Hi fellow Hibbies...
Most of the current population of longer term DAoC players will have heard of (one way or another - but hopefully good) Draconis Alumni. Many DAoC players who were once guildies have moved on and played other games as people do and DA has said goodbye to many of it's dear friends - massive list here : ( - Some of which have moved on to other guilds in favour of more RVR or PVE guilds - fair do's and who can blame em!! Hell, I even tried PM for about 4 weeks!!
Anyways - in danger of (in Athy styleee of rambling on about nothing) - The point (ah yes the point - finally!!)
I provide DA it's service for the website and have long done so since DA started four (err has it been that long?) years ago which I still keep on top of - not that it needs it these days as it's under used!
Which really does make me shut up and come to the point ? I'd like to offer a site to all Hibernia Guilds who currently DON'T run a site - one *FREE OF CHARGE*.
It will be in the form of a sub domain to draconisalumni.co.uk - which for the non nerdy of you (or not bored by now!) means you can have:-
http://yourguildname.draconisalumni.co.uk - FREE OF CHARGE!.
Why am I doing this? Well - mainly coz I'm nice but in reality I provide the web space (and admin the site when it needs it) for DA which is not meeting it's quota each month so rather than see it under used - I'm offering it to others to use.
I want to say RIGHT now - there is no catch to this (and I get nothing out of it) other than you are governed by the points I have made below. No pop-up's or banners or spam and spy ware what so ever (well maybe my own banner if u like!!
There are some conditions of course:-
It's for basic website and forums only - not music (mp3's etc...) mpegs etc.. I.e. you don't take liberties with bandwidth. That includes no chat apps such as Team speak.
Please - No porn what so ever!
Please - No dodgy stuff that might make Bill! Gates > my butt!!! So no illegal downloads or illegal web apps! - Such as unlicensed PHP Nuke etc...
I DON'T have to admin it - Noooo! I'm more than happy to advise on software and help as much as I can and cba - but I'm not officially providing support for it - I’m offering it as a favour - coz I wuv Hib! But basically I won't be doing anything out of the ordinary but I will provide a backup IF you need it!
You won't get ANY admin rights to the server itself and that includes SSH or full admin FTP rights. I will however provide you with an yoursite@draconisalumni.co.uk email address - including a forwarder or web mail access. And of course FTP "chmod" 777 to start with.
No spam! do it and the sub domain is history - NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
DB access - I'll create at DB if required - for forums. Only one!
If you "flout" (take the piss) with those conditions - I'll have no alternative to warn you and offer alternative options (££) but I need to secure other legitimate paying users on the server.
If you do have hungry bandwidth issues - PM me and we'll come to an arrangement which will of course involve money
You can move everything off of the site when and as you wish - I can take backup's etc... if you require - let me know etc..
I'm not going to be responsible for any "security" issues - so ensure you know what you are doing and secure the site - I will provide you with a sub domain and directory forwarding and that's it (unless it involves wine or beer!)
If you want commercial grade hosting - let me know I can provide that too - www.dotcomsolutions.net
Lastly - apologies to the mods if they feel this is advertising, which it's not as this is a legitimate offer to smaller guilds on hib who don't have their own site but want one.
Most of the current population of longer term DAoC players will have heard of (one way or another - but hopefully good) Draconis Alumni. Many DAoC players who were once guildies have moved on and played other games as people do and DA has said goodbye to many of it's dear friends - massive list here : ( - Some of which have moved on to other guilds in favour of more RVR or PVE guilds - fair do's and who can blame em!! Hell, I even tried PM for about 4 weeks!!
Anyways - in danger of (in Athy styleee of rambling on about nothing) - The point (ah yes the point - finally!!)
I provide DA it's service for the website and have long done so since DA started four (err has it been that long?) years ago which I still keep on top of - not that it needs it these days as it's under used!
Which really does make me shut up and come to the point ? I'd like to offer a site to all Hibernia Guilds who currently DON'T run a site - one *FREE OF CHARGE*.
It will be in the form of a sub domain to draconisalumni.co.uk - which for the non nerdy of you (or not bored by now!) means you can have:-
http://yourguildname.draconisalumni.co.uk - FREE OF CHARGE!.
Why am I doing this? Well - mainly coz I'm nice but in reality I provide the web space (and admin the site when it needs it) for DA which is not meeting it's quota each month so rather than see it under used - I'm offering it to others to use.
I want to say RIGHT now - there is no catch to this (and I get nothing out of it) other than you are governed by the points I have made below. No pop-up's or banners or spam and spy ware what so ever (well maybe my own banner if u like!!
There are some conditions of course:-
It's for basic website and forums only - not music (mp3's etc...) mpegs etc.. I.e. you don't take liberties with bandwidth. That includes no chat apps such as Team speak.
Please - No porn what so ever!
Please - No dodgy stuff that might make Bill! Gates > my butt!!! So no illegal downloads or illegal web apps! - Such as unlicensed PHP Nuke etc...
I DON'T have to admin it - Noooo! I'm more than happy to advise on software and help as much as I can and cba - but I'm not officially providing support for it - I’m offering it as a favour - coz I wuv Hib! But basically I won't be doing anything out of the ordinary but I will provide a backup IF you need it!
You won't get ANY admin rights to the server itself and that includes SSH or full admin FTP rights. I will however provide you with an yoursite@draconisalumni.co.uk email address - including a forwarder or web mail access. And of course FTP "chmod" 777 to start with.
No spam! do it and the sub domain is history - NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
DB access - I'll create at DB if required - for forums. Only one!
If you "flout" (take the piss) with those conditions - I'll have no alternative to warn you and offer alternative options (££) but I need to secure other legitimate paying users on the server.
If you do have hungry bandwidth issues - PM me and we'll come to an arrangement which will of course involve money
You can move everything off of the site when and as you wish - I can take backup's etc... if you require - let me know etc..
I'm not going to be responsible for any "security" issues - so ensure you know what you are doing and secure the site - I will provide you with a sub domain and directory forwarding and that's it (unless it involves wine or beer!)
If you want commercial grade hosting - let me know I can provide that too - www.dotcomsolutions.net
Lastly - apologies to the mods if they feel this is advertising, which it's not as this is a legitimate offer to smaller guilds on hib who don't have their own site but want one.