FPS close quarters tips, anyone?

  • Thread starter old.Trine Aquavit
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old.Trine Aquavit

OK, I'm a total FPS noob. I've never really played any FPS games until PS and, when faced by pretty much any enemy face-to-face I end up in a body bag.

So, do any of you vets have any tips on one-on-one combat?


Find a good vantage point if possible. Like a wasted tank or one of your own. But if you are right in front of eachover, best thing to do is keep moving and firing. As long as you keep your target on them (can be hard with the lag at times) and keep moving and firing you will have just as much chance of killing them as they will of killing you.


If fighting up close and personal - circle-strafe.

Keep your target in front of you whilst circling round him/sidestepping (ie. circle strafing).

I've been pounding on TR MAX's with my sweeper and jackhammer lately - circle round the back of them (their turning arc is awful) and pump the back full of lead - keep turning though or you are mincemeat.

I've seen people jumping about trying not to get shot as if they were in CS - its not a straightforward "twitch" game so there's no point (hitboxes arent the same etc etc).

As dil said - keep under cover if possible if its not a a dirty face to face fight.


Use a BIG gun :p I use Special Assault rocklet and at close range it unloads 6 shells in 1 second which 99% of the time kills anyone standing there, 2 clips will often drop a MAX.
Cleared 2 MAX units and 1 hacker from a CC room with 3 clips of a rocklet gun one time :D


Keep an eye on the terrain with your peripheral vision. You should be timing it so that as soon as your clip runs you slot behind some cover to reload.

Get your med kit key bound to something closer than F1. It's too easy to hit other keys by mistake when you're reaching that far and then it all goes pear shaped :/

Switch your strafe direction occasionally when circling. Doesn't help so much if he's using a hitscan weapon but if he has something like lasher and is leading you then he'll miss a ton of shots and have to readjust aim.

I find jumping pretty good in the right circumstances. Can sometimes cause you to warp around a bit which is cheap but can even up the odds.

Most face to face one-on-ones will go to the guy with the most health though :(


Originally posted by .Cask
Most face to face one-on-ones will go to the guy with the most health though :(

... well... at the end? Isn't that a bit obvious??? ;) :p


Aye, Xtro's right, keep you aim on your target and strafe left and/or right. It does take some getting used to because as you've no doubt already discovered when you move and aim your aim goes a bit off :D, it's just a case of getting used to keeping the mouse aimed right but it's a tried and tested formula in every FPS game and it makes you very difficult to hit, especially if the enemy shooting at you is taking hits at the same time.

Another trick for shooting which again, i'm sure you already know is burst firing, although i haven't taken much note when firing in PS, it is again, another tried and tested formula (If you didn't burst fire in Counter Strike you hardly hit anything) and it does keep the cone smaller, maybe not a great deal but enough to make you a little more accurate (tap your mouse/fire button quickly instead of holding it down).

I'd agree about jumping as well, very little point tbh and as a lot of the weapons being fired at you have at least some small area of effect jumping won't save your ass as much as it would have in other similar games.

BTW: i don't do any of the above, wish i did, i wouldn't die so much, hehe ;)

Noir BR12 Adv Hack/Infil/Mosq/AMS/Medic
Rigon BR6 Spec Assault/Eng

Serving WRK and The Vanu Sovereignty


Originally posted by Jupitus

... well... at the end? Isn't that a bit obvious??? ;) :p

Just shows that skill will only get you so far which is a bit sad really. It's not like CS where you could take out the entire enemy team with a decent aim and good tactics.

Course I'm talkin bout my perspective as a HV/AV ground pounder type. I'm sure reaver pilots and pre-nerf terran max's might have other experiences :D


Yep, I've been on the receiving end of Cornell's rocket strafe a few times, and he's right - there's no real way to get out the way quick enough.

