

Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
i would like to flame the following people.....

boy sues mother!!
lol no kidding was on tv this morning a boy aged approx 12 is suing his mum for not buying him a pc, she said she would if he did well at his exams, which he did (i hear) but no pc......

i can understand the kid wanting to do it, i mean how many of us out here in cyber space have ever wanted to exact revenge on the folks for pissing us about? but who the hell would have thought a case like this would be taken seriously?? what are the lawyers thinking????.... am i using to much exclamation????? sorry i get off the point, we've all heard about stupid law suits but fgs it has to stop somewhere, what next? someone holding a trial on behalf of a cat because its owner obviously isnt feeding it the preferred choice of cat food?

Im suing someone, dont care who but im gonna do it!
was something on tv the other night about folks in the 50's who got asbestos poisoning and they sued (fair enough) but then some others were suing because they "could" have gotten it, they were perfectly fit and healthy but had been in the general area of some and were recommended to go see a doctor to get checked out.

i think i might sue a bus company for the trauma of possibly getting run down by a bus at some point in the future, or hay heres one i am seriously considering, suing the lawyers for making me afraid to do anything for fear of getting sued for it.

i personally think its about as stupid as it can get and that this culture of suing folk for anything and everything should be held under close scrutiny and folks who sue for pathetic petty stuff should get their arses thrown in jail and a labotomy to boot.

Im Kent Brockman and that was My 2 cents!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Claim Culture pisses me off at the best of times, but can a 12yr old even sue? His mother of all people!?

I swear if it doesn't get thrown out as some form of pointless and childish rebellion i'm going to lose all faith in the judicial system, join the Roman Catholic church and spend the rest of my life fucking underage girls at 'St. Marys' because you can't possibly get any lower than taking your own mother to court. :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Yep boy can sue for breach of promise, though would like to know where the bugger got the money to pay for suing her.

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Probobly working pro boner.

You should watch daytime tv adverts sometime, every advert, every break is a "Want money? Sue some fucker and get that dream holiday." or "We'll loan you money because were not loan sharks." (Which is true, loan companies can send in balifs, all nice and legal).

If you can divorce your parents, then you can sue them. Sad fact of life, but there we go, it's the kid culture. You can't punish your children in any real way anymore, and in return they'll repay you with back-stabbing and resentment in your twilight years. Is it any wonder many people are adoping instead of having kids there own? At least an adopted kids had hardship and will repay your kidness with genuine love and affection (Well, that's the idea).

Remember the case of James Bulgers killers. They both were sent to prison, and some fuckwit game them games, TV, consoles, internet access, a plush bloody lifestyle. They'ed killed a 3 year old child, and they were living the life of Riley. What kind of justice is that! Yet a mother who smacks her child for doing something wrong (upto the age's of 16) can be arrested and have her family taken off her. Maddness.

Makes you wonder, is it worth being a parent.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
as far as I know no kid in the netherlands can have a contract with someone else and I guess its the same in the UK. So im assuming this is a breach of an oral contract, but it was made with an underage person so it shouldnt work.

And yes its stupid that you can get sued for breaking a promise, was just pointing out that I dont think there is even a legal reason for this.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Bah ...... they should never have nerfed sending the little gits up chimneys at the age of 12.
That way they got more to worry about than bloody PC's.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
"Did you cut your finger at work 10 years ago? Did the coffee machine spill warm liquid on your hand? Did the boss wink at you?"

"Then contact us now! We guarentee a minimum sum of £1000 just in time for christmas"

Those adds are everywhere now, TV, papers, billboards...
I want to see a witchunt on these asswipes... drag them naked down the streets and give them some real injuries.

The court system is a joke now. Maybe I can find a recent quote from one of the highly ranked judges, saying something to that effect.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Actually i think it's great, litigation will end all wars, prevent me having to do a single days work, get me laid with every girl I meet and endless riches.

I'm just going to sue every single person in Germany for the war, sue my bosses for making me tired after a days work, sue every girl I chat up for rejecting me and hurting my feelings and sue 300 credit card companies for coercing me into debt.


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
Escape said:
"Did you cut your finger at work 10 years ago? Did the coffee machine spill warm liquid on your hand? Did the boss wink at you?"

"Then contact us now! We guarentee a minimum sum of £1000 just in time for christmas"
rofl so true
i had an accedent at work a few weeks ago i got 2 of my fingers squashed between some cabin roof frames and bloody hell it hurt, thought they were broken i couldnt move them etc etc, the company were great got a taxi asap to take me to A&E and told me to get a cab back on them, it was a total accedent, no ones fault. my fingers wernt broken just some nerve damage but when i left hospital they gave me a leaflet about how to care for my injury... on the back was one of those "claim direct" adverts, they are leaches tbh, total leaches.

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