Focus pulling, take ( instert number here )



I know that this have been posted alot, and ill tend to do it again because i got some more stuff to add.
Today in CM i was in a XP group which was fine, then we got a bard and a druid and after that a Chanter joined.. and the first question was "can i focus pull for us" and that kinda pissed me off because all this focus pulling crap is ruining the game for all other classes than Druids, Bards, Wardens, Mentalist and Chanters. it have ruined the fins group because ppl have started to focus pull there and made it impossibel to get a fins group for a tank class or a stalker class which is unfair, not for the chanter but for the ppl that get left behind.. Yes i know that its easier to focus pull, and yes i know its faster to gain XP that way, but its kinda boring for the ppl that cant get into the focus pulling groups and are either doomed to solo or make some dual groups which is kinda slow.
So the reason why im posting this is that there is a background on why hib got Focus shield and PBAE in the same line, and i have found it.. i got told by a IRL friend from US that Mythic looked into the future in the beta of DAoC and saw that Hib was gonna be a underpopulated realm and they figured that it might be a hand to the realm to get some more ppl to the realm because the focus shield would make it easier to lvl with , and that is true. but as the game have been progressing, more and more ppl have started to focus pull to PL others and to XP in regular groups... i dont have any problems with the PLing with Focus, but the normal or regular groups is ruined by this, becaues its being harder and harder to get a XP group with any other class than Chanters or a support class to heal the pet. if you look at spirit masters they got focus in Summoning together with the pet which was the first intention to do with chanters aswell.. and cabalists got it with their AE Dot, but chanters got it with a PBAE which is kinda overrated.

and then to the rumors.. ppl have been talking alot about 1.64 and focus shield beeing moved to enchantment line, i can tell you that it will be tested but its not official when, the 1.64 notes dosent say anything about it yet, and the rumors is a Wish list from the Enchanter TL to mythic.

thats all for now, ask questions if you like, but plz dont flame me for this!


[00:36] * Tilda_zerknerfh is now known as Tilda
[00:37] <Saadyst> Tilda
[00:37] <Saadyst> you are gay.
[00:38] <Saadyst> Danyan
[00:38] * Saadyst slaps Danyan around a bit with a large trout
[00:38] <Danyan> hmm?
[00:39] <Saadyst> is there any precedent for moving a spell to another line?
[00:41] <Saadyst> Danyan
[00:41] <Saadyst> dont ignore me bish.
[00:42] * Tilda has quit IRC (Signed off)
[00:42] <Danyan> yes
[00:42] <Danyan> chanter run speed
[00:42] <Danyan> moved from mana spec ot er wherever it is now
[00:43] <Brennik> baseline
[00:43] <Brennik> so not really...
[00:44] * Ufrot has quit IRC (Quit: Why play hard to get when you can be hard to want?)
[00:45] <Saadyst> k
[00:45] <Saadyst> so i doubt they'll move anything big like focus shield or debuff etc
[00:45] <Saadyst> thats like moving instant mezz into regrowth
[00:46] <Saadyst> people would be like
[00:46] <Saadyst> you just fucked everyones char for 12months.
[00:46] <Brennik> yea, don't think they'll do that
[00:46] <Brennik> they'll just nerf focus shield somehow
[00:46] * [FC]Kurik has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:46] <Brennik> like, make the mobs aggro random targets in group (which it really should do)
[00:47] <Saadyst> if they made it so pets can get the aggro back
[00:47] <Saadyst> that might be ok
[00:47] <Saadyst> so he has to 'catch'
[00:47] <Saadyst> all the mobs
[00:47] <Brennik> yea
[00:47] <Danyan> easy
[00:47] <Danyan> xp with bard, bard ae mezzed
[00:47] * [FC]Kurik has joined #a-r
[00:47] <Saadyst> just make it difficult enough so not every 2 bit n00ber can do it
[00:47] <Danyan> pet catches mezzed mobs
[00:47] <Saadyst> that way 'i remember the old days' type xp'ers can pbae xp.
[00:47] <Brennik> pet whiffs three times in a row and you die :)
[00:47] <Saadyst> which is funny in itself.
[00:48] <Vodkafairy> hahaha
[00:48] <Vodkafairy> albs also stealthzerg in bg3
[00:48] <Vodkafairy> :|


well, they hadnt given anyone a 30ish% dmg-decrease earlier either so...


Can only agree with Zuljin, the whole focuspulling thing has become too extreme, altho it's lovely when u fit into the focuspulling group, it makes exping a living hell for those left out, it's first when u start a character that doesn't fit the focuspulling requirements that u notice how bad it really is.


The only reason why u see so many ppl focuspulling is because Mythic lowered the cap to level lowbies a while ago. Remove that and make it extremely unattractable to xp lowbies with higher chars and u will see less focuspulling.

Furthermore, even though i have a chanter myself, i still prefer normal groups since i rather see tanks fight with nice styles then my dumbass pet.

However i disagree that the shield should be moved to another line since i specced my char as it is for reasons of beeing able to solo well myself. Mythic should just provide standard bonusses for every group that consists out of 8 people within a certain levelrange to encourage grouping within same level instead of making mobs give groupbonusses.


