
  • Thread starter Madonion Slicer
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Madonion Slicer

Ok been advise to take up fletching as a my trade skill with my new Scout, i have a few questions.

1. Is there a guide or help to do this, never done a trade before.
2. Is it worth starting now at lvl7 or should i concentrate on lvling a bit first?

3. What tools do i need and where do i get given the trade?


Any other things i need to know about trade skills? , i will be using my other players to fund him.

Madonion Slicer

Thx Hendrick printed out some info and guide and map to merchants should do ok now.

But still is it worth me starting now or not? only really want to get my skill up to make some decent arrows, hopefully for less that the store sells them for.


The faster you start making the better arrows the more money youll save mate, you may notice in a week that youve blown all your money on getting decent arrows......well all arrows can be crafted for about 1/2 price (apart from the top ones which craft for about 2/3 price)

its a good idea to start early if you can afford to....that way youll be able to churn out the top arrows which will make a huge difference to levelling :D

my mate started a scout a couple of weeks ago, and got to about level 7 in a week.....i gave him a bunch of the best arrows n he started doing 4x the damage and hit everytime....took him 2 days to get to level 14 after that so i'd say it makes a big difference....

one thing you may not have realised.....once you finish making the rough arrows youll need to craft next to a lathe (one in camelot by the wood merchant, and one in the stable at cornwall station)

hope this helps :)


Madonion Slicer

Thx Rossco, i started this character last night and got to lvl7 in just over 2 hours which i think is pretty good going, sorted out with friend to give me 30G which my alt gave back to him, and so far i have spent about 8G on arrows alone buying the 24S ones, so if crafting is the way to go to make this cheaper then i will have to.

Where can i find the NPC that gives you the fletching trade skill?


Theres a small merchants shop next to the guild of shadows in camelot.....the chap you're after is called Acey Dalston, dont get him confused with the inactive fletcher master near the forge :)

Madonion Slicer

I know this might be a stupid question that cant be answered but doing some research and i have seen that the best arrows "Footed Flight Broadhead" require a skill of 490, now if i was to simply sit there and powerskill using my alts to fund him roughly how long does the tradeskill process take?? is it hours, days?

How long has it taken others to reach 490 in trade skills, could it be done in a week?


aah sorry mate its been far to long ;) you may be able to do it in a week....but then i doubt youd have much time for anything else.

one thing i can tell you is to start on bodkin arrows asap, as they will keep both your metal and wood skills roughly even with your fletching skill, which is all youll need to worry about if you only want to make arrows.

but back to the main point.......i think if you sat there doing it for an evening, you may if your lucky hit level 250+....but youll notice it slow down a lot the higher you get.....


A couple of days if you got the funds ;)

- Maybe less if you're addicted.
That's crafting time.

Madonion Slicer

Ah so it is not too bad then, not really bothered about going higher than 490, i will just buy my bows from a another crafting player dont want to nick anyones trade.

I have a question about arrows maybe you could answer, reading about them it seems you get either Thrust or Slash

Thrust = Medium Damage
Slash = High Damage

My question is that i am speccing in Thrust, does this mean i have to us Thrust arrows or does my speccing have nothing to do with arrrow damage, is thrust and slash arrows only indicate the type of damage they will inflict on the mob, eg if they are weak to slash i will get a + or vicea versa?

Thx for all these help


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