FlagHunter? BollocksHunter morelike.



I don`t like it. I was a huge fan of headhunters in QW and Q2 but in tribes it just doesn`t fit the parcel. DM tribes is dreadful and this is just DM cept with a teaser to coax folk into one area. Maybe it might be better with 8max players. Then they`d be more strategy to it than just chancing your luck after blatting 6 people witgh grenades.

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


Just a quick Q re: head hunters (or whatever its called)... is the gravity turned down in it? It was like moving through treacle, and it appeared that when you jumped, you jumped way slowly, and then took forever to come down again??



No changes to any aspects of gameplay other than the obvious.

Was this with a mobbed server or when it was a little calmer later on?


I think it depends a lot on the map design. If you run Hunter on the Peak Performance map its a blast, lots of open warfare and fly-bys.

But..those indoor and undeground maps just lend themselves towards camping around the flag stand and thats all the fun gone from it as far as Im concerned.

At one stage I was cruising the topside looking for ppl for about 60 seconds. Not a soul in sight, everyone had vanished underground

Anyway - Wabbit is good fun too, probably more so than hunter. Its a very good way to teach your ppl some skiing / slipping skills. Again though it depends on the map. some maps are pointless, others are perfect.

btw - I didnt notice any 'gravity' issues Brit. There were about 7 or 8 ppl playing when I was on.

European Ambassador
Starslayer Tribe http://starslayer.gibbed.com/starslayer.htm

"Abandon All Hope!"


Flag hunter I found to be really shit with the number of players there were.
Jerky, laggy, and complete luck.
It was only mildly enjoyable when I got a 49 flag capture.
Hot potato is pants with that many players too :/ also I think medium armor respawn sucks and 4 secs is just too little


Flag hunter is for lpb's only. Damn gits hogging all the bandwidth :/

I could get on average 1 shot in for every 4 a lpb could. And people still camp on nthe nexus which is fucking gay.

As for hot potato, the medium armour is pointless. Everyone goes up and changes to light armour straight away, most of the times it's just natural to go to an INV and get kitted up.


The reason Poker made it Medium Armor at spawn was because it made people use the inventories. Therefore the inventories should also be a target for the enemy. Therefore the players will be doing repairing and defending and attacking the enemy base rather than *all* going for the flag. If everyone spawned with light armor they would just go for the flag probably. I dislike the medium armor personally as its so slow but Poker's logic on this is sound.


Poker made you respawn in medium armour and also without discs, [i think] was because you could cover too much ground in light while disc jumping.

I think the point about hotpotato is that it requires a team to get the flag back to the base. And everyone should be going for the flag and not defending/attacking the bases.


Well thats why the game is so laggy because everyone is around the flag. By making there a reason to be in other places too it is meant to help. This is Poker's reasoning as he explained it to me: I've been helping him play test it for some time.


Both reasons:

No discs because you can cap from the centre in a matter of seconds with a discjump. No light armour for the same reason, but also because you have no need to use the inventory to become effective in what is a very fast game. I found medium armour to be a tad too slow for my liking too, so added the default energy pack which gives it just that little bit more speed, a good compromise imho.

Hot Potato has only been tested in circumstances for which it was not particularly designed (match play was envisaged). Given a tribe vs tribe situation I think you would far less people going solely for the flag and more base attacks, trying to prevent people going light etc.

Any constructive feedback welcome.

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