For Each Hib I meet



I get to enjoy this game less and less. :(
Is it just me that can blame MEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ for 99% of the times I die or is it a commun issue for both mids and albs out there?

A extremely usuale scenario : 50 albs (so that no hibs cry that we werent more than them as they always claim) vs 10 hibs (offcourse they are never above that number and all are lvl 35 top). What happens next to allways?

first person with the right answer gets a candy.

:( :rolleyes:



Everyone gets mezzed

I was in my xp group today and got mezzed by a group of black falcons..

You combat midgard and get insta'd by healers..snared by skalds..

You DO know there ARE flip sides to what you said?

You portray it as if Hib is the only realm that has mezz, or we have a 2000 range 500 radius mezz.


no offence but the sooner mezz is nerfed the better, it is so poor that a battle is purly decided on who has the better CC with them and considering bards have ALOT of functions useful to groups always plenty of them.

mezz needs a big nerf in rvr it ruins the game and makes rvr less and less fun.


sounds like someone who has experienced mezz one time to many, one way to avoid this eternal mezzing is to avoid AE mezzes.
This one is your nr 1 enemy.
Hib/Alb has quite a number of AE mezz capable classes while Mid has one healer.
Thus to balance the fact of it only being on AE capable class mid healer has slightly wider AE among others.

Also, some of this mezz frenzy will end with realm ability PURGE and the wide spread ability given to many classes. to HEAL MEZZ or what they call it, another calss for example Minstrel will be able to play a funky tune and clear your head.

Also AE mezzes will loose up to 50% mezz time in the outer corners of the effects bubble.

Things will happen in this field my dear daoc player.

I do however not feel like it is of outmost importance these changes.
Considering Purge comes with realm abilities and so on.
And i have learned to avoid mezzes somewhat.

part of it is and this my friends is a dirty confession.
I let some1 else charge b4 me :)

Also what you can do is sacrifice yourself and target their main mezzers.
mainly staff holders in hib and alb or instrument holders in hib and alb when it comes to target mezzers.
Mid has one small advantage there mezz capable classes are not so easily distinguised by look alone.
Except Spiritmaster and Runemaster who carries staffs.
A healer can carry 2-h weapon + 1-h weapon + shield.
skald is a warrior type with one single insta mezz on a 20sec timer.

One way is since most players are somewhat dedicated, and preffer certain stomping grounds.
you can learn their names.

i have spent much time in identifying my enemys capabilities an therefore getting more and more succesfull.

This planning and tactical thinking also made me re discover the game and like it abit more.

P.S Purge also takes away rezz illn and all foreign effects casted on you.


il just be happy when the minstrels are nerfed ahhhhhhh i can smell it nerrrrrrfffffffffff


i'll be happy when you can play without buffs :)


mezzing is part of the game, and I've seen loads and loads of blue/yellow con sorcs this last week. Looks like it's going to be hard in emain, I've been messed loads by those sorcs.

ps. Herjulf healer ae mess radi < bard < sorc

healer: 250
AE Mesmerize
6 Enemy Allay Area 16 Sec 3 Sec 250 4 P
13 Enemy Pacify Area 25 Sec 3 Sec 250 8 P
20 Enemy Conciliate Area 34 Sec 3 Sec 250 12 P
27 Enemy Placate Area 43 Sec 3 Sec 250 17 P
34 Enemy Harmonize Area 52 Sec 3 Sec 250 21 P
44 Enemy Tranquilize Area 65 Sec 3 Sec 250 28 P

bard: 350
AE Mesmerize
10 Enemy Captivate Audience 28 Sec 3 Sec 350 6 P
16 Enemy Captivate Crowd 35 Sec 3 Sec 350 10 P
21 Enemy Captivate Swarms 42 Sec 3 Sec 350 13 P
28 Enemy Captivate Multitude 51 Sec 3 Sec 350 17 P
36 Enemy Captivate Army 61 Sec 3 Sec 350 23 P
43 Enemy Captivate Legions 70 Sec 3 Sec 350 27 P

sorc: 350 or 400 depending on spec level
AE Mesmerize
4 Enemy Fog of Senility 20 Sec 3 Sec 200 3 P
14 Enemy Blanket of Senility 33 Sec 3 Sec 250 7 P
24 Enemy Cloud of Senility 46 Sec 3 Sec 300 12 P
34 Enemy Veil of Senility 59 Sec 3 Sec 350 16 P
44 Enemy Shroud of Senility 72 Sec 3 Sec 400 21 P


Originally posted by Rollie
no offence but the sooner mezz is nerfed the better, it is so poor that a battle is purly decided on who has the better CC with them and considering bards have ALOT of functions useful to groups always plenty of them.

mezz needs a big nerf in rvr it ruins the game and makes rvr less and less fun.

Mez is my 1 of 2 life lines i have seen as midgard healers are the worst healer class realm in the game. Once this is nerfed garnet is gone :/


Originally posted by old.Garnet

Mez is my 1 of 2 life lines i have seen as midgard healers are the worst healer class realm in the game. Once this is nerfed garnet is gone :/

Wtf? worst healer class.. you get better heals than druids ffs.. (until 1.51 I believe)


Fighting hibs is like marching knee-deep thru a field of treacle in a lightning storm. Or something...