Originally posted by Ziva
The only reason why u see so many ppl focuspulling is because Mythic lowered the cap to level lowbies a while ago. Remove that and make it extremely unattractable to xp lowbies with higher chars and u will see less focuspulling.

Furthermore, even though i have a chanter myself, i still prefer normal groups since i rather see tanks fight with nice styles then my dumbass pet.

However i disagree that the shield should be moved to another line since i specced my char as it is for reasons of beeing able to solo well myself. Mythic should just provide standard bonusses for every group that consists out of 8 people within a certain levelrange to encourage grouping within same level instead of making mobs give groupbonusses.

what ziva said its all about playing and enjoying i've soloed my self a few times and focus extremely usefull.


if you make this grp

1 druid
1 warden
1 bard
3 tanks
1 chanter
1 other mag class

you use focus and tanks use taunt and protect mags when someting goes wrong. The bad part about this is, that the tanks gone be wery boord. But the good part is that focus pull is wery fast and abit safer, so xp gone be wery nice. IMAO


However i disagree that the shield should be moved to another line since i specced my char as it is for reasons of beeing able to solo well myself. Mythic should just provide standard bonusses for every group that consists out of 8 people within a certain levelrange to encourage grouping within same level instead of making mobs give groupbonusses.
cant be helped.. its being considered


I,ve just started a chanter, And i,ll try not to keep to the usual focus pulling tactic and help others out with lvling, Probs wont make a huge difference, But im trying ;)


I have said this before and i will say it again, hey its not my fault a Focus Pull thread pops up twice a day.

A level restricion at dungeons is at the moment the easiest and most efficient way to stop the pl's camping spots in there.
If it is a group of people, that are of a generaly equal and suitable level for the dungeon, that camp a spot, i don't care how they do it, its ok.
And leave people pl outdoors we need easy xp in Hibernia.


make more spots like the fins

no reason not to it does help everyone


I found when I was exping chars 30+ the normal way, the exp was faster than that focus pulling with a full balanced groups.

2 heroes(with shield spec)
1 warden
2 pbaoers
1 mana menta
1 bard
1 druid

make groups like that and if u find the right spots u can almost chain pull. Balanced group > pet pulling, and is way more fun.

So tell amm them people wanting to focus to foad!!


I prefer focus pulling because I don't NEED a warden, 3 tanks or a bard, so if I need xp, I can get a group together with MUCH more flexibility and in much quicker time than I could pre-focus pulling. Why should I have to spend an hour getting a group together to go get xp, and when 1 key member of the group leaves, all that time and effort is thrown away?

Bedroc the Hero

make more spots like the fins

This should do it. More spots with a high spawn rate would help lvling. In a Fins-boring way, that is.

Imo, increase camp bonus a LOT, make camp-bonus group specific so another grp can come and still get camp bonus, and increase the camp-bonus reset timer. This would encourage roaming, which is fun. Move around. look for new spots. hunt a while, then move on. everyone is on their toes, and awake..

But to be honest.. isnt it much to easy to get 50 already?? why make it easier?


I exped my bm to 50 without focuspulling and had great fun too... 2 pbaoes in group in sheeroe hills pulling knights and exp was sky high... when i was levelling my chanter with mez 2 kill 1 style... it took full manapack to for one pull and you were lucky to make 1 bulb/hour on lvl 42... now we were making 3-4 bulbs/hour on 48 while having great fun...

Anyway... building groups was pain in the ass due to low hib population, fins, focuspulling etc. but then again it was much sweeter when you actually got a nice group together and every1 was like weehey... didnt know this can be so great... why im posting here... dunno... making alt soon and i want to encourage people to do more "old" fashioned (not "oldest" fashioned) exping... since im planning to make druid and dont feel like healing some freakin pet 24/7... btw... nightshades can tank just fine in normal pbaoe groups if you have a warden... with 2 pbaoes the mobs go down so fast it wont make difference... what else... hmm... bored... give servers up :)


Just curious tho, with all these mana spec ments, bards and druids joining mana chanters who are they going to be support classes for in rvr? :D Each other? It is dark age of tankalot for a reason, casters suck balls in many cases (the validity of this statement is neither tested or to be taken literally m'kay?).

Foucs pulling is isolating and making it harder for many tanks to xp successfully, it was hard enough to lvl two to 50 the old way, it's even harder to get a grp now :(

Have to say that a good grp can pull as fast as a focus grp, harder to get the people together, nothing worse than someone staying for .5 bub then buggering off but I still say it's way more fun to interact with your fellow grp members than be semi-afk picking your nose or scratching your arse, I wouldn't have thought so much of ufrot as a class A leeching mofo if he had been afk rather than the drunk/smoking/crazy fin that he is, or the other innumerable people I met through xping the hard way :D

Adding more spawns is not the solution IMO, just be even more aggravating to find it camped by a focus grp and there are lots of places to xp in SI, really, lots and lots. Fomor is good fun right near the first boss, loads of mobs to pull and fun :)


Focus Pulling isn't isolating in its self, its the people doing it to decide if they want a tank with them or not.

Tanks just don't have to be in a group anymore, and they are subject to rejection as everyone else is, tsk tsk what a shame.


TS is a nice xp place for 40+ as an alternative, cant really focus pull there though

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