Considering it was made mainly as a quick and easy to get template, it's actually fairly good.
On another note, in threads such as this, if you have a comment to make its usually helpful to suggest other ideas that might aid the person rather than a "lolz u sux". Or you could continue to troll!
The reason the dex is high is because it was made with pierce damage aswell as defences in mind, personally i didn't want to go as high dex, but Taglim wanted it and im a sucker for an ugly face.
no 26/26 dex/str
utter crap hits
low con cap (20+ should be poss since no need to crap quick due to luri)
low heat resist
uncapped melee resist
so-so toa bonuses
Pros -
High AF
though personally a temp these days is so easy to make with rare items because they arent even rare anymore i dont see the point in not doing it..
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