Flame me if you like



I just wanted to say that you albs know that the hibs and mids have less players than you so why do you feel the need to have to attack at a time that you clearly know that we will not be able to get the defence ?

Can you really say that you enjoy attacking at this time knowing that you will clearly win ? Cause surely doing it at a time when the server is full of ppl and making it back alive that is the thrill.

You as a realm have not tried one daytime relic raid even tho you have more players than both realms so can you not even see why the mids and hibs get upset about it when you do this ?

I know that it is a 24/7 game but you have more players than us so in respect you could at least of tried to attack at a good time for the many of ppl that are paying for there accounts but can't stay up all night playing a game as real life is clearly more important.

As a realm you would gain alot more respect if you at least tried to take relics at a time when ppl pay good money to play this game but due to real life issues such as work they can't stay up all night playing a game.

The end result of this will be that you get all the relics and ppl will leave the server because they will not be bothered to stay knowing that there is little point as you have overwelming amount of players and you will find yourself standing in emain with no one to fight so if you can't see what i am trying to say flame me but please remember this post when you are standing there with no one to kill. And you only have to look at other servers that this has happened to know what i am saying is the truth.

Regards Kiranian


we just felt the need to slap you all down and show u what happens when realms that should be seen and not heard try to jump up and scratch us :(


next time remind us to make sure the whole raid party suicides enroute so we're all rez sick and you have a chance of defending.


the higher you fly, the deeper you fall.. dont forget that.


woot! you mean there is a chance we can walk thu the frontiers with no body left on mids and hibs.
so this game will actually have an end then i guess)
was getting worried we might be ganking ourselves into our 90s lol.


Check again Albion doesnt have such a population.
What is it? 35% of the server? 37%? anyway not 40% so not enough arguments.

Is as bad taking a relic at 1cet than in a world cup final at 12pm...so... stop the whining.

Take all the relics at 6am if you want, I dont care anymore... relics are as dum crauchon ping pong.


ok not gonna flame you cant be assed anymore but ill say it again

GMT is not CET

midgard did not even attempt to intercept at the relic keep till we had the other 2 in our possesion mids did stand very little chance thats true but not cos of time, cos of numbers alb had a massivse force assembled which very little would have stopped the reason

we dont do many realm attacks during the day cos alb numbers are low during the day alot of people i know work late i mean like after 8pm and dont get on till 9pm GMT surely u cant expect the brits to attack earlier just so it makes life easier on you (yes i know albion is not just full of brits but the majority are) mids have taken relics at the time we set off and hibs have as well you cannot justify flaming us without flaming your selves nuff said gonna try not to post on here again cos itll just kick off again in the future

on another note can people stop been cocky on albion yes its nice to take relics and yes even rub there noses in it a little but downright insults are bang out of order gloating time and time again is just childish



I am a mid, I just want to say that the albs can attack when ever they please.

This is war! Do you think in the second world war they would attack the stongest enemy points when they did not have to, for a thrill!!

Why should they not attack at 3am, just so you cant be there to stop them. All it means is that we have to attack them back to get back the relics. If they only attacked in the hours that suited most players the relic would never move and they would become bored of attacking the keep and just not do it.

IMO it makes RvR more action pact as each side has to keep switching from aggressive to defensive and back again on a regular daily basis. Sure it sucks that we lost all the relics, but why are you here whining and moaning and not online trying to rally a team for a counter attack.

IMO stop whinning about it. nobody is gonna say, awww sorry and give the relic back. Grow up and go an attack those keeps, and be damn sure I will be there and not sitting on these boards moaning.

GJ albs p.s you wont have them long, so log on a take some screens while you still can :p :m00:


Originally posted by old.Kiranian
I just wanted to say that you albs know that the hibs and mids have less players than you so why do you feel the need to have to attack at a time that you clearly know that we will not be able to get the defence ?

-> RvR has been all about tactics, not just Zerging. Hibs have takens relics and so did Mids so they are capable enough to attack back. We've been slaughtered in Emain dozen of times when we even outnumbered others...

Can you really say that you enjoy attacking at this time knowing that you will clearly win ? Cause surely doing it at a time when the server is full of ppl and making it back alive that is the thrill.

-> What about the times we got ganked at 1 AM even when we relic raided? Ask Finster about it. When he was still at our side, he knows we got ganked numerous of times. There is nothing more disappointing to loose every raid we do at that time. It's a long way from a TPK to a relic keep, don't say we couldn't be spotted by a single grey one who could be ruining our whole raid.. The only time when we know we gonna win it's when the relics are inside our keep..

You as a realm have not tried one daytime relic raid even tho you have more players than both realms so can you not even see why the mids and hibs get upset about it when you do this ?

-> Ask Finster or any known high lvl 50er again about the numerous attacks we did at day time and which all failed (the closest we got one time was when we had all 3 doors down and some n00b took the relic). Get your facts right please. There have been numerous of times when we got swiped at Power Relic Keep. And more people doesn't associates with winning every time. Tactics and good people do..

I know that it is a 24/7 game but you have more players than us so in respect you could at least of tried to attack at a good time for the many of ppl that are paying for there accounts but can't stay up all night playing a game as real life is clearly more important.

