Forget your differences



i dont believe anything anyone types about someone being dead posted over the net, ive seen so much bullshit in my time about people dying and stuff, its probably a load of shit.

as i say i dont believe hes dead till you show me his tomb stone.


Then again, think about it neenee, how sick of a fucking person do you need to be to lie about some top paladin whom probably everyone knows being dead?
This has happened at least once during my UO times and there was a huge march on that server in his memory... could very very well be true.


Wonder how many actually knew him of the people posting?

Some guys even stated: Sad day for Albion???? (in the ign-thread - stopped reading there) - now there is somebody that needs to get out more.

Sorry to be the cynical one but I didn't know the guys and therefore can't feel sorry for him, and although people dying are always tragic to somebody, it happens every day.

Reminds me of the guy in Denmark some time ago that posted his suicide note on the usernet - and after people found out it was true and he had killed himself, he suddenly had so many more friends then before. :rolleyes:


You don't really have to know someone to feel sorrow at their death, take Holly and Jessica as an example of people grieving over people they don't know. And to put more of a dampener of all the cynicism think about how you'd feel if one of YOUR online friends died. Its happened to me before and its almost as hard as one of your real friends dying.

It might not be actually real but it sure feels it.


/agree Aurian

Yep, took a tear to my eye on this wet Sunday morning.

I can't help feeling a degree of sadness that you just wouldn't see this kind of respect shown on the European servers.

/disappears never to post for another few months.


I don't know Teatime, I think its very sad when anyone dies. So people will be respectful.

But Europeans (incl. Brits!) are rather less sentimental than the majority of Americans, but less flowery language doesn't mean we don't care.


Aye. People die. Some people you grieve over more than others but the day I let something like the Jessica and wasserface get to me will be the day society becomes more subdued as a whole.

Same goes for Mr. Back surgery there.


thousands of people die every day, if i stopped to cry about everyone i would be a very sad man.

it's sad when someone dies, but i won't be moping round wailing unless i knew them.

life is such a strange thing.


Well then , oh heartless ones.

Ever thought that if you croaked, somene in your guild, if you're in one, might hear of your passing, but probably they would just never see your character again, with no idea why you weren't playing.

The nicest touch was guildy's playing his character, but how creepy would that be, playing a dead-man's acount.


He's dead jim, now stop using it as an excuse for the busted keep raid last night :p

I don't really give a damn if some paladin with silly knees bent running about got snuffed. Then again, i'm finnish...ngah...


Originally posted by old.job
Well then , oh heartless ones.

Ever thought that if you croaked, somene in your guild, if you're in one, might hear of your passing, but probably they would just never see your character again, with no idea why you weren't playing.

The nicest touch was guildy's playing his character, but how creepy would that be, playing a dead-man's acount.

tbh i really wouldnt like a bunch of strange 15yr old girlffriend-less computer junkies crying about me dying.

which i will be when i hit the big three oh.

but thats just me :)


Originally posted by old.neenee
i dont believe anything anyone types about someone being dead posted over the net, ive seen so much bullshit in my time about people dying and stuff, its probably a load of shit.

as i say i dont believe hes dead till you show me his tomb stone.

You are a small minded person.

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