Foundations Questions.



Im actually one of the few people really looking forward to this mod, but i cant seem to find any decent information about it.

can someone please answer a few questions?

1) where are the plots going to be? are they in a new specific zone, close to a town and around all the major towns?

2) will the plot location reflect on the price for the plot / house itself.

3) how much will the houses cost to buy in the first place, obviously dependant on size / location

4) what will be a rough amount expected to pay weekly for say, a small cottage?

5) do you get to bind in your home?

thanx in advance :)



just read the huge faq on the herald doh :)


boomer is so lazy :p

he has a littul monkey that does his trinketting when he is sleeping


its true :(

although this time i was geniunly retarded. i scanned the herald and didnt see the link, so posted, then went back to the herald, had a closer look and found it.

Roo Stercogburn

I don't think its people aren't looking forward to it, I think its more that most of us would prefer Mythic had focused on giving us something meaty like the long promised RvR expansion or even perhaps unlocking the bonus areas in SI first.

Housing is fluff. Nice fluff, but... just fluff.

I think the frantic activity in areas like DF proves that people are preparing to spend a lot of cash on fluffy things when the add-on gets here.

For many weeks now, its been Dark Age of Farmalot :)

Roo Stercogburn

Didn't say there was anything wrong with fluff :)


1) where are the plots going to be? are they in a new specific zone, close to a town and around all the major towns?
3 new zones near mularn.

2) will the plot location reflect on the price for the plot / house itself.
No but the best plots will be sold first for higher prices, the rest will eventually come down to 300g a piece.

3) how much will the houses cost to buy in the first place, obviously dependant on size / location
1plat for cottage, 10 plat for hours, 50p for villa, 100p for mansion.
Plus a minimum charge of 300g for the land.

4) what will be a rough amount expected to pay weekly for say, a small cottage?
100g for the cottage i thinks. could be wrong on this one.

5) do you get to bind in your home?
Yes if you buy the stone.

I finished farming for my house about 2 months ago so I got a large nest egg set aside... Now i dont even have a reason to play :(


lol, we have 3 asterite trinketers in our guild atm, and me, teh farmbot - summ spec sm... can farm lots of silly money when df is open.

only gonna go for a house though, wanna spend lots of cash on all the fluf inside, like the idea of sc/alch table, forget, larger vault, trade npc's and healers all within 10 meters of eachother hehe.... read lordjox's post about me being lazy :p


Exactly my plan... got 25plat put aside atm... should cover lots of gear :p

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