football is for wussies, mimes and apple users


Testin da Cable

as I pretend to mountainbike in the woods around arnhem every now and then I go to a gym nearby to keep (more or less) in shape during the time of year that my bikemate and I don't hit the trails.
as our season is just around the bend I've changed my gym regime from 3xweek 1 hour's run and 1,5 hours weight training (ie pumping iron et al) to 6xweek hour's run/3x week 1,5 hours weight training. when the biking starts again the running drops back to 3x week. I get about a months worth of extra running. No idea if it does any good for the biking, but it feels nice and I guess that all the good I need :)

I'm curious if there are any other bikers here other than myself and Wilier...and what you do to stay in shape when you're not riding :)


I used to ride, and thought about doing some XC and then realised how fit you needed to be, and it kinda went downhill from there. :D


I also used to ride, mainly until I bought a car. Flexing your right foot to go forwards is a lot more fun than pedalling like buggery.


I still have my racing cycle, I don't use it atm, I have a mountain bike that I just run around on (about 20 miles max). I used to do about 100 miles or so a week on my racer. Never did anything competitive, I just enjoyed the feeling of going 45mph down hills.

Testin da Cable

oh, I don't compete (well, just against my buddy) :) just muck (literally) about on the trails, and try not to be too far from home when it gets dark ;)

we usually try to end up on the riverbank just before the sun goes down. rest up against the warm rocks and drink the last of our drinks and stuff. then we tend to get loads of thai/chinese food and eat at my place while rehydrating with beer ;)


I cycle back and forth to work everyday, this year I bought some rain gear so I can go out in all weathers rather than wuss out on the bus.

I can't cycle during the winter months though because the route I take goes through the park and it closes when it gets dark, which is far too early for when I come home at that time of the year, so I have to go round it. Not that I mind taking a slightly longer route but it would be on the roads, in the dark, and quite dangerous, I've seen too many bunches of flowers tied to roadside railings round here for my liking.

I'm trying to get back into some sort of shape by doing stretching exercises when I get home, and maybe start arm weights again, that would be every day. I've no time for visits to the gym.

I've only got a simple "tourer" cycle, which is fast and perfect for the conditions, at some point I may get something a bit more rugged so I can go down big flights of steps without snakebiting the thing to death :)


I do nearly all my cycling in Scotland, in terms of trials anyway.
I have a new Orange Patriot 7 + which has made my riding so much nicer. That the one in Scotland for the hardcore riding :p

As for things to do to keep fit? hmmm


I prefer my atv ;)

Although, bmx is quite enjoyable. Once you learn how to fall properly :p


BMX Is for ppl who cant ride up hills so instead pussy around on the street with a bike thats far to small

Testin da Cable

you can come mtbing with me any time twoggy...there's lots of mud and sharp things to fall on ;) think really soft concrete and less broken glass :D

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