Forum Rules

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Theres been a marked increase in posts of a nature I've come not to expect from the DAoC community.
Using images of disabled people for your own amusement is not going to be tolerated.
Threats of violence are not going to be tolerated.
And whilst our Terms & Conditions (T&C's) permit a little bit of swearing, this doesnt mean all swearing in all contexts is acceptable either.

Our T&C's also state
Don't post messages in Forums or Chat that you wouldn't say to someone's face.
which isnt just a rule, its common decency. The "young & macho" amongst you who are saying to themselves "yeah, but I would say that stuff to people face to face" are only kidding yourselves.

Overall, the DAoC forums here are doing very well and you should all be proud of yourselves. You come across to an outsider like myself as a tight-nit & involved community that has higher than average standards as online communities go. I've been genuinely suprised and dissapointed to see some of the posts that I allude to.

Anyway, I'd like to say that I'll be backing the moderators up in their efforts and suspending/deleting offenders accounts, be they paying BarrysWorld subscribers or not. And please try and have a more realistic expectation of the moderators. Theres a lot of posts in these forums, and they are all unpaid volunteers and they cannot be expected to agonise for hours over every borderline post.

I'm not sure if this is correct, but if this sort of nonsense had occured on the now-dead official forums, it would be possible for GOA to delete the offenders Game accounts too.

Anyway, to the small minority, please stop and think, you're spoiling it for others and your making the whole community look bad, when in reality its actually better than many others.

BarrysWorld Community Bloke


Well said :) , sort the chaff from the wheat . What people have to realise is that younger members of the community read these forums and also some older members of the community , myself included , do have children , that sometimes read over their parents shoulders . Lately I have been reading these forums in solitude due to the marked increase in offensive material often found here . Other than the minority , I find most of the members offer great advice and can be clever and witty without being offensive :)


And whilst our Terms & Conditions (T&C's) permit a little bit of swearing, this doesnt mean all swearing in all contexts is acceptable either.

I'll look for another board without nazi rules to post on.


delething or moderating this post will only prove my point


Nazi rules?
Hit "search" and look for "fuck" and see how my "Nazi" rules affect the normal running of the forum system and how it cramps your style.

You have no idea what your talking about. Perhaps you should stop and think before calling people names and throwing infantile tantrums. By the way Would you actually call someone a Nazi to their face?

Have you considered the concept that you might actually be too angry in general to express yourself clearly? Bit of a testosterone problem there I'd say. You should get that seen to.

Anyway, let me know when you leave, so I can delete your account to keep things tidy.


and btw, these forums belong to barrysworld, they pay for the hosting and all the bandwidth (and there must be a hell uvva lot of it that we eat up) - so they should be able to decide what you can and cannot do when using thier site.


Perhaps you should stop and think before calling people names and throwing infantile tantrums. By the way Would you actually call someone a Nazi to their face?

Perhaps you should read in my post a bit more thoroughly to see that i didn't call you nor your moderators a nazi.
Would i call someone a nazi in his face? In some circumstances i would but then again this is the Internet, an entirely different environment where you can do and don't things you can in "the real world" and vice versa.

Bit of a testosterone problem there I'd say. You should get that seen to.

Honestly, would you say that to someone's face?
Do you actually know whether I have a hormonal problem? Because if you're not 100% sure you would be breaking your own rules and I might consider this statement seriously offensive.

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by caelithar
Well said :) , What people have to realise is that younger members of the community read these forums and also some older members of the community , myself included , do have children , that sometimes read over their parents shoulders . Lately I have been reading these forums in solitude due to the marked increase in offensive material often found here . Other than the minority , I find most of the members offer great advice and can be clever and witty without being offensive :)

:clap: Same goes for us here, certainly the language and tone of some posts recently has seen a marked downturn.


If you are looking for a forum without nazi rules, the implication is *obviously* that here has nazi rules, and so therefore those that enforce them would be nazis. It's pretty logical really. That was the natural progression of your statement.

Ironically, were you to study the nazis I think you'd find they are the inverse of telling people to be nicer to each other, advocating pacifism, and not segregating sections of the public out for ridicule or worse. I think, correct me if I'm wrong, they were rather renound for being quite the opposite to say the least. Your retort to moderation does need some more work done it :)

Most of the time I am proud to be associated with these forums, and then everynow and then I read something that makes me feel quite sad about it all. The space between these moments has been decreasing recently, and I would love to see this trend reversed. Here's hoping and working towards that :)

Damini xx


I'll look for another board without nazi rules to post on.

