found something (SC overcharge)



Calculating an overcharge chance:

Base chance:

1pt overcharge: -10%
2: -20%
3: -30%
4: -50%
5: -70%

modified by the quality of each gem (per gem):
94-95: +0%
96: +1%
97: +3%
98: +5%
99: +8%
100: +11%

and the quality of the item itself:

94-95: +0%
96: +6%
97: +8%
98: +10%
99: +18%
100: +26%

and finally, the skill level of the spellcrafter him/herself:

50 -45%
100 -40
150 -35
200 -30
250 -25
300 -20
350 -15
400 -10
450 -5
500 0
550 5
600 10
650 15
700 20
750 25
800 30
850 35
900 40
950 45
1000 50



Hi thanx for this info,

could anyone confirm this to be true values though... it would imply a 5 point overcharge on a MP weapon will have no chance to blow up in your face if you use all 99% gems and have it done by let's say a 700+ spellcrafter...


Re: ???

Originally posted by nerve
could anyone confirm this to be true values though... it would imply a 5 point overcharge on a MP weapon will have no chance to blow up in your face if you use all 99% gems and have it done by let's say a 700+ spellcrafter...

The percentages are modifiers of the first percentage (the base percentage) listed.

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