For all the healers in Thid



All u clerics and friars having fun in thid, heal ppl!! rezz ppl!!

u cant get a rezz if u dont /send a cleric/friar, and they wont heal u if u dont /y heal plz 20 times, and ur pryly dead b4 that.

and u smite clerics... its not like u cant heal/rezz just becouse ur smite spec.

plz.. play as a team, dont just think of urself!


example... 10 secs ago i got atacked by some mids.. ran away, and 2 friars and 1 cleric was standing on mb + some more albs.. no1 reacted until i yelled heal 10 times atleast, and then it was only the cleric, none of the friars.. wake up, u can heal!


Here's a thought then: Group a healer. It might be in-vogue to solo one's way through the battlegrounds, but try doing that as a rejuve cleric.

Group them and kill for them, in return they will keep you buffed and healed.

Yelling at people you're not grouped with to keep your sorry, greedy ass alive will not accomplish anything much :rolleyes:


Maybe if people didn't spam the (few) healers in Thid with "plz cum rez me @ mb plz m8!!", or "ffs heal plz!!!!" all the time, they would actually feel inclined to help.

Oh, and the same goes for people asking for "b00ffs plz thx".


Speaking as some1 who played a friar in thid, I was quite happy to rez / heal ppl who were polite, and didnt spam me with tells saying "wtf heal me u n00b" or some other such shit. Most ppl in albion dont know how to ask nicely, and once a person was rude or impatient they immediately went on my "go fuck yourself list".

Yes its annoying when u cant get a rez or u die, but thats no excuse for bad manners, as a lot of the time the cleric is oop, or saving their power for their team mates (seeing as they are playing the character, quite frankly they can do what they want). Oh, Amuse when u say play as a team, most of the time healers are, healing "their" team, if ur not in it, u have no right to automatically assume u will be rezzed / healed. Ask politely and be patient and they will help u, dont, then expect to be /release 'ing a lot.


> plz.. play as a team, dont just think of urself!

totally agree. all clerics/friars in thid are there purely to heal and rez your buffed ass. its their duty. if you roll a cleric/friar you MUST rez/heal and not play it the way you want...



i am polite... if i dont see a cleric, i dont do /who thid to find some1 to rezz me, i rel. and when it comes to buffs, i never ask some1 "buffs plz thx", i can ask "any1 have any spare XXXXX buffs" or something like that.. and i never call some1 a fecking noob, even if i see that he/she is one

i am polite, every1 that knows me well knows that :)


I rolled a healer, and deleated it 1hr later. Getting PM's off people Swearing at me because i didnt heal (even when i say OOM) isnt why i play the game.

If you want heals/rezz be polite and you will get them


Amuse wasnt saying saying u were not polite, my apologies if thats how it sounded. Was merely saying that many are not, and thats one of the biggest problems.


When i played as a shaman in thid on excal some people were damn rude if you didn't heal or res them :/ when you were oom or you healing someone else or you can't see them from your be honest no wonder there isn't many.Just accept the fact healers ARE the hardest classes to play in daoc and you wouldn't do much with amount them anyway.

If they aren't grouped chances are they will not heal much because they would have to target people in a slower way rather than using the group menu to heal.(i do not know if this is the exact case but i have only played a healing class several times)

Respect healers, do not push them away.


Heh, it reminds me of when I was laying dead on the stairs inside CK and a buffbot was standing three steps away from me healing/buffing its owner. Then the buffbots actually sits down on my corpse and ... nothing. Sure, the keep was under attack by a few mids I think, but seriously... :twak:
Of course I can understand if people are OOM, but it really pissed me off so I logged and silently cheered the Mids.


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
When i played as a shaman in thid on excal some people were damn rude if you didn't heal or res them :/ when you were oom or you healing someone else or you can't see them from your be honest no wonder there isn't many.Just accept the fact healers ARE the hardest classes to play in daoc and you wouldn't do much with amount them anyway.

