Fool Killer


Cap'n Sissyfoo

As some of you might know, The Fool Killer was a villain in the Spider-Man comics who went around killing fools. A noble quest but cut short because the Fool Killer realised he was a fool and killed himself...fool!

Anyhoo, I have been in a few groups recently and people have been coming up with stupid suggestions like, "lets do goblins...we can do them without a healer as long as the sorc mezzs." and other stupid things which would get the group wiped out quicker than it takes me to eat a grape (bear in mind that the sorcerer in question, me, was only level 29 and the highest level in the group was level 32! ;)).

To cut a long story short, I was thinking that I may migrate to the PvP server when it comes out and create a character called Fool Killer and basically hire myself out to whoever needs me. For example, if you are in a group and someone is being a complete muppet then you send a PM to me and for the measly sum of 10g I blow the fool to kingdom come! Mwahaha!

I could even start a little guild called The Fool Killers and we could rid the land of all the annoying people who come up with suicidal suggestions.

Ph34r me f00! I am c0m1ng for j00!

Oops! ~shoots himself~

~This idea has been brought to you by the Semi-Serious Fantasy Corporation in association with Misanthropes Anon.~


I like it :)

could have a code of honour whereby you don't send level 50s to twat them - (unless they're a level 50 fool of course) - just someone of a similar level :)

means there's a use for all levels in your guild...


Head of the Fool Killers would be a lvl 50 sorcerer with a medial telamon pet!


"I ain't touching no goddam crazy f00'!"

"Feel mah gold, shoogah."



if i ever make it to PvP, which i doubt, i'd go for something like this:

make a guild of contract killers. People could approach us, and pay a fee (1 gold per level of the target?) for a contract killer.
Guild would then send a trained assassin (of similar level) to kill him.

im more than 99.8% sure this wouldnt work, since people want to gank their own targets.

but the idea is fun :)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Noooo!! My idea! Me leader!! I will have my medial telamundo soon enough...only ~counts on fingers~ 16 levels to go! :D

Fin's idea about sending similar level peeps to kills fools wouldn't work really. What if the Fool Killer died? :-o He would look like a FOOOOL and I would have to boot him from the guild and kill him myself!

Like most great ideas this one is one is only good in theory. I have no doubt that I would get inundated with requests to join my guild from a bunch of Quake heads. I would be so busy blowing up all of them that I wouldn't have time to carry out any other contracts. Yikes!

I will write to GOA and ask them if they can make me an uber lvl 200 fire wizzie so I can patrol the game and rid people of the plague of fools! time people camp the MTK in Thid I will appear in a flash of fire and smoke and AoE nuke them all to hell! w00!


You bum Fool324324 for 981763 damage!
Fool324324 haemorrages to death!
Fool324324 was just killed by Apathy!
You are awarded 107 Fool Points!

New spell -

Shaft of Bumming Light

Level 300
Target - Fool
Base damage 84521
Effect - Bleed
Radius - 500
Range - 2300
Casting time - Instant
Recast time - Doubt you'll need to cast this more than once. :p But instant, just in case!
Damage type - Anal

This would do damage to a radius of 500 along a line which is 2300 units long. Mwahaha.


old.Trine Aquavit

Doesn't Mr T already have a character? ;)


I heard he was holding out so he could make a lurikeen spear hero on Co-Op.

"I ain't going to no plains, f00`!! Damn crazy basilisk!"


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