For the first time i'm ashamed to call myself a mid



Well playing in DF you get killed alot and i don't mind being killed by infils or ns or wathever cause that is the game but I'm ashamed calling myself a mid cause you see rezzers pass by and you are yelling but none seems to care to rez cause you are a lowbie and not worth alot of rps while rezzing well this is just so lame and i'm ashamed for those ppl. :(

Posting this probably won't help but just wanted to do this and maybe jsut maybe some mids might start rezzing lowbies instead of running by.

PS this is not for all mids cause I know alot that do rez.


I feel for you and say the same..

As I see it happen in RvR too..


A PM to the passing healer/shaman with a "please" in it is usually more effective than spamming /y.


personally ress if moving around whit seer.
but numerous time i have ress grey only to see him be afk and after 5 min get pm "ress me!".
still keep ressing but sometimes cannot see dead in corners, or oop some reason.

btw sometimes, dunno how many have made this? have /y etc taked off, way too many spammers and cannot read that bs long.


Originally posted by aveh
A PM to the passing healer/shaman with a "please" in it is usually more effective than spamming /y.

What he said.


to bad...

I always rezz when I pass dead lowbies with my healer and also used to do it when I was summ spec'ed with my SM (sometimes if a hole group got whiped, I only rezzed their seer's, but tbh, didn't fell bad leaving rest dead when their seers were up alive again :D)

I tried a few times where I had to spam /g to get people to rezz up a dead lowbie, upset me some, but most times, it is simply because the healers in group is either afk or looking focused in /gu that they don't rezz right away.... :D

But as the others said, a /send works better than a /y.... Not always I notice a dead one yelling /y if I'm looking at /gu, but always notice a PM.... I on the other hand don't run through hole dungeons to rezz people, get's anoying in the long run, as in a xp'ing day in spindel with a healer can get you tons of PM's about "Please rezz at crabs" or sumit like that, and first few times, you run to rezz, but the 5th PM in the first hour and all thereafter, you just reply you won't, as you could be xp'ing instead of running around rezzing all kinds of people....

Imo they should maybe add a xp reward for rezzing mob-killed players as well to make those runs worth it, but ofc that would be abused to PL'e seers, so... yeah, can't reallly be added that well....


Re: to bad...

Originally posted by iceforge
Imo they should maybe add a xp reward for rezzing mob-killed players as well to make those runs worth it, but ofc that would be abused to PL'e seers, so... yeah, can't reallly be added that well....


Tesla Monkor

Name and shame works very well too. :)


Originally posted by aveh
A PM to the passing healer/shaman with a "please" in it is usually more effective than spamming /y.

He he!

So true. :D


imo mids should stay dead :p

personaly I just ress anyone I run past - no reason to level a realm mate in the diert ... unless he is a retard.


learn /release in RvR nothin as annoyin to see fg:s wait for a ress and then whine if i dont. Ressin a fg u put u r entire grp in danger.


dead solo people in rvr should just release ;d


Originally posted by leorin
learn /release in RvR nothin as annoyin to see fg:s wait for a ress and then whine if i dont. Ressin a fg u put u r entire grp in danger.

Very silly to even try

Roo Stercogburn

If there's likely to be enemies close I'll try and get the other group's seers up and let them get on with it. At times its not possible. Its always the situation that determines what happens.

If I'm wandering through DF I won't deliberately leave someone lying dead if I pass though at times I'm guilty of having somewhat less than Sherlock Holmes' observations skills.

There are days it can take a looooooong time to get from the entrance to the xroad, strangely its got worse since the /level command came in ;)


I will always try to ress. people but sometimes you are the only healer in a group and then its difficult to leave your group to ress. other people.

I always consider the group I am in as the first to protect = heal and then others.

I stopped leaving a group to ress. someone since I experienced getting killed myself with all the trouble that gives to the group I am in.

As for myself I will seldom ask for a ress. I /release. I am grateful to those who ress me because I know you lose a lot of power, time and concentration, which will give you a lot of moaning from the group you are in.


Re: to bad...

Originally posted by iceforge
Imo they should maybe add a xp reward for rezzing mob-killed players as well to make those runs worth it, but ofc that would be abused to PL'e seers, so... yeah, can't reallly be added that well....

sure they can, just like invadersl who have died recently aren't worth any RP, mids who have died recently shouldn't be worth xp...
tbh, one of the best ideas i've seen in ages


Originally posted by GrivneKelmorian
I feel for you and say the same..

As I see it happen in RvR too..

Well you're a Thane, who in their right minds would want to rez you? ;)


But then again, dead people doing a /y (funny how dead people can yell in the first place) almost always accept a ress :D
Nothing more frustrating to stop and try ressing and the dead guy ain't accepting ress...


One of the problems in PM'ing resser running past may be that they don't see the name if the resser is so far or runs past so fast :)
If I'm yelling when dead, that's the reason I'm doing it :)
But in DF people yell often for other reasons like aggro (DF has alot of that) they can't handle or pull they need help with so I don't really blame a resser running past if they don't notice the small kobold lying in ground yelling in some corner :)

About ressing in RvR, I happily accept a res (and rather expect it if other Mids are around without enemies).
When going solo with my Shadowblade or some other character, or duo with our guild group, it's pretty nice to get a res instead of running all the way back or porting.
One good thing about not using buffbots is that you don't need to release just for rebuffing :)

Sometimes if there's no Mids nearby when I need res in RvR zone, I message some resser in the same zone and just ask if they're by any change running past sometime soon (most FG's run around all the time anyway).

Also often when one dies in RvR zone, 1+n people ask you questions like "where", "how many", "numbers".
If the question comes from people who I know are grouped, it's rather handy to ask for res at the same time since you've just helped them by telling them about the enemies.
Or when going with my Shadowblade, I like helping people who've helped me before usually by sending them info about enemy FG's I see or such even without asking. :)

About ressing FG in RvR, while I understand that ressing whole group of fellow Mids would put yours in danger (by using much power) but ressing just seer or so that the group can get on with ressing themselves can't be that dangerous, not more than ressing solo guy :)
In my opinion anyways.

Personally, I don't think it's happened to me more than one or two times during my whole time of playing that someone would not res me for no apparent reason when nearby and knowing I needed it.
And maybe those times they had reason that wasn't so apparent :)

All in all, I'm sure 98.5% of Mids are nice people and there must've been some reasons why the original poster didn't get the res he needed, atleast if getting ran past by many.
People often run eyes half closed to crossroads from DF entrance, and when in groups, half of the group is probably afk at that point while preparing for mob fighting session :)


Happened to me many times. Enjoying the nice grass in emain and a group stops right on top of me. They look around for a minute and then move off without rezzing (even after /y and pm)

Even a few times when a healer is in trouble and I get the smelly alb/hib off him but die in the process they leave me without rezzing.

Some mids just don't have time to rezz it seems. Time = RP's ;)


i always ress when i notice someone's dead, atleast i try to :eek:


2 things to bear in mind with DF is one, a lot of people run with botts stuck to their arses, I know I do in PvE, message the bott and I might not see the message till 5 mins later. Also if you die in an unfortunate place it can be very difficult to find you. Trying to rez a guildy of mine and I could not see him till I was standing on top of him, you can 'fall into the floor' in some spots. I will always try and rez people that I see, but sometimes you just don't see 'em.


Originally posted by aveh
A PM to the passing healer/shaman with a "please" in it is usually more effective than spamming /y.

Eve3r tried targetting someone that's running by in a Zerglet . ;) .. oooor even TARGETTING someone when you are dead?

if so tell me please :/ don't work for me

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