Hello there, firstly I would like to introduce myself in case your wondering who this freak is wandering in announcing he's going to do free for all raids in TG. Well I have played mid/prydwen since retail start with different chars, a list of those and contact info can be found at the end of this post. Recently I left BaF due to different views on organisation and personel issues that id like to avoid explaining any more thourgh at this time. As for my experience in leading TG raids, I have lead two BaF only guild raids. Both hugely successful with about double the lootcount vs the participants.
However, one thing that has been bothering me for a long time is how TG raids have been organized on mid/pryd. The problem with epic dungeons is the respawn time on mobs. The normal respawn time of all mobs below the first level is about twelve hours, naturally this causes a problem with raids organized in the same time periode as another raid. In a attempt to avoid such things certain weekdays were booked for certain guilds. It doesnt take a genius to figure out that there is not enough days in the week to accomdate the amount of guilds on mid/prydwen. Seeing as Tuscaren Glacier loot is in great demand and the willingness to raid TG will only increase next patch due to respec stones dropping there I think it's time to give those not lucky enough to have a guild that has a scheudeled day in TG (or guildless people for that matter) a chance to get TG loot. That does not mean that members of above mentioned guilds with booked days cant participate. This is a Free For All raid, as long as you can pull your own weight in the raid your free to come. However, for a free for all guild to work properly I would like to lay down some rules.
* You have to be level 50 in order to roll for loot
* In order to take part in the lotto, you have to remain for it - ie you can't log during the raid if you expect to take part of the lotto
* When lottoing, the raid leader (normally me, but might differ at times) will decide which classes are allowed to lotto for an item if it's not class specific; no amount of moaning will change this
* When lottoing, /random 100 will be used select the lucky winner
* If you participate on a raid up till the lotto and don't win anything, you will be allowed to add +10 to your roll on the next raid (and so on until you actually win something); the modifiers will be noted down in an Excel DB by the raid leaders
* If you have to log early, or go LD, the raid leader might add a +5 modifier for your rolls on the next raid; note that this is up to the discretion of the raid leader
* You may roll for alts, IF 1) your alt is also level 50 and 2) you notify the raid leader prior to entering Sidi that you intend to roll for this character; note that you may not roll for drops for your present class if you elect to do this
* Follow the raid leader's directives at all times - if you can't abide by what he tells you, you shouldn't come
* You may not sell loot you win by lottoing - if you find that you don't actually need an item you've won, return it to the raid leader. If you opt to sell it you will be banned from future raids.
* You may only win one drop per raid session - think about what you want before lottoing
* You may only lotto for an item your character is specced for - in other words your S/S paladin may not lotto for a twohander "for the looks" or any other reason (not that likely since were mid, but the point remains valid)
* Make sure that you're in the CG - attendance lists are made based on who's in it
* Do not use anon - if you're found to be on anon you won't be accredited a modifier for future raids
These rules are a direct copy of the rules posted by Path a.k.a. Blaen from alb/pryd about their Caer Sidi raids on the last watch forum.
I will never take any kind of pro's for leading this raid, like for example claiming a item as payment for leading the raid like some have taken upon themselves to do at dragon raids and TG raids before. If this raid is a success and I find the time spent to be worth it I will throw more of these raids in the future. Hopefully we could make it a weekly occurance.
If you need to contact me I can be found in #daoc.prydwen on qnet under the handle shanks or ingame on the chars below.
Mistblinde 50 Thane
Tessan 50 Hunter
Fetstryk 50 Zerk
Thrash 50 Shammy
Fusk 50 savage
Everbleed 26 Warrior
Blinde 5 Alchemist
Im mostly on Fetstryk or Everbleed atm but can also be found near a alchemy table during primetime zerging in emain. :bore:
However, one thing that has been bothering me for a long time is how TG raids have been organized on mid/pryd. The problem with epic dungeons is the respawn time on mobs. The normal respawn time of all mobs below the first level is about twelve hours, naturally this causes a problem with raids organized in the same time periode as another raid. In a attempt to avoid such things certain weekdays were booked for certain guilds. It doesnt take a genius to figure out that there is not enough days in the week to accomdate the amount of guilds on mid/prydwen. Seeing as Tuscaren Glacier loot is in great demand and the willingness to raid TG will only increase next patch due to respec stones dropping there I think it's time to give those not lucky enough to have a guild that has a scheudeled day in TG (or guildless people for that matter) a chance to get TG loot. That does not mean that members of above mentioned guilds with booked days cant participate. This is a Free For All raid, as long as you can pull your own weight in the raid your free to come. However, for a free for all guild to work properly I would like to lay down some rules.
* You have to be level 50 in order to roll for loot
* In order to take part in the lotto, you have to remain for it - ie you can't log during the raid if you expect to take part of the lotto
* When lottoing, the raid leader (normally me, but might differ at times) will decide which classes are allowed to lotto for an item if it's not class specific; no amount of moaning will change this
* When lottoing, /random 100 will be used select the lucky winner
* If you participate on a raid up till the lotto and don't win anything, you will be allowed to add +10 to your roll on the next raid (and so on until you actually win something); the modifiers will be noted down in an Excel DB by the raid leaders
* If you have to log early, or go LD, the raid leader might add a +5 modifier for your rolls on the next raid; note that this is up to the discretion of the raid leader
* You may roll for alts, IF 1) your alt is also level 50 and 2) you notify the raid leader prior to entering Sidi that you intend to roll for this character; note that you may not roll for drops for your present class if you elect to do this
* Follow the raid leader's directives at all times - if you can't abide by what he tells you, you shouldn't come
* You may not sell loot you win by lottoing - if you find that you don't actually need an item you've won, return it to the raid leader. If you opt to sell it you will be banned from future raids.
* You may only win one drop per raid session - think about what you want before lottoing
* You may only lotto for an item your character is specced for - in other words your S/S paladin may not lotto for a twohander "for the looks" or any other reason (not that likely since were mid, but the point remains valid)
* Make sure that you're in the CG - attendance lists are made based on who's in it
* Do not use anon - if you're found to be on anon you won't be accredited a modifier for future raids
These rules are a direct copy of the rules posted by Path a.k.a. Blaen from alb/pryd about their Caer Sidi raids on the last watch forum.
I will never take any kind of pro's for leading this raid, like for example claiming a item as payment for leading the raid like some have taken upon themselves to do at dragon raids and TG raids before. If this raid is a success and I find the time spent to be worth it I will throw more of these raids in the future. Hopefully we could make it a weekly occurance.
If you need to contact me I can be found in #daoc.prydwen on qnet under the handle shanks or ingame on the chars below.
Mistblinde 50 Thane
Tessan 50 Hunter
Fetstryk 50 Zerk
Thrash 50 Shammy
Fusk 50 savage
Everbleed 26 Warrior
Blinde 5 Alchemist
Im mostly on Fetstryk or Everbleed atm but can also be found near a alchemy table during primetime zerging in emain. :bore: