Spent approx 6 hours last night shooting bloody overgrown squids. Followed all the advice off VoS and still no luck. Any advice please would be most welcome.
The following i have read about and been told of. I havent tried them as i got the bow on my first kill.
1) Kill spawns by wreck at bottom repeatedly
2) Stealth up and swim around. Most will ignore you but 1 will run from you. Attack the one that runs.
Also once you are attacking the one you think is going to drop the bow make sure u keep the argo stunned when he hits 60% life as he has a tendency to run away many times and bring lots of mates back with him each time. The bow dropper will run away sooner and alot quicker than a normal argo.
when i done this i was killing the squids at range trapping them up against the wall. a guildie warned me that u dont always see the dropped loot message if u kill them at range like this, and the encounter credit is easily missed on the system bar.
he was correct, i didnt see the ''argo drops a Fools Bow'' message but luckily i noticed i had got credit for the encounter after killing it, so i swam over and spammed nearest loot and /faced it.
the bow is still really difficult to see in the water, especially at night, so dont give up, it is there!
and for the record i noticed nothing unusual about the squid that dropped the bow. he came towards me as i pulled then ran just like all the others i had killed.
I know it sounds a bit obvious, but are you sure the Harpies are circling directly above the pit? with one or two swooping down and touching the water? they make quite a small circle above the pit, first time i got the bow i just saw the harpies at the harpy feather cloak encounter swooping down and assumed it was the same but it wasn't, it was only when they circled in a pretty tight circle above it did i find the bow
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