If they aren't grouped chances are they will not heal much because they would have to target people in a slower way rather than using the group menu to heal.(i do not know if this is the exact case but i have only played a healing class several times)

Respect healers, do not push them away.

healers are not that hard to play.. have both a friar and a cleric...

and im not saying that healers that is oom, or looking another way hafto heal me, but when im runing with 3 mids on my arse, 3 healers is standing on the bridge, facing me, and have mana, i /y heal plz several times, and only one react. and there werent anyone else in need of heal at that time.


"any1 have any spare XXXXX buffs"

you goota respect that the clerics / friars buffs their grps, even if you ask polite they won't get more conc. Do not expect anything, be happy if you get it :I

If you want to go solo in the BGs go solo for gods sake, buy heal potions instead of pissing some clerics or friar of by saying ''heal plz''. Always get annoyed myself when people say plz and thx, if they cba saying Please or Thanks I _usually_ ignore them.


playing my bimbette cleric Listette in Battlegrounds, is all about group play. thats why you MAKE a cleric. i'm quite happy to help whoever i pass, and they dont even have to ask.

However, if i have 3 dead group members, i will use mana on them first, and concentrate on that.

If you cant handle a cleric playing for the team, Dont roll a fuckin stealther with the sole purpose of soloing all the way through BG.

And i make a personal note, of remember the names of those who're being morons about it, and i will insistantly refuse helping them in the future, unless they're in my group.

I dont play my cleric to please people like you Amuse. i play it to be useful in a group.

And no, being a cleric is not very hard; if all you do is rez and buff wiseass infils who spamm you. Being a group cleric who actually keeps groupies alive, and turn the tide of an uneven battle, is pretty damn hard (at least for a noob like me :D )

So, i suggest you stuff your whine where the sun only shines periodically, and roll a freakin buff/rez bot, if you wanna solo.


lol.... what did i just say??

i told u this is NOT aboute the clerics that is buissy, or oom, or something like that... its aboute the ones that just ignore u, and dont heal, even though ur the only one being hit, and no1 needs a rezz.

its kinda anoying being dead and having 5 clerics and 3 friars run past u, and no as much as sniff on ur dead body


Originally posted by Eva
"any1 have any spare XXXXX buffs"

you goota respect that the clerics / friars buffs their grps, even if you ask polite they won't get more conc. Do not expect anything, be happy if you get it :I

If you want to go solo in the BGs go solo for gods sake, buy heal potions instead of pissing some clerics or friar of by saying ''heal plz''. Always get annoyed myself when people say plz and thx, if they cba saying Please or Thanks I _usually_ ignore them.

lol... u know what spare means m8??

spare means : something thats left, that u dont need.


do you have ANY concept of how massive the PM flood is for a thid healer? buff, heal, rezz, buff, rezz, rezz, buff, heal.

dont expect - be happy if you get


Smiter rocks in Thid? I need to roll one for Thid then :D

Btw, go anon if you have grp and don't want to get rude messages! You still can rezz fellow alb stealthers when you see them on the ground. :p


Umm actually playing a healer class in Thid is bloody hard, especially if its a hybrid. I played 4 bards through BG 1 ... mezz, amnesia, heal, songs .... and then you get jumped by stealthers and noone helps your butt. Doubt clerics have it Much easier, just trying to keep the group alive while avoiding the fecking stabbers and dodging arrows is bloody hard imo.
PS: Dont forget that after around 2-3mins of battle they are close to oom.

/respect to healers.


i never spam a healer with /send for buffs or heals, i dont even do 1... if i need heals, i /y heal so every1 that can heal hears me, incase some1 is free to heal me, and the only times i /send a healer, is when hes standing next to my dead body, and ask "can u rezz me plz? :)"

and yes.. i know how it is, as i said.,. i have a cleric and friar at 24, friar was not a /level char, she was lvled in the good old way.

plz, read all the replys b4 u reply, its not that many


Amuse they could of ignored for some other reason maybe?