Played UT2k3 here for a bit, but was usually mid-table tbh. With that in mind, I went the stealth route at least initially, to get a feel for tactics before going reinf with big guns. Decided yesterday I was a bit bored of laying mines, and got out the handgun.
Ended up in one hell of a fight with my outfit, one of those times you just HAVE to take the tower for a respawn point. My guys are all range shooting, so I stealthed and crept round the side, and hid by the wall, running up & close range killing NC after NC. So much so I had to loot corpses for more ammo :p

Try playing a stealther with hand gun, always crawl so you're not visible, have darklight, so other stealths dont get you before you get them, and get the health regen implant if you can. Wait till the enemy are crouching hitting someone else, run up & unload at point-blank. There's just no counter for it. But be ready to die after one you killed realises what happens, respawns and clicks on DL :)

Oh, and if you're in a max, in a building, and you're being circle-straffed, back up into a corner - this is the only way to neutralise that tactic with a max, the turning speed is a killer in the open -like walking in treacle... Worked this one out after hacking a tower, getting my AI max out and defending it from some grunts running about like bunnies on speed...

Opium, BR12 Infy, hacker, CE & AI max - Werner
K1 & K2 - Hib Pryd & Camlann respectively


yeah point blank range is all ping and strafe usually the first to start the strafe. ive not tried knife yet is it quite deadly? like 1 shot kill on re-enforced suit? :)


Forgot to say with the auto-fire mode on the rocklet gun, major pointer **AIM FOR THEIR FEET** :) you don't gotta hit them in the face but 6 explosions all around them will often break a nail or two.


Melee implant & Knife on glowie/humm mode is a 2 hit kill on most. Being Vanu means that the damn knife glows, so useless unless the target is distracted / hacking something etc.

Got a few knife kills, but I dropped the Melee Booster for health regen - no room for med kits with an inf :)



Originally posted by Omniscieous
Forgot to say with the auto-fire mode on the rocklet gun, major pointer **AIM FOR THEIR FEET** :) you don't gotta hit them in the face but 6 explosions all around them will often break a nail or two.

Good point there mate that I neglected to mention - when using ANY splash damage weapon, aim at the feet if its a max or grunt.

Scooba Da Bass

Don't burst fire up close, it's a waste of time.


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
OK, I'm a total FPS noob. I've never really played any FPS games until PS and, when faced by pretty much any enemy face-to-face I end up in a body bag.

So, do any of you vets have any tips on one-on-one combat?

dont fight TR, or NC....

should be alright then, coz they are cheat you see. noobs the lot of um.


FUnny you should say that...

I bumped into Omni in a besieged tower. He said "Noob" then skulked out in his stealther outfit!



actually it was "FFS N00B" I think.

Plus you let me die while I tried to rehack tower, and I'm the fastest hacker in the West so no excuses about taking too long :p

old.Trine Aquavit

Thanks, guys. It seems I'm doing the right sort of thing (i.e. circle strafing), and I'm just lacking in a couple of areas:

1. My circle-strafing isn't too good yet

2. I don't have a big enough gun

Funnily enough, point (2) is partly because of lack of FPS experience - I took certs that would be more tactical/support than twitch. I probably ought to make myself an out-and-out re-inf/weapons grunt and see if I do any better.


vs cheat so much omg, especially their flying MAX's - bastard cheaters


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
Thanks, guys. It seems I'm doing the right sort of thing (i.e. circle strafing), and I'm just lacking in a couple of areas:

1. My circle-strafing isn't too good yet

2. I don't have a big enough gun

Funnily enough, point (2) is partly because of lack of FPS experience - I took certs that would be more tactical/support than twitch. I probably ought to make myself an out-and-out re-inf/weapons grunt and see if I do any better.

use armour piercing bullets, does like 2x the damage of normal on anything thats armoured (eg: heavy assault, max)


oh and armour piercing shotgun owns close range, taken out MAX's solo by circle straifing + armour piercing shotgun at v.close range ( also having a quick finger on your medkits is good, and ducking out behind some cover when reloading if possible)


