2s ne gud, i'm thinking about getting there wires only ADSL package ?
O old.Devilfish2k2 Guest Apr 14, 2002 #1 Are f2s ne gud, i'm thinking about getting there wires only ADSL package ?
O old.blackcow Guest Apr 16, 2002 Thread starter #2 btopenworld now sport thier own wires only kit too, they released it a few weeks after i payed 75quid for an arab to drink my tea
btopenworld now sport thier own wires only kit too, they released it a few weeks after i payed 75quid for an arab to drink my tea
S Summo Guest Apr 18, 2002 Thread starter #3 As do Nildram and Pipex and several others I'm sure. Personally I'd go with Nildram. Can't fault them.
As do Nildram and Pipex and several others I'm sure. Personally I'd go with Nildram. Can't fault them.