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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Less add whine?

there was pretty much no add whine in that thread.
i get added on countless times a day. The thread wasn't about the adding at all. There were little to no flaming, people were nice and all.. why lock it? :(


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Because your moaning about someone elses gameplay which you have no say what so ever about. If thats how he wants to play then so be it. Try accepting everyone aint gonna give u the chance to solo and be the most respected player.

No one plays to have fun anymore, everyone justs wants fair fights...since when do u get a fair fight? Organised fights are fair, random ones aint.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Sye said:
Because your moaning about someone elses gameplay which you have no say what so ever about. If thats how he wants to play then so be it. Try accepting everyone aint gonna give u the chance to solo and be the most respected player.

No one plays to have fun anymore, everyone justs wants fair fights...since when do u get a fair fight? Organised fights are fair, random ones aint.

wrong, i expressed disappointment in a person i thought more off. He can play any way he likes. But i dont have to like it.

Try accepting everyone aint gonna give u the chance to solo?

^^ there is a very small like 5-10% base of people who allows me to solo. i have to fight the rest, be it trios or fg's without posting about it here.
the post wasn't about adding or zerging. simply expressed my disappointment in what i considder lame. Not you or anyone else can change my mind about that. you dont have to agree, but you have accept it. Like i, however annoying it is getting steamrolled. Have to accept that not everyone enjoys the challenge of soloing.

As for me being the most respected player... doubt i am. But i know there are people out there who do respect me and enjoy the fact that they can always get a 1on1 with me in Thid. Never claimed to be more respected than anyone else here.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
FH Code of Conduct said:
Add on my fight whinage.

Another annoying trend. The rules have nothing whatsoever that says a solo player cannot attack an enemy of his/her realm, so get over it. Threads of this nature will be closed without warning.
Taken from the CoC.

There's nothing wrong with flim closing it. You know who Hamro is, you know his Forum ID so there really wasn't anything stopping you from PMing him instead of making a thread.

For whatever reason, the Battleground section seems to be currently being examined by the powers that be, most of the threads here are just a waste of bandwidth and their equivalent would (usually) be locked in the RvR section. I guess we're just going to have to post meaningful threads from now on, I personally don't think thats a bad thing ;)

Plus I'm sure Hamro learnt his lesson.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Eversmallx said:
Flim gets horny closing threads :p
Who wouldn't?! I'm not sure I could cope with the power.
FH is just a stepping stone to world domination! :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
BlitheringIdiot said:
Taken from the CoC.

There's nothing wrong with flim closing it. You know who Hamro is, you know his Forum ID so there really wasn't anything stopping you from PMing him instead of making a thread.

For whatever reason, the Battleground section seems to be currently being examined by the powers that be, most of the threads here are just a waste of bandwidth and their equivalent would (usually) be locked in the RvR section. I guess we're just going to have to post meaningful threads from now on, I personally don't think thats a bad thing ;)

Plus I'm sure Hamro learnt his lesson.

Again. It wasn't about the adding. Said that for like 4 posts in a row now :)
And agreed many of the post in the BG section is just xxx you suck teh balls, your family suxor etc. and people just continue to hammer eachother with insults for the next 3 pages. wasn't like that here. was only the first 4-5 post that was actually about the incident. the rest was just people saying hello and having alittle friendly trashtalk.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
CoC = guidebook. They dont have to obey it. Kinda like how the US reacts to global stuff in the real world ^_^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Sye said:
No one plays to have fun anymore,

Sorry but you are wrong there, I personally play for fun, not to see how much killspamm I get or to get noticed.

If it'a not fun, why play at all, it is a GAME after all :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
ya mate, good fight the last day btw mate i was unbuffed :p
u up for a duo some time, i have a BM and an eld :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
your post was about adding, regardless of how you tried to masked it.

Your issue was that hamro, who you once looked highly upon, you no longer respect in the same way because he Added. Hence your add whine.

on another note, it can also border onto a personal attack, so what if he added, you dont pay his subs, he has a right to play which ever way he wants without the need to come and read the forums, a negative post on him. You could have also expressed yourself to him in a private message, you deliberately wanted to show him up by posting it as a topic.

Soloing doesnt put you on higher moral ground, that gives you the right to post your disappointment on someone who doesnt choose to play like you.

I could make a whole chapter on what i think about people who solo in this game.....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Kalidur said:
your post was about adding, regardless of how you tried to masked it.

You are way off. It had nothing to do with the adding really.
I have houndreds of people adding on me everyday. Hell the best fight i had in a while was against Haec and his group :) /wave. People play the game differently, it was purely a post from disappointment

Kalidur said:
on another note, it can also border onto a personal attack, so what if he added, you dont pay his subs, he has a right to play which ever way he wants

Kalidur said:
I could make a whole chapter on what i think about people who solo in this game.....

So people can play whichever way they like.. as long as they do it the way you like?
You see. I don't say that people can't zerg or add. Hell there is nothing better for me than when i absolutely destroy some random adder that thinks he can join for an easy kill. However annoying i find it sometimes. This was about my disappointment in a choice.. not a playstyle per say. He can add and leech all he wants now and i couldn't care less.

