Fopish sleeves encounter


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
What classes and how many of them is needed ?
Any tactics needed ?

would be greatfull for any info about farming it :)


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
wuhu! I need this as my last piece! ^^ :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
First off u need a Keribus Scythe and a Kibisis.

You need a Cleric with FoP that can heal, a ML9 Cabby, and a Mincer.

Go to the named Gorgons - Cant remember exact loc, but its somewhat near 12k 45k I reckon, these are guesses off the top of my head, I havent even looked at a map.

Kill one of the named Gorgons and you cut her head off with the Scythe and put it into the bag (This is done automaticly)

After that the Mincer puts on speed and runs over to Foppish Encounter (pretty much straight north till zonewall and then east, watch for agro cyclopses on the way tho)

This has to be done with Speed since the head disintigrates after a certain timeperiode. Once you arrive on the starts, use the bag and Foppish mob can be taken down. ML9 cabby pet, place fop, make sure you spread heal everyone that get tossed to 100%!!! else they will die next they are tossed and you be fucked basicly. Takes a while to get it done properly but think they made it easier with 1.81-82 tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Jarahl said:
First off u need a Keribus Scythe and a Kibisis.

You need a Cleric with FoP that can heal, a ML9 Cabby, and a Mincer.

This has to be done with Speed since the head disintigrates after a certain timeperiode. Once you arrive on the starts, use the bag and Foppish mob can be taken down. ML9 cabby pet, place fop, make sure you spread heal everyone that get tossed to 100%!!! else they will die next they are tossed and you be fucked basicly. Takes a while to get it done properly but think they made it easier with 1.81-82 tbh.

You can't do it with a single ML9 pet you need 2 of them.
Caster speed is fine to get the head back in time.
Using group heal instead of spreadheal is a much better alternative, as that heals your pets as well.

Other than that you got it spot on.

2 * ML9 cabby/sorc
1 * buffbot (fop very helpful)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Golena said:
You can't do it with a single ML9 pet you need 2 of them.
Caster speed is fine to get the head back in time.
Using group heal instead of spreadheal is a much better alternative, as that heals your pets as well.

Other than that you got it spot on.

2 * ML9 cabby/sorc
1 * buffbot (fop very helpful)

I've done it lots of times with 1 ML9 pet mate.

And regarding the heals, the pet doesnt often require heals if done properly, setting FoH every 5 min helps alot ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
We did it last night with guild, Best part is we whined at Euinar to join us for speed and SoS...and then it's been nerfed so never needed his SoS. The whine from him on Ventrilo was priceless.

Anyway, either use ML9 pets or two solid mercs. As long as you have ok healing you'll be alright.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Jarahl said:
I've done it lots of times with 1 ML9 pet mate.

Last time we did it the head ran out with him on 2% with 2 ML9 pets..
If the head timer starts from when you cut it as opposed to when you use it that might explain it as you used minstrel speed to get to him.

In which case the setup would be..

1 mincer/1 sorc or cabby/1 buffbot
1 sorc/1 sorc or cabby/1 buffbot

Setting FOH is never really an option when i've done it as he's died before the first FOP timer comes back up.

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