Free Day?



Well it's been a disapointing to the long awaited release of SI. It was to be expected that there would be problems but I don't think any one anticipated the grand scale of problems we've had.

1st. Getting SI was a mare - my local store refused to sell it. I phoned them twice telling them that the release date was today. It was until only after they phoned their buying department they they changed their mind and sold me copies. Saying that the software house had changed their minds!

2nd. Then - the servers are down until gone 9ish this evening. Then the patch servers are back online - great I'm now patched. Ummm I can't upgrade my account to play SI. I've, like many others have been trying to update my account for THREE hours.

GOA - What a bodge!!! what an absolute farce!! Why not patch the servers weeks in adance? Least this way you could have resolved any issues upfront and not been in such a mess. People would not have been bothered as much if they could have played as normal until issues were resolved.

I think in the circumstances GOA should give us at least one free day on our subscription and as a gesture of good will and applogies on their behalf should make it a couple of days!


Agreed, this is a farce. I spent all day in work looking forward to coming back to play SI, and after waiting for HOURS for the server to get back up I download the patch only to have it apparently break my install of DAOC. I can't get the game to even load now, it has to be the patch, I had DAOC working fine yesterday and all I did today was d/l new patch and install SI.



for real guys, does a free day matter anything at all? couldnt even buy a coke for that cash.

And btw, how can you blame goa for a snowstorm in the US? :>


we should not be paying to play a game m0 :( free year or 2 would be nice


They said Wednesday, and it was done on wednesday, stop whining and get a life!


Att.: svartmetall

Correct me if im wrong...u wrote u d/l'd patch and THEN installed...goa said install THEN patch :doh:

Cud that be it?



Originally posted by athalas
Well it's been a disapointing to the long awaited release of SI. It was to be expected that there would be problems but I don't think any one anticipated the grand scale of problems we've had.

1st. Getting SI was a mare - my local store refused to sell it. I phoned them twice telling them that the release date was today. It was until only after they phoned their buying department they they changed their mind and sold me copies. Saying that the software house had changed their minds!

2nd. Then - the servers are down until gone 9ish this evening. Then the patch servers are back online - great I'm now patched. Ummm I can't upgrade my account to play SI. I've, like many others have been trying to update my account for THREE hours.

GOA - What a bodge!!! what an absolute farce!! Why not patch the servers weeks in adance? Least this way you could have resolved any issues upfront and not been in such a mess. People would not have been bothered as much if they could have played as normal until issues were resolved.

I think in the circumstances GOA should give us at least one free day on our subscription and as a gesture of good will and applogies on their behalf should make it a couple of days!

1. Your own bloody fault for living in a gimped country. I ordered mine from a small shop and got it 1 day later. Its not GOAs fault your local shops dont want to buy DAoC, or is it ?

2. Servers were down 'cus Mythic (Can you see the difference between Mythic/GOA) are unable to drive in 1 feet of snow ? Or use a public transportation to work ? Why didnt you bloody buy the game ealier, the validation has been on the site for several days, there was PLENTY of time to do it before the Last Minute Rush(tm).

Conclusion: You handled SI release badly, you sucked. Fuck off whining tard.


Done for 12h ! 1 free day.
Check your Account instead crying !


lol, of course if GOA weren't so far behind the US servers they wouldn't have had to rush out 3 patches at once... :rolleyes:


Re: Re: Free Day?

Originally posted by kr0n

Conclusion: You handled SI release badly, you sucked. Fuck off whining tard.


Repent Reloaded

I fucking agree, I took the time to pre order SI, took the time to spend £200 on my PC (Im a student so thats alot of cash to me) so it will play well, left college 3 hours early, what do I find when I get home with my copy of SI, cant fucking use it. I've been tryin to validate my account for almost 11 hours!!! ffs GOA, u wasted alot of time and hope of mine.


Firstly, asking for a free day is a bit presuptiuous in my opinion. I think only a fool would think there was zero possibility of somthing buggering up and think about it the nice people at GOA stays at work till what was it 9-10pm? ok, if thats not a sign that they care then i don't know what is and personally wheither they managed to get it all working or not i don't really care i'm greatful that they did it.