Could have have PM'ed this to him? maybe, but i didn't think about it. Deal with it.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Blackjack said:
So people can play whichever way they like.. as long as they do it the way you like?

I didnt post a whole chapter on what i think on people who solo (in this thread), i only said i could. I have my opinions on this game and voice them where necessary, i dont make a new post having a go at any individual for not playing like me, i will comment on propaganda posts by people who think they know how this game should be played or what this game is about and i try and back it up with literature from mythic.

lemme refresh your memory a little....

Blackjack said:
Another one joins the tard side.
must say i thought more of you Hamro. guess i was wrong to do so.

for anyone not there;

fought Hamrome the vamp. killed him. and ran to HB. there Hamrome is again. first he just waits around. then he tries an attack. and he runs off at 50% fair enough. He comes back and just hangs around not attacking. sat down to wait for him. and give a NS free PA. at this point Hamrome decides it's safe to join in.

<scratches another name off the good guy list>

and what would you define that as if it isnt about someone adding to your fight ? and you not liking it (Another one joins the tard side) thats the opinion you gave on people who dont play the game the way you want them to play.

Blackjack said:
you attacked. you just couldn't win so you added instead

your second post.

if thats not about adding i dont know what is

really though i dont wanna get into another long discussion about this, just wanna end with saying, so what if he adds, he pays as much as you do. The same way someone pointed out to me, i dont pay for their toons so why should i have a say in how they play.... I will however voice my opinion when someone is called a tard for enjoying the game without cheating or bug abusing. Be it a soloist or a zerg master.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Kalidur said:
i will comment on propaganda posts by people who think they know how this game should be played or what this game is about and i try and back it up with literature from mythic.

Propaganda ^^ think you are laying waaay too much into this ^^
Let me make an analogy for you.

Football, many different ways of playing it. i considder people who chain steamroll soloers and sit around waiting for a person to get jumped because they can't handle him/her alone. For the footie players who every chance they get give an elbow, kick his opponent and uses all the dirty tricks he can.
It's part of the game in football. and i wouldn't bitch about it.. until the player who does this to me is a player i thought i knew to be better than that. I get disappointed, not because i get elbowed, but because of who did it. Then he might say, hey im not better than the rest i'll use dirty tricks to stay ontop. some considder this form of harrasing your opponents part of the game itself. others just shake their head and says "Fine, they will keep doing it whether i like it or not. But i will let my oppinion be heard"

So for the tenth time, since you refuse to understand what im saying. This has nothing to do with adding, but the person doing the adding.
I have the right to disappointed in whatever or whoever i like. If that person think i'm wrong so be it. doesn't change a thing.

And it has nothing to do with them being solo or not, plenty of people play in groups and still manage to be good and fair. people like Arumos, Strega, Frozen and Thid Blitz it doesn't matter if they are solo or grouping, they keep it clean.
i get ganked plenty by random groups. no problem, they want rp's and xp fine. dont enjoy it, but i accept it. It's the regulars, the people i know come back time and time again with SC'ed and/or buffed chars i expect more from.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Blackjack said:
Propaganda ^^ think you are laying waaay too much into this ^^

see the other day i was in thid, and there was a merc and stealther having a fight, so i thought maybe its one of these lot off the forums that constantly whines about being added to, so i hesitated.

Later the merc messaged me asking me if i was slow at reacting or was this my first cabby, to which i explained about the adding posts on the forums. He gave me his opinions on them to which i wont utter, it wasnt pleasent.

I personaly felt bad letting all the "propaganda" off the forums make me hesitate in saving a fellow realmie.

so no i aint taking it a little far, all this crap about adding to duels is just crap, DAOC has very very little to do with solo fights, yet there are those that think that this game is all about solo fights and if you dont go by there rules your a noob or tard or whatever, well i say bollox to that, and its those that dont work with there realm that are noobs. tards and my personal favourite E-Peen groomers

but obviously your welcome to play whichever way you want, i have my opinions similar to how you have yours. The only difference is i dont make posts on people who dont play the way i want them to play.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
Adding is not just about soloers being added on, the same applies to groups being added on. If like you posted above you felt bad about not "helping" that merc out then add to your hearts content, however as you are probably well aware that merc could have reacted the same way had you added and he won, with things like "don't add @#;] sake!!". I would respond to the merc if he starts sending abuse with "well you could have asked for help?", at the end of the day people know it is a game all play differently to enjoy.

BlackJack posted previously to say his disappointment in a person that he previously expected more from, adding was what caused the dislike, but it was not a fact he dwelled on.

Off topic but might stop the whine some: Is any groups roaming? as might have to renew acct as already feel the need to play some quick action BG :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Staffzor said:
however as you are probably well aware that merc could have reacted the same way had you added and he won, with things like "don't add @#;] sake!!".

