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and horribly be-weaponed star cruisers too


Gonna get me a dirty great big freighter bristling with turrets. The punch of a star destroyer and a turning circle measured in AU's \o/


No one out dweebs me ...NO ONE YA HEAR?



Sports & Sims? Ted's finally lost it. Perhaps RTS / RPG :)


We wrestled with that'un in ICQ (we being me 'n' theDog) settled on that cos it's a space-sim first and foremost really. Just happens to have RPG elements in it.

Also of course the Sims forum could use some traffic. :)


Indeed, that was no1 in my list of "eeews" when I first saw it - there is a 1st person view but the gameplay is geared such that its practically useless.
If its any consolation I haven't noticed it so much after an hour or more of play ...still stinks tho.

I get the impression that the game has been written with consoles in mind more than PC's - any1 know if its being converted?


Originally posted by MikeyBear

I get the impression that the game has been written with consoles in mind more than PC's - any1 know if its being converted?

Tbh Mikey it smacks of :

"Shit, we've been developing this game for AGES MAN. I'm sick of this shit!

YEAH same here dude...and the suits are pissed that we are using up so much $ and it ain't gonna be finished for like a YEAR or something.

Wait...I know..let's FORGET the pilot view and realistic flight engine and MAKE IT THIRD PERSON.

OH MY GOD DUDE! Why stop there? Let's make it like SPACE HARRIER zap zap POWEE!"

I'm exaggerating of course but it feels like some suit or something said ok guys finish the goddamn game anyway possible. :(


I couldn't disagree more. It seems very nice and polished to me. In fact I even think they went a bit over the top adding bells and whistles.

All the little movie sequences when landing on planets, walking in to bars and the like obviously had a lot of work go into them. The systems are full of lots of interesting things. Once you've finished travelling the beaten tracks you'll start seeing various hidden things waiting to be found.

I think it's meant to be a fun, shoot-em-up, RPG, space-type affair. The only thing it fails on is the boring travelling from system to system. But they've spiced it up somewhat having bandits interdicting you mid-trade lane or ambushing you at jump points.

Yes it does bare a resemblance to a console game, but I don't hold that against it. Highly addictive and probably the most fun I've had playing a game since BF1942 came out.


I think we want different things then cask. I don't want cute intros or to walk into bars and be forced to do missions to progress to the next pilot level.

I don't want my image on the screen, I want to start from zilch and do wtf I want and go out and explore space and not have to get involved in the main plot at all. A proper freeform game :/

It's not turgid rubbish by any means, just NOT at all the game it was being touted as. Looks like I'll have to wait for X2 maybe.


Originally posted by Xtro
I think we want different things then cask. I don't want cute intros or to walk into bars and be forced to do missions to progress to the next pilot level.

I don't want my image on the screen, I want to start from zilch and do wtf I want and go out and explore space and not have to get involved in the main plot at all. A proper freeform game :/

It's not turgid rubbish by any means, just NOT at all the game it was being touted as. Looks like I'll have to wait for X2 maybe.
I'm glad i'm not the only one. It's fairly fun, but the physics engine is, well, what there isn't one. You don't automatically slow down when you turn your engines off in space. There's no fuel management or anything that might make you think for a second, a ridiculously poor selection of things to buy, no freedom at all, etc etc. Sure, it's nice to have a storyline, but i really wish that it could just be turned off, and for there to be enough freelancing content.

It's obvious from very early on that trading is a complete joke. You get to do one or maybe two trading runs before the storyline kicks back in, and the only purpose of doing that trading is to progress along the linear next-fighter-up-and-bigger-guns economy. I want my panther clipper with its small plasma accelerator back.


Right... played the demo for a large lump of yesterday and as I've heard from others you do start to discover its hidden depths after a while. I'll def. be investing in the full version (if the bloody thing ever get released over here).

On the subject of the first person view - Im driving a freighter around now and hardly get involved in much combat and so Ive taken to switching to the 3rd person only if I do get attacked - its a lot less painful to play.

I think a lot of ppl, particularly in the UK, are going to be disappointed tho.
Please correct me if i'm wrong but I suspect its aimed more at an american market, the UK (and possibly Europe) I dont think will be completely happy until we see summin with the freedom and depth of the Elite games again (although I-War2 came damn close, I can highly recommend that, spec. once U get past the missiony bit at the start).
A yank once told me that Elite wasnt that big in the US but privateer was ....Freelancer is def. more privateer than elite.

Its an interesting distraction until the next X universe game or until braben finally shoves Elite 4 out the door and if it sells well (which I suspect it will) then we may see a resurgence in the popularity of the space sim which would be nice.


Don't get me wrong I'm all for freedom and a highly complex game system. But I just don't think Freelancer was intended for that department. You can jump right in, pick up the controls in 5 seconds and start blasting away. Was just nice and refreshing compared to digging through a 31-page readme for MoO3, or spending 15 mins doing my keys on IGI-2.

I think EVE will be more your cup of tea if they ever get the bugs worked out.


Hehe ...yeah I've heard that of eve from a couple of ppl now. Funnily enough, from what I hear of it, I dont think Eve goes far enough for me either to be honest :)

My dweebyness has some serious acreage to it.

I want a game where I have to pilot the ship down to the planets surface and land on manual, I wanna fly into space stations on manual, I wanna walk around inside the space stations etc in first person and do whatever the hell I like.
Everytime I'm presented with a menu or a cutscene i'm reminded (rather sharply and rather rudely) that I'm playing a game and that happens all too often for my liking in games these days.

Freelancers very good at what it does it seems (the demo seems to indicate anyway) so I will buy it and play it but its not the earth shattering genre buster it could and should have been.


Have u tried Jumpgate mikey? I got really bored of it because of all the manual stuff involved in it :p, spending almost 5 mins trying to dock seemed a little OTT to me.


Yeah sadly - hated it :\
That was a loooooong time ago tho... they done anything about the PVP issue dya know cos I got raped over and over as a noo0b just trying to leave a space station on my first mission.


Mikey - it seemed fine from that point of view when I tried it, like i could do lots of stuff as a newbie if i wanted to without getting kill0red, but the time involved in docking and the ineffectual combat just bored me after a couple of missions.


Aaah ok ....might appeal to me now then - combat is the most loathsome part of spacesims for me funnily and I love shit like docking an flying about .....such are the unfathomable depths of my dweebness :)


I must admit i prefer the trading element of freelancer. The concept of hoarding cash into vast piles I can wallow in has always appealed, and this is the closest I'll personally ever get.


Shame the market isnt supply and demand driven ( that is right aint it?). In essence U can just go back and forth on the same route endlessly supplying and building up cash.


Yes, very good point about the market value not fluctuating.

Something that might happen is someone might find something like the old exploit in Frontier where there was 2 systems that Gold and Precious Gems were illegal, and you were paid to take them (about 800-2000 credits per item iirc) and then a quick jump to a nearby system allowed you to sell them for about 1900-3600 credits, basically making about 3000 credits per item.

A few trips and you can buy whatever ship you want, outfit it perfectly, and not need to bother with misions or anything else.

Hopefully there is nothing like this in Freeelancer. Something like a system- or 'universe'-wide stock market or price fluctuation would help.

Also, a wee bit more interaction with the 'NPC's' of the game would be nice. Once again, I loved in Elite where you could send out an SOS, and actually talk with other pilots, even if it was predictable scripts.

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