Originally posted by Rollie
no offence but the sooner mezz is nerfed the better, it is so poor that a battle is purly decided on who has the better CC with them and considering bards have ALOT of functions useful to groups always plenty of them.

mezz needs a big nerf in rvr it ruins the game and makes rvr less and less fun.

Hmm well I agree it spoils the battles when one half get mezzed, and most people will say that the one who gets mezz in first wins... so I agree the mezz should be powered down, just so it doesn't play such a big part.. Still there are classes whose main strength in RvR is mezzing... those classes will need something to compensate for the nerfed mezzing, methinks. Maybe give em some more mana, but a longer timer on the mezz, I dunno..


Originally posted by envenom
il just be happy when the minstrels are nerfed ahhhhhhh i can smell it nerrrrrrfffffffffff

You're such a cock, you know that?

You're also the only orange NS i don't find dangerous... Maybe when you no longer require any kind of skill to find us, you'll start winning ;p


Well at least make the duration less. stading there 1 minute in this game is enough to see a large battle be over. Its stupid. Specially since u can be mezzed even while stealted. Happend to me lots of times. Hibbies area mezzing amg when no one is there except me who is about to cross and then come and look for me. Its silly and ruins my gaming time.

Its to often decided by who that mezz first, mezz most. Nothing else.



Originally posted by old.Tzeentch

I was in my xp group today and got mezzed by a group of black falcons..

It must have been some undercover BFs to give us a bad reputation :) :m00:


Oh sure...nerf mezz...put me out of will I feed the children? WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hehe making it harder for the best crowd controlers in the game



Just get a couple off pallys in your grp one mind chant one energie chant
that solves alot of those problems.


Just wait for the realmabilities.

Purge should remove mez/stun/poison/pie


I think its more to do with every hib grp having a bard (or 2) vs 1 in 10 alb grps having a sorcerer (at best). Wish we had more air theurgists too. But ultimately we will never match the CC abilities of hib, unless they give a useful mezz to minstrels (and not that shitty joke of a 5second cast one) or some other _common_ class. Mid healers and bards both get insta mezz in upcoming patches dont they? Time to quit then..


WHINE!!! Mezzwhine omgnothxplz, without mezz rvr is only about numbers, so if it wouldent exist only albs would rvr ^^



People will never be happy unless their class totally owns everything - there is only one class that totally owns everything and that is Karam.

Insta-mezz, but the system of the mezz engine has changed - the central point of the mezz is the focal point and the duration of the mezz fades as it reaches the radius of the mezz areas i.e. people on the edges of the mezz will be mezzed for shorter times.

Many classes will now have an anti-mezz spell - for bards it is clarifying harmonies.

Purge will rid mezz, although it is used on a timer.

All borders will be as playable as emain for open war. There will be speed buffs from NPC's at keeps,which will reduce the bard count of emain drastically. The reason there are so many bards, is that people get so damned tired of the run to emain. At least with some speed it makes the trip shorter. Solo runners that make it through the gorge barrage of bee, light, fast or greg, then have to deal with the new age middy geniuses that are camping the cyclen tower route. I wonder how you arses would feel if you had run for 5 minutes, were only halfway to your destination and got ganked by a bunch of wads...


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch

Everyone gets mezzed

I was in my xp group today and got mezzed by a group of black falcons..

You combat midgard and get insta'd by healers..snared by skalds..

You DO know there ARE flip sides to what you said?

You portray it as if Hib is the only realm that has mezz, or we have a 2000 range 500 radius mezz.

ooo ooo was this in df?


- In RvR only, area effect Mesmerization spells have been modified so that the duration effect of the mez spell is lessened the farther the player is from the center of the area of effect. The duration is 100% at the middle of the area, and it tails off to 50% duration at the edges. This does NOT change the way area effect spells work against monsters, only realm enemies (i.e. enemy players and enemy realm guards).

1.52 patch notes

Word. Sanity.


Originally posted by cougar-
WHINE!!! Mezzwhine omgnothxplz, without mezz rvr is only about numbers, so if it wouldent exist only albs would rvr ^^

Yep as it happens it works out quite well on this server. I truly feel pity for the poor fuckers stuck on a server where Hib has the highest population tho. And they are out there, especially now Hib is "known" as the ubarleetomgmezzzznukekthx4therps™ realm.


The classes with the ability to mezz with get the ability to *cure* mezz. sooo, what this means is that albion kinda gets ganked on that as well...I mean, minstrels are so busy jumping that they will never get a cure mezz off and sorcerers are so rare...I mean, I think I've seen a total of maybe 5-6 of us in emain...ever...but I don't mind, grps will still love me, I can mezz and cure it....hey, nerf me all you want, I'll just come back for more


Albion has bucket loads of minstrels as many if not more then hib has bards. I think that Albion has scored more then any realm out of the anti-mez spell, just means a bit of a mindset change.

The only thing that hibs can do with mezz is stem the flow, we cannot stop the flood.

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