See but for me that aint an issue for me, i'd laugh at the guy and carry on with my game, i dont play the game to be the best, i only play it because Albion is at war with Hibernia and Midgard. Its a Massively Multiplayer on-line Role Playing Game to me, and not a 2 player coin up.

but for a second there (thanks to whine posts), when the merc was fighting the stealther it felt like waiting in line, to challenge the winner at street fighter 2.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Kalidur said:
i dont play the game to be the best, i only play it because Albion is at war with Hibernia and Midgard.
Really? I play for the fun... :p

Different people get their fun in different ways, as long as it isnt against the CoC then its fine. Thankfully the mods know this and hence why threads are getting closed that tell people to play a certain way.

Kalidur - Carry on trying to defend Arthurs good name.
Blackjack - Carry on trying to solo honourably.

Less talking, more playing imo.

Personally I like the dynamic we have at the moment, plenty of solo fights, at least one group roaming from each realm at peak times and still the constant zerg war over the bridges and ck.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Kalidur said:
but for a second there (thanks to whine posts), when the merc was fighting the stealther it felt like waiting in line, to challenge the winner at street fighter 2.

So you are saying that the evil soloers made you hesitate with their opinions? You think that it's against the spirit of mmoprg not to take every bit of challenge out of fighting if you have the chance? Being a soloer is far far far from just 1on1's. i have far more 2on1's and 3on1's than i do duels.

BlitheringIdiot said:
Less talking, more playing imo.

Ok ok :p <takes of discussion hat>


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Blackjack said:
So you are saying that the evil soloers made you hesitate with their opinions?

yes, not all soloers just the ones that whine when people dont play by there rules.

Blackjack said:
You think that it's against the spirit of mmoprg not to take every bit of challenge out of fighting if you have the chance?

no those are your spin-doctored words

Blackjack said:
Being a soloer is far far far from just 1on1's. i have far more 2on1's and 3on1's than i do duels.

i'm glad you enjoy soloing, its what the games about, having fun


Loyal Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Kalidur said:
Its a Massively Multiplayer on-line Role Playing Game to me, and not a 2 player coin up.
Wouldn't u agree that its both? Hence the /duel option implemented by Mythic themselves, allowing you to duel players of your own realm :)

This seems to suggest that, a 2player coin up (or duelling) is indeed part of the game, just like group play is :)


Loyal Freddie
May 8, 2004
BlitheringIdiot said:
Personally I like the dynamic we have at the moment, plenty of solo fights, at least one group roaming from each realm at peak times and still the constant zerg war over the bridges and ck.

Must agree here, things have gotton so much better than when the fg's were roaming each night. I actually manage to leave mpk and get some 1's, 2's and small group action going against lil me. Love it :)

Loads of people to thank for the fun this past week, from the albs that swam up behind me and just swam away (thanks for leabing me alone, i was under ab facing ck...doh)

loads of nice fights and strong opponents.

keep up the happy spirit.

Thid alts
Maoixil - dark sm
Darkarts - hunter
Victimise - skald


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 17, 2005
'Another one joins the tard side' is enough to get the thread locked on it's own. Imo it takes someone of extreme stupidity to describe someone as a retard for playing the game the way he wants. If you're going to flame someone, fine, but at least try to use what little intelligence you can scrape together to not have to stoop as low to insult them as you did in the first thread.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 17, 2005
As for the state of thidd atm with the dueling, I quite like it. Will like it much more when I am actually 24 and buffed tho.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
TeamSpeakandChips said:
'Another one joins the tard side' is enough to get the thread locked on it's own. Imo it takes someone of extreme stupidity to describe someone as a retard for playing the game the way he wants. If you're going to flame someone, fine, but at least try to use what little intelligence you can scrape together to not have to stoop as low to insult them as you did in the first thread.

hahahaha :D ohh yes. new account, no sig. Brave kid ^^. Lets start from the top shall we?

Doubt you really want to compare intelligence here, my nitwit friend :)
you fired off more bullshit and insults than the intire thread had to start with.
so already here there is a massive flaw in your logic. I have no problem playing around with personal insults. but i doubt Flim would agree with the entertainment value. So i'll try to keep it down but still show you how ridiculously easy it is to make insults. i would try to explain it to you more but it would most likely be like trying to explain quantum physics to a bag of chips. you see. However much i disagree with Kalidur he still shows who he is in his sig. So you can see who he is ingame and judge him on his playstyle and how he conducts himself around the realm (if you play the same realm as him ofc)
but whether or not you agree with him or not.. his words carry weight due to the fact that he is willing to back up his opinions by not being anon.

You on the other hand, has no sig. and there is not even an ounce of actual useable information in your rather silly post. other than your meaningless opinion that i am "teh stup1d suxor" which is basicly what you posted just wrapped up to make it look fancy.
So just run off and play somewhere else :)


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
From the other thread:

Blackjack said:
you attacked. you just couldn't win :) so you added instead

Now that looks like add whine to me, and I would have done just what Flim did. Stop moaning and get over it... we sometimes close threads, and we will continue to do so.

This one gets closed too.
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