Well playing in DF you get killed alot and i don't mind being killed by infils or ns or wathever cause that is the game but I'm ashamed calling myself a mid cause you see rezzers pass by and you are yelling but none seems to care to rez cause you are a lowbie and not worth alot of rps while rezzing well this is just so lame and i'm ashamed for those ppl. 
Posting this probably won't help but just wanted to do this and maybe jsut maybe some mids might start rezzing lowbies instead of running by.
PS this is not for all mids cause I know alot that do rez.
Posting this probably won't help but just wanted to do this and maybe jsut maybe some mids might start rezzing lowbies instead of running by.
PS this is not for all mids cause I know alot that do rez.