If you have windows XP I believe you can just use the Windows CD and boot from that, and then format + reinstall. If you have another OS you can use Partition Magic to format your hdd.
Make sure you have all the installation CD's before you do it, and also make sure to save all files that are important onto a CD or floppy or whatever.
Obviously the most important installation CD is the one with the OS on, and perhaps the one with the networkcards drivers on if they don't install automaticly. The rest of the drivers you can find on the web.
Make sure you've backed up everything you wanna keep to another drive or burned to a CD, You will also need drivers for your Graphics, Sound, Modem, Printer, Scanner, etc. This is not for beginners its tricky I was walked through this 2-3 times before I got the hang of it
02:~ Make sure you write down the path to "setup.exe" on your windows CD if its a bought copy then its just D:/setup if its pirate who knows might be in a folder so get the exact path and write it down (if you only have a master CD from your PC manufacturer this wont work its there own oem version you need a proper copy bought or pirate)
03:~ Restart computer with Start up Floppy and Windows CD in drives it will then take you to DOS you will be given 4 choices 1-Help 2-Start with CD support 3-Start without CD support 4-Minimal boot, choose #2.
05:~ After the DOS prompt A: type in FORMAT C: Then press return key (enter) it will then tell you its about to delete the contents of your hard drive and ask you to proceed (this is the last moment no going back once you proceed- is everything backed up? e-mail addresses, favorites, isp settings, documents! triple check)
07:~ When its complete it will return to dos prompt A: You now need to restart computer - you should still have CD and Floppy in drives don't take them out yet (hold down Ctrl+Alt and press Delete twice... this is a hotkey command it will restart computer)
09:~ This brings you to a DOS prompt A: just above this its tells you what it has called your CD drive (usually not D it temporarily names the hard drive D) mines always "Your CD is E" (if you have 2 CD drives it will state both maybe "CD 01 is E" "CD 02 is F") this is important you may have to try both to find the windows CD
10:~ So at the DOS prompt A: I would type E:SETUP Then press return key (enter) (if yours is pirate this might differ this is where you copy the path you found to your setup.exe earlier) or if 2 CD drives might be F:SETUP or G:SETUP depends how many drives you have (hard and CD)
11:~ If you've done it right it will now scan disc (If it finds errors let it fix em) then start installing Voila you've reformatted for the first time feels good eh! no more shitty 2gb oem installs this is 250mb all in ( NICE )
13:~ Then re-install your software and finally Scan disc (standard -automatically fix errors) then Disc Defragmenter (settings re-arrange program files to start faster) and your done.
14:~ The main problem that occurs now (98 - ME only) is the cards on the same IRQ, You need to open System information (msinfo32.exe)and find out if there's any conflicts, Basically your Video card, Soundcard, Modem/Network card and TV card shouldn't share Here's what mine looks like
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