If you want a free-for-all, go post in the Barrysworld 'General' section. I can assure you that there are no holds barred in there.

It's always been accepted that anything goes in there, and indeed it does. It's also always been accepted that that type of behaviour is not welcome in the other forums.

I really don't mind reading the odd swear word, especially if it illustrates a witty, or barbed, point. However, I don't want to see swearing take over from intelligent use of the language.

I think you over-reacted, and I'm sure you're adult enough to realise that yourself.

Time to hug and make up methinks


Yes, please do pop into General klavrynd, I'm sure we'll be able to fit ripping you a new one into our busy schedule.


Uncle Sick(tm)

Klav... really. Time to knock it off already.


its all ending in this because damini left :(


I have sudden visions of Monty Python and The Holy Grail...

"I'm not quite dead yet!" "Yes you are" "I'm feeling a lot better!"

I'm here for a little while longer Trogster, but not *much* longer. I'm in the final year of my degree, little miss stand up comedian for my sins, so I'm having to do course work, lessons, reading, performances, rehearsals, on top of working, buying a house, and being generally smashing :) And as you can imagine, doing all that while it was just me and brinx doing the vast forums (out of the kindness of our hearts I might add!) was a tad much, especially since I don't play DAoC anymore :) The new moderators are doing a smashing job, and I feel all warm and cosey that they are picking up the guantlet.


The very fact that you can say anything you like, makes you so much a better person for not doing so.

Anyone with basic reading/writing skills can post endless swearing/sexual/racist/violent words to strengthen their opinion.

Get a dictionary for your birthday :)


I got flamed here by Sicko (tm) a couple of weeks ago, and spotted it after logging out from a session's playing. I was tired, and I'd had a couple of beers, and angered at the comments my initial reaction was to post a very short and sweet 'F*** Off' to him in response.

Did I do that?

No... I stopped myself and went back to read what had been posted a few times over. Then, I posted a reasoned response and PM'd Sicko (tm) to explain my anger (again, reasoned thoughts, not swearing or abuse).... problem solved.

The point I am making is that everyone is able to behave in a decent fashion (yes, even Sicko (tm) !! ;)) if they take a couple of seconds to think before they attack their keyboard. Personally, I agree with the above that the general tone has been deteriorating recently and I think this is a timely reminder. Remember... you don't want me turning into



Think before you type.


..... oh, and if you don't like the rules here, however you wish to describe them, noone is forcing you to read or post here....

Uncle Sick(tm)

Bah... I've been Uncle Sick(tm) for quite awhile, you weasly Alb... you just got me going with being ignowant.

And true - I over reacted then... and apologized*gasp* :D
Don't want Jupitus to be TEH CROSS with me... he's just too likeable for his own good.

Did I just say that? :eek6:
*does his Leprechaun moves and runs off to hide in his box*

Do it like old.pebr... get yourself a crossdressing pixie for an avatar and be nicer to each other.
The rest gets an ANIMUL(tm) treatment... :flame:


<spreads some pixie love-dust over the thread>

Lets all hug eachother, eh? :D

<hugs sicko>

Brannor McThife


Ted and Damini! Teh Evul Mods!!!!111 :twak:


Heh. Finally get to call somebody else that. :D


[EDIT: PS, just back off with that funky stuff you've got there Graham, that's not pixy dust...]


I lost my temper and ranted and swore at someone here once... sorry :(


Originally posted by sickofit...

Owns what?

a large, frilly, thong. made of black leather. with a love heart design.


" self edited "...... I just end up insulting someone or someone's religion


Originally posted by old.tRoG

a large, frilly, thong. made of black leather. with a love heart design.

Sicko (tm) !!!! You pwomised it was a SECWUT!!!!!111


Uncle Sick(tm)

Can't help it if Tw0G is such a blabbermouth:D


did everyone know that sickie keeps bunny rabbits under his bed?

Last edited by Sickofit... TEH SECWET MODEVATOR on 8/10/2002

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.tRoG
did everyone know that sickie keeps bunny rabbits under his bed?

Last edited by Sickofit... TEH SECWET MODEVATOR on 8/10/2002

*waves his Wand of post annihilation +3 and cackles ewuly*


if we were playing d2 i would spank you with my duped UBER SWORD OF KILLING +576 with my lvl 100 h4xx0r3d BIG BABA!

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