For Hyuga teh mighty fotm thane kid



Lol! U scared me to death when u started to yell like crazy.
U wouldnt find me, but i was bored of playing with teh mighty warrior (as u can see a sign of my good heart, i didnt killed his lil plvled shaman). But again, u ding a small and unharmless gimped minstrel gurl and start to yell because she dded u for tiny dmg and stuned u? U? A mighty fotm tank? What where u yelling? Is here i found the bxxxxtch? Or u where yelling for help? Hahahaha :> Was really funneh :>
Btw dont dream now that mincers are so easy to kill, u will be wrong :> Duel meh any time (u can be buffed till you cover your screen with buffs), and i will show u how pathetic and gimped char u are :> Thanes are worst class in mid imo, useless.
But again, why where u yelling at? Lol, rofl, imo QQ. Now go roll a fotm savage or bd, those are only classes i cant solo unbuffed with evina :p


I have this funny feeling that Evina really wants a whine thread with her name on it, like Rambo. But since nobody is really takeing any notice of her she has to come here and tell us all how mighty and powerfull she is, after all nobody else is saying she is. I think that behind her tuff and hardcore exterior there is a little scared girl screaming for attention and confirmation. How sad. Somebody please pad her on the back, she needs it.

Roo Stercogburn

Hyuga been around a long time. Don't think he's a fotm.

Nice try for a I-would-have-owned-you-honest-I-would thread though :)


I was about to start flaming, since this post is kinda pathetic, but it won't change anything. Hope you'll see for yourself someday that you are a total retard.
btw, he is a warrior and not a thane


wow impressive.

On another side, only gimped with thanes are lack of determination and cheap tank RAs.
Try solo montarloo, he would take your shoes and slap you with them utill you begged him to stop.

Thanes are the kings in duels in midgard.

And yes, minstrels are easy to kill unless they come in pair with infils.


I was the thane with Hyuga. And apperantly you dont know what the hell you are talking about so shut that mouth of yours because there is nothing good coming out of it.


can i penetrate your nostrils irl evina

you are really naked and hot.

Hyuga Hinata

Weeeee, my first whinethread. Now where to begin.

Originally posted by evinacryonme
Lol! U scared me to death when u started to yell like crazy.
U wouldnt find me, but i was bored of playing with teh mighty warrior (as u can see a sign of my good heart, i didnt killed his lil plvled shaman).

1. When did I yell? 2 seconds after I logged on I got slapped with a mincer AE mez and saw you running off down the umbrood slope.

2. I wasn't PL'ing any shammy down there, was someone else you nut. And since you have such a good heart to spare a greycon shammy, explain why you centered your AE mez on the troll PL'ing him? Hoping to cause an EXP death perhaps?

But again, u ding a small and unharmless gimped minstrel gurl and start to yell because she dded u for tiny dmg and stuned u? U? A mighty fotm tank? What where u yelling? Is here i found the bxxxxtch? Or u where yelling for help? Hahahaha :> Was really funneh :>

1. You're a yellowcon alb at midside DF, what do you want me to do? Give you a hug?

2. Warriors are hardly FOTM chars fool.

3. I never asked for Tindels help. You suddenly got struck by lightning when I happily Ragnaroking your HP away. As a matter of fact, Tindel apologized for attacking you when I was fighting.

Btw dont dream now that mincers are so easy to kill, u will be wrong :> Duel meh any time (u can be buffed till you cover your screen with buffs), and i will show u how pathetic and gimped char u are :> Thanes are worst class in mid imo, useless.

Fine, name the place and time. I'll enjoy the lovely RP's you'll provide me with. Unless you bring an Infil posse along to kill me when your HP starts dropping low.

PS: I'm not a Thane. ~~

But again, why where u yelling at? Lol, rofl, imo QQ. Now go roll a fotm savage or bd, those are only classes i cant solo unbuffed with evina :p

I would be quite surprised if you could kill anything that cons higher than green with your minstrel. You are quite honestly the worst minstrel I have EVER fought in my life.

Thank you and have a good day.

How convenient that you let out the fact that after your stun wore off I hade lost a grand total of 1/10th of my HP. And yet my Slam was still in effect when you were at 1/2, and this is where Tindel joined in aswell.



I was sitting next to Hyuga irl, as he got ae messed by you. He then ran down to see if he found you. after he found you he slamed you and ragnaroked your ass. u where down to under half hp when the thane used the lightning.

