


lo would like a little help here plz,

going to a lan tommorow,and i want to format my hd for the first time ever :)

i boot into dos and go format c: and i get invaild drive specified

anyone know what things cause this? is it because its a ntfs drive, if so how can i format, need help quick as lan is tommorow and id really like to format before then, any help greatly appreciated, thnx :)


It is probably because it is an NTFS partition - did you have Windows 2000 on it before you bboted into DOS ?

Two ways forward:

1) If you are putting Win 9X back on it, then you will have to format with FAT/FAT32. Boot up using your DOS disc, using FDISK, remove all partitions - NTFS ones will appear as Non-DOS partitions, and then create your partitions again (using FDISK).

2) If you are putting Windows 2000 back on, boot from the CDROM, and there is an option to remove existing partitions during the installation routine - and then 'install in unpartitioned space' before the actual installation starts.

Hope that helps.

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