Might of annoyed them at one point or another (im not saying you did) but that could be why.

Ever think of that?


infact i did... the healers i talked aboute on the bridge, never seen em b4, and few know who my inf is.

and i usualy dont anoy ppl in any way, im the friendly type of person. exept from when ppl anoy me that is ;)


well, personally, i get annoyed when people randomly /y heal plz!!

A: I may not be able to see them in the zerg
B: they may be stealthed (i know, sounds dumb. but it happens!)
C: when people /y Heal plz!! they imply that it's my job to forgo my group responsibilities to help a uber stealther who cba to help a cleric, but cba to rest for hit points either.

can say it again, if you want. Dont expect - be happy if you get.

PS: If you absolutely MUST seek healing from a cleric that you refuse to group with, at least have the curtesy to go up to him in person, unstealthed ( :p ) and ask POLITELY. I dont go around screaming /y HELP FFS!!!! ASSASSIN ON ME! PA HIM!!!!


You're the type of person which is the reason I don't play a Cleric or Friar in BGs.


Originally posted by liste
well, personally, i get annoyed when people randomly /y heal plz!!

A: I may not be able to see them in the zerg
B: they may be stealthed (i know, sounds dumb. but it happens!)
C: when people /y Heal plz!! they imply that it's my job to forgo my group responsibilities to help a uber stealther who cba to help a cleric, but cba to rest for hit points either.

can say it again, if you want. Dont expect - be happy if you get.

PS: If you absolutely MUST seek healing from a cleric that you refuse to group with, at least have the curtesy to go up to him in person, unstealthed ( :p ) and ask POLITELY. I dont go around screaming /y HELP FFS!!!! ASSASSIN ON ME! PA HIM!!!!

a: the insident i was talking aboute it was only me alone.. not a zerge,.. me and 3 healers. and several other times that has happend.
if a solo cleric ask me to grp, ofc i will.. its just that i dont want in big grps, couse it is a bg char, and i want him to last.
b: im not THAT stupid.
c: i help healers if their atack, nomather how hamy enemy, and there where no other albs on the bridge, so what grp?

ps: i go up to him, (if im not under atack) and ask polit.
if im under atack, and runing, i /y heal plz ... not /y HEAL FFS!!!


if that's true, you're the victim of the 2000 other stealthers who ruins it for healers in Thid.

And no matter how you bend it, a cleric has duties to his group first. if you cant even help a cleric by getting realm points in the group, dont expect anything


i dont expect anything if im not grped, but when they are not grped, or theyr grp isnt there, they can heal a person thats aboute to die ;)


OK I've played alongside Amuse, he is not rude or arrogant in anyway. So please don't accuse him of being this way.

I myself have a 50 Cleric which I took through BG and a capped bg Infil so have seen both sides.

I found the healers in Thid very friendly, even if I was solo I joined the chat group and gave information useful to the others, therefore I had no problem getting a rez or heal when needed.

Without naming names, in Emain I come across more arrogance towards Clerics than ever before even though people complain there aren't enough Rejuv Clerics in RvR, tbh a lot of people are not encouraging us to continue playing with their arrogance and bad attitudes towards our class.

We cannot rez when oop, when getting hit by several stealthers, when mezzed etc. So to all RvR'rs generally, think next time you speak and ask politely why the healer wasn't able to heal, maybe change your tactics to protect the healer more and learn from mistakes instead of shouting at the Clerics. I leave any group now without a healer if they show a bad attitude and treat me with disrespect.

If I make a mistake I'll admit it and apologise, learn from it and improve hopefully. I just wish everyone else would do the same instead of making enemies of your healing classes. Thank you amuse btw for the power transfers the other night to REZ the whiner in our group, too bad a stealther popped on me before I had chance to .. oh well what goes around comes around (adds random whiner to her ignore rez call list)

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