So nice big :clap: to GOA, you've risen my opinion of the french 10 fold ;)

And yeah, if you knew it wasn't working why did you spend hours staring at the screen waiting? shit happens, get over it.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
They said Wednesday, and it was done on wednesday, stop whining and get a life!

Thursday and still a vast majority cant log on thanks to the account pages being unavailable.. I suspect you'd be less forgiving if you were one of us.

I wasnt even home much last night to play but still think it shows how utterly useless GOA management can be. Patch servers without having all the files.. DUH!


Originally posted by Archeon
nice people at GOA stays at work till what was it 9-10pm? ok, if thats not a sign that they care then i don't know what is

It's a company, if they f*ck up they have to stay and fix it. Welcome to the realm world (which granted most people seem to be avoiding these days) :p

What annoys me is that it isnt the first time GOA have tried to put the blame on Mythic, they should have had those files ages ago and should not have waited until a few days before patching before thinking *oops we're still missing a few files here*

Remember they did say they'd tested all this, well tell me how they can test a patch that isnt even complete because they dont have the files from Mythic :)


its 8:45 in france atm, most people will probably be on their way to work right about now. So of course they arn't going to have fixed the problem yet, Read a book, buy a hampser do somthing other than whine on about how unfair and out-raged you are that the GOA staff have lifes of their own to lead and arn't availible 24/7 to serve your every whim.


Re: Re: Free Day?

Originally posted by kr0n

1. Your own bloody fault for living in a gimped country. I ordered mine from a small shop and got it 1 day later. Its not GOAs fault your local shops dont want to buy DAoC, or is it ?

2. Servers were down 'cus Mythic (Can you see the difference between Mythic/GOA) are unable to drive in 1 feet of snow ? Or use a public transportation to work ? Why didnt you bloody buy the game ealier, the validation has been on the site for several days, there was PLENTY of time to do it before the Last Minute Rush(tm).

Conclusion: You handled SI release badly, you sucked. Fuck off whining tard.

I hate to say it, pr0n. but I actually fully agree.


Re: Re: Re: Free Day?

Originally posted by Belsameth

I hate to say it, pr0n. but I actually fully agree.


(Me too).


Originally posted by kameh

Thursday and still a vast majority cant log on thanks to the account pages being unavailable.. I suspect you'd be less forgiving if you were one of us.

I wasnt even home much last night to play but still think it shows how utterly useless GOA management can be. Patch servers without having all the files.. DUH!
Firstly /em waves :)

Secondly, I am one too old freind. However, what do you think the result would have been if GOA announced that they wanted to put the patches back a week because they were having problems, and it might be better to be safe than sorry? Wow, if this is flaming, that would be an inferno!

Yes there are issues about the sign up process, but they have to be realistic. More than 80 ppl signing up at anyone time could make things worse, info starts getting lost, databases crash etc etc, and again, where would ppl be then.

Im quite happy to let the zerg through first and do mine at 0200 when all the children are in bed, and the web site is devoid of kiddies getting their mummys credit card covered in chocolate.


Originally posted by athalas

1st. Getting SI was a mare - my local store refused to sell it. I phoned them twice telling them that the release date was today. It was until only after they phoned their buying department they they changed their mind and sold me copies. Saying that the software house had changed their minds!

2nd. Then - the servers are down until gone 9ish this evening. Then the patch servers are back online - great I'm now patched. Ummm I can't upgrade my account to play SI. I've, like many others have been trying to update my account for THREE hours.

GOA - What a bodge!!! what an absolute farce!! Why not patch the servers weeks in adance? Least this way you could have resolved any issues upfront and not been in such a mess. People would not have been bothered as much if they could have played as normal until issues were resolved.

1. the original release date was the 21st, being nice they decided to allow it to go out on the 19th - so GAME didn't know about it... you've still got your copy.

2. there are probably in ther region of 10,000+ people trying to connect to the patch servers. Account registration is an involved process - of course it'll not be up.


I need to stop reading these whines.

Edit: yep I definitely do - I agreed with pr0n!!!

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