You can always go for the more malicious way of fighting and take Combat Engineering. Putting mines down in big fire-fights in forests or round a corner and luring people about its often somewhat.. ..effective. Plus spitfires can rack you up some nice XP when cunningly placed :p


for close up fighting, the punisher is the best VS have, NC and TR should use their medium assault weaps

I use punisher, and if you're gonna die anyway, use that frag grenade to go out in a blaze of glory


Originally posted by SilverHood
for close up fighting, the punisher is the best VS have, NC and TR should use their medium assault weaps

I use punisher, and if you're gonna die anyway, use that frag grenade to go out in a blaze of glory

I use the punisher as my main weap and I seemed to kill more people with the plasma nade when testing them out. Also they are damn handy at showing up stealthers, just follow the green mist, as they don't have armour it does them shed loads of damage too. I always launch one when fighting.


Actually Karienal, I added medic to my infil last night and found it to be a life saver :)) no pun intended). Some people are quick (Aki and Shadoh being 2 very fast ones) and as soon as they feel the first bullet they spray in the general direction it came from, which is pretty much what most of us do i guess but they seem to be fairly accurate. Now, i will take some hits but with full life in many cases i can still get the kill, problem is, the loss of life makes my next target that much more difficult. 100 bullets is enough, im adv hack / infil so im never short of supplies, can always get to a term somewhere and if not, looting will keep me filled so i decided to add medic cert and ditch the 50 bullets for the med gun. Wasnt till late last night i added it but in normal infiltration and hacking routines i found it kept me in the field a good bit longer. Didn't want to try the regen implant although it sounds good, first choice was DL and of course i use it all the time, adv targetting is the other i have. I know in bases if im desperate i can hack a med term but i've actually been killed on them a few times so i try not to use them.
Each to his/her own of course but i don't think the medic cert should be overlooked just becuase your an infil and really don't have the space, i know a few infils that have it and they have no intention of giving it up.

Still haven't managed to kill Aki once yet, still working on it tho, it's just really hard to dodge shotgun bullets :(

Noir BR12 Adv Hack/Infil/Mosq/AMS/Medic (on advice from the vanu health authority)
Rigon BR6 Spec Assault/Eng

Serving WRK and The Vanu Sovereignty


I've used medic before, and whilst it's very effective, you hit the nail on the head - I can't afford the space...

My pack when I'm pistolled up is the gun, rek and 2 ammo packs, and an ACE, for when only a boomer will do (I now have 9 favourite armour configs for different situations, so gonna have to lose some when I get more certs). That's probably the difference, my ACE for your med gun.

Still, a good plan for those none CE infils - but I love my boomers :) I just have to crouch hide for 2 mins, with regen implant ticking - it's a pain, but it saves pack space, hehe.



Ahh, fair point, if you are CE as well then i understand the need for the swap, makes more sense.

Noir BR12 Adv Hack/Infil/Mosq/AMS/Medic (on advice from the vanu health authority)
Rigon BR6 Spec Assault/Eng

Serving WRK and The Vanu Sovereignty


I'll say one thing about this game, there's a hell of a lot of complexity derived from its simple interface & skill system.

Lots of options about how to play, different styles etc. It's bloody good fun apart from anything else too ;)

Get bored, you can change your spec - I'm currently trying out the max's just to see how they fair in combat for example. This, whilst keeping a more than viable spec at the same time.

But I found a nice outfit, and that means squads are usually always available - it makes a difference.

Yay, I got totally off topic, but I'm loving PS



Originally posted by Tidus Morgahna
Still haven't managed to kill Aki once yet, still working on it tho, it's just really hard to dodge shotgun bullets :(

Is always hard when they are camping your spawn tubes with a jacky.

But back on topic:
Before i got my AV cert i had medium assault and my adv med. dual guass cannot be beaten in nearly all fights vs other reinf./agile.

Now with my AV and Guass along side my med applicator i can deal with pretty much anything if i see it coming. AV for maxs, vehicles and reavers. Guass for the nitty gritty. Fire move away and heal while they make up the distance pop back round the cover BANG. I nearly always win as like .cask said health is what it comes down to.

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