As a realm you would gain alot more respect if you at least tried to take relics at a time when ppl pay good money to play this game but due to real life issues such as work they can't stay up all night playing a game.

-> You think we Albs don't have work/school/whatever? You think I enjoy only 3 hours sleep? Respect has to come from both ways. But then again it's war like so many people call it and in war there are no rules... I can give you another example of showing respect.. We didn't do a single raid on the weekend most nordic people had some special day. But instead Mids get our relics at F1 Days, Mothers Day, etc. Not to mention at what time it was every sunday... So as I said to show respect it has to come from both sides...

The end result of this will be that you get all the relics and ppl will leave the server because they will not be bothered to stay knowing that there is little point as you have overwelming amount of players and you will find yourself standing in emain with no one to fight so if you can't see what i am trying to say flame me but please remember this post when you are standing there with no one to kill. And you only have to look at other servers that this has happened to know what i am saying is the truth.

-> This was said way back and look we are still here... Albs never had all relics in their relic keeps yet. If we had it would be a hard time to defend anyway because of 2 keeps and 2 realms who can attack. And most people who left, left because of the lack of service, servers, updates, etc.

Albs have been messed around lots of times, but like I said in previous messages, we sticked and we just tried harder next time. There is always hope and if you don't have hope then you are fighting a lost cause...

Greetings to all the people who are still on the server :clap:


I'm affraid most people are simply starting to loose interests in relic-hunting now and afterwards imo organised RvR.

It is hard to justify organising relic raids in a realm, when you know you will loose it at around 2am on a week night.

This is *not* war, this is a computergame.


It is war within the game!, lol if I meet someone that plays on hib or alb in rl I dont twat them one.

Please, its a game and it is war within the game


Originally posted by old.Karamon
Check again Albion doesnt have such a population.
What is it? 35% of the server? 37%? anyway not 40% so not enough arguments.

Is as bad taking a relic at 1cet than in a world cup final at 12pm...so... stop the whining.

Take all the relics at 6am if you want, I dont care anymore... relics are as dum crauchon ping pong.

Well, you don't seem to be so sure about the numbers either. I belive its closer to 40-42% then 35, and thats quite a bit difference. Hopefully they'll fix that in the 1.52 patch.

Ok, so we did a world cup raid, now let me check the alb record for raids during "normal" times....(looking through papers)....(Checking forums)....(talking to ppl on irc)....(processing)...can't find one. Can you? And the most pathetic raid ever imo was the 7 am raid on hib. I think its a bit unfair to flame mids for world cup raid, when your own record is far from flawless. Btw I had no problem watching the final and playing daoc.

And I agree with Kiranian, you are only ruining the game for yourself, but I guess albs are ppl who rather play NPCs the other ppl.


Originally posted by old.Attle

(looking through papers)


I see it now, in the Daily Mail

ALB's Attack Keeps at stupid hours!!, its just a game chill

old.Rei Ayanami

If u didn't call last night in sauvage zerg, then i don't know what it was.


Originally posted by old.Rei Ayanami
If u didn't call last night in sauvage zerg, then i don't know what it was.

To be honest that weren't even all the people... that were the people who didn't listen to wait to reassemble first and then move..


Relics are 2 easy to get now because of the number of high lvls about.

If the raiding party isn't spotted they succeed if they're onto the 2nd door when spotted chances are they'll still get it.

Scouting Relic Keeps every hour or so to look out for raids is boring, I know I had an alt parked in Excali that I used to check loads.

So the Relics will change hands lots. Not really worth getting excited or worked up about though.

All 3 realms should just start saving up for the doors they'll need :p

As for the time of the raids, who cares when they are ?
Certainly not me, if either Realm has enough people on and ready to go for a Relic then that's a good time to do it.


Originally posted by old.Rei Ayanami
If u didn't call last night in sauvage zerg, then i don't know what it was.

Heheh well yes, and that was WAY less than half of the ppl who were in Odins. Nevertheless the number of middies outside Sauvage, had they been inside your relic keep, would have been plenty. And 95% of them were lvl50...


Far be it from me to disagree with my guild leader - and I haven't participated in any raids/defends yet, so I may not be qualified to comment - but losing the relics every now and again can only be good for the Mids.

I've been in one or two guilds across a couple of the realms and servers and I have never seen a guild, White Rose, so committed to taking and hanging onto relics. As each day that we had the relics went by Kiranian, Hulbur, Hildy, Vodara et al must have been getting more and more stressed and tired doing relic check after relic check. The worst thing about it was that they knew the attack would be lateish but that's the nature of the game.

The attacking realm has the luxury of knowing when the raid is happening of course. The defenders have to be on their toes constantly. That's why relics change hands.

So, Kiranian, Pagi, Vod, Hildy and all the others from the other guilds take a break for a few days - relax. We now have the luxury of knowing that there won't be another raid - cos there is nothing to take ;)

Let the albions sweat. Many of them have already said that prime-time is any-time. They're going to get very tired over the next while waiting for Hulbur of someone else to lead another sensational raid.

And then they shall write glorious epics about WR and the rest in Fort Atla once again.

Sweat the bastards out. ;)

Booordy Boop <White Rose>
Lvl 2x Shadowzerker

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