TBH you had NO CHANCE no what so ever to survive against him

another thing. hes a warrior and he wasn't yelling anything.

so plz /delete lameassigotownedwhinetread. next plz


edit: sorry, my original post was very rude.

i just cant help it when evina posts i feel a headache slowly sneaking up on me.

shitty english, no punctuation at all, how about trying to hit your 'enter' button sometimes, it makes the post a fucking lot easier to understand :p

hyuga is my brother, and he would pwn your sorry gimped minstrel ass any time, now go away


Agree, why are whines always written this way? :D

Must be some secret underground rule or something... ;)

edit : typos :)


just proves that only dumb ppl write whine threads ? :l

Hyuga Hinata

Originally posted by Cyradix
Agree, why are whines always written this way? :D

Must be some secret underground rule are something... ;)

So that the whiners can show what incredible morons they are to the rest of the world through the use of bad grammar. ;)

Aule Valar

Originally posted by evinacryonme
Btw dont dream now that mincers are so easy to kill, u will be wrong :>

true, mincers like you sos away when you try and kill em solo

Tesla Monkor

Does that mean she's going to start one of those unreadable posts everytime she kills someone/something exciting happens while playing DAoC?

Oh boy. :)


Ah lol :>
Well, i got hit by dds when u where not hiting me with weapon, and that's why thinked u are thane, excuse me plssssssss? :pp
And i will duel your warrior (cause u want to duel) and i will really like to see u handing over my shoes as u sayd.
Briefine, Reamon named giant near the silo is the place. Will get her equipment back from vault and will show u how gimped my minstrel is and how good i can play it. I hope "you" (to satisfy some peeps need of grammar) realise a duel doesnt mean we will stace face to face and swing weaps. We duel using ALL RAs we have, and all tricks / potions / spells / skills we have. "You" being a warrior and not a thane as i thought, have access to determination, which will make me just tag along a bit more than usual. I wont mezz / stun you just to use power for no returns. There are other ways to acomplish it. Expect a 10 mins or more fight (very prolly you will use end potions, FA / IP too, so will take a time). The hill there is full of yellow / orange mobs, I wont run out of new and fresh ones. We duel morning time, when no one else will come arround. Unbuffed both. Name day / time when you want to meet. And i was just having fun with evina in DF, blamme me for it, i did have a good laugh. If you win, nothing will change, i will remain a gimped minstrel with a big mouth. Come prove me i am gimped and you can give me my shoes. Current RA spec:
FA2/IP/SoS/Long Wind 2/Aug Acuity 2. Catch me. Hit me. If you can, i will die. I will keep stick pets to your butt till u get bored. If u dont kill me u didnt win. Let's see who can last longer without being hit and damaging oponent at same time. Not the dmg from the pet will kill u, but the bleeds, the dots i will proc on u (nice range on that, 10 charges ^^), and my dds. I am really curious how long will u chase me. Come kill the gimped minstrel to get my rps if you can.
As for rest of you.... lol, rofl... you dont have anything better to do than to reply to posts where no one asked your opinion about? Bunch of old hags hehehehe. I respect all good players I meet, but rest of you are just pathetic.
I can kill only low cons u say? Tell me how many low cons in emain come, and how long will take you to ding my RR from soloing those "low cons". Spitters lol hehehehe :p I wub u, u make me come back on this forum and post more :> Just to see u get fired up and replying ^^ Noobs lol.


I thought these were english boards?

Evina care to translate?

Aule Valar

i believe what she means is, i want to duel you, but in a place of my choice, which lots of yellow/orange con pets available so i can run away and pet you the entire time, without actually fighting you myself, hardly a true duel
maybe you should let hyuga chose, then you'll be fighting inside silo and not allowed to leave, sounds equally fair to me


I stop posting here, got bored really.
Be happy now :)
(and i mean i am out of this boards)


MY HEAD IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE HIHIHIhihhiih and artemis, you are the ugliest swede alive, even uglier than cush :|


Originally posted by evinacryonme
Lol! U scared me to death when u started to yell like crazy.
U wouldnt find me, but i was bored of playing with teh mighty warrior (as u can see a sign of my good heart, i didnt killed his lil plvled shaman). But again, u ding a small and unharmless gimped minstrel gurl and start to yell because she dded u for tiny dmg and stuned u? U? A mighty fotm tank? What where u yelling? Is here i found the bxxxxtch? Or u where yelling for help? Hahahaha :> Was really funneh :>
Btw dont dream now that mincers are so easy to kill, u will be wrong :> Duel meh any time (u can be buffed till you cover your screen with buffs), and i will show u how pathetic and gimped char u are :> Thanes are worst class in mid imo, useless.
But again, why where u yelling at? Lol, rofl, imo QQ. Now go roll a fotm savage or bd, those are only classes i cant solo unbuffed with evina :p

If thane is such a useless class, i duel your lil minstrel gurl to a duel. fair 1on1, no buffs, no potions, no active RAs, no nothing.

Do you accept?


i would say summ Sm are the worlds most useless rvr chars

thanes are good in pve, just not as good as savages in the rvr department.

bad mincers are easy to kill, good minstrals arn't, and seeing as you attacked a warrior and a thane added it shows that u fit in the easy to kill section.

u can't kill a BD solo as a mincer? come on its not that differcult to kill a BD as a mincer


Only noobs use pets to win duels. (If they aint a clothcaster)

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