First info on new expansion!

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
From the Camelot Vault interview:

CV: What is proposed for the fall expansion, we have heard about the single race/class feature and it being based in the frontiers, has that changed? And what other aspects can we expect?

WY: Nope, nothing has changed. We're putting together the initial marketing push now for the expansion and our first previews should appear in the middle of July.

The expansion is based upon the same themes as the Darkness Rising expansion, with a small increase in player power. As you note, this expansion will be set in the frontiers, so this should be our most RvR themed expansion yet.



One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
so new races/classes and maybe a boost to rvr, all that i could wish for, just hope its cheap.
thou the "small increase in player power" will just mean more actives i guess, and thats crap imo, give less timered abilitys.


CV: Where do you see DAoC in one year's time?

WY: In one year's time, I expect that we'll be talking about the 2007 expansion pack for Camelot.

Sounds like EA finally hits them then :p


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
The game doesn't need anymore overpowered new abilties or items thats for damn sure, this whole mess started when they forgot balance and chucked in a boatload of new toys. 2 years on and they still haven't been able to balance it adequately and now they are talking about adding more potential game unbalancing features. :(

I can't wait for WAR or some other damn MMO that has combat that feels as good and responsive as DAoC because so I get pissed these days when the game still has so many 'I win' buttons 2 years after the clusterfuck that was ToA.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
certainly doesn't need more timered abilities. Im thinking it'll be new siege weapon stuff.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Isnt it time for a freebie?

Been two expansions since NF!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Thadius said:
Isnt it time for a freebie?

Been two expansions since NF!

I doubt there will be any more freebies beyond changes to crafting, they will have so many staff on WAR right now and more people will be pulled off DAoC after the expansion ships to get WAR ready for beta. Plus it isn't really in the EA mentality to give away freebies and I don't think Mythic could convince them that it is a good use of resources to do so when the subscriber numbers have plummeted over the last 12 months.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
cHodAX said:
I doubt there will be any more freebies beyond changes to crafting, they will have so many staff on WAR right now and more people will be pulled off DAoC after the expansion ships to get WAR ready for beta. Plus it isn't really in the EA mentality to give away freebies and I don't think Mythic could convince them that it is a good use of resources to do so when the subscriber numbers have plummeted over the last 12 months.

they havent pulled anyone from DAoC to WAR, they hired a completly new staff for WAR... atleast thats what they say...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Saw this just outside Uppland this morning:

You can clearly see in the foreground EAs development team. Sorry, Mythic..sorry EA...errrr


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
cHodAX said:
The game doesn't need anymore overpowered new abilties or items thats for damn sure, this whole mess started when they forgot balance and chucked in a boatload of new toys. 2 years on and they still haven't been able to balance it adequately and now they are talking about adding more potential game unbalancing features. :(

I can't wait for WAR or some other damn MMO that has combat that feels as good and responsive as DAoC because so I get pissed these days when the game still has so many 'I win' buttons 2 years after the clusterfuck that was ToA.

2 years?? They have been realy bad about balance things for about 4-5 years now... Have never been Mythics strong side... Ower balanceing things one way.. having side effects, re-fixing the first problem.. screwing up to fix the side-created things.. or meeting up the unbalanced thing with an even bigger one from another side... Its the history of DAoC realy


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Along with our players' feedback, we felt that the third master level option was not appropriate for the game at this time.

They felt?


Dec 22, 2003
great more fucking buttons to press, can someone post the full interview? I can't get it at work :<


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
06-28-2006 -
Here is our interview with Walter Yarbrough, Moderately Evil Overlord of Mythic Entertainment (Creators of Dark Age of Camelot and the soon to be released Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning), about the current and future plans of Dark Age of Camelot.

1. Camelot Vault: Has Mythic discussed the future of the game with EA, or what they see as a vision for the game? Do they expect something more out of it than it has given over the past year or are they satisfied with its current standing? Any chance DAoC will get more staff to address issues that have had to be tabled due to manpower / resources?

Walt Yarbrough: The future of Camelot is set in stone, at least for this year. We'll launch our Fall expansion pack, and continue working on the live game through our normal patch cycle. Honestly, this statement is exactly the same, with or without EA's involvement.

As to the satisfaction with Camelot and plans to grow the game? That's what Mark is discussing with EA right now, and it is really not my place to comment. My role is to serve as a tireless advocate for Camelot, which is what the team works on improving every day.

We're hiring additional staff for the Camelot project right now, so there's not a "chance" of additional staff, that's a reality. It is too soon to say whether or not we will see a significant increase in the Camelot staff.

2. CV: Do you see EA as having a more "hands off" approach? Or do you see them getting somewhat involved with not only publicity, but programming/development?

WY: From a day to day perspective, I expect them to be hands off. No official EA memo has come down the pipe asking us to take a look at Left Axe, for example.

On a more long term basis, it's too early to be very specific, but I'll try. From a development standpoint, we'll be looking for more support from EA. When they license software for development, we can benefit - we expect to be able to tap all the available EA resources including technology. I expect positive results in the short and long term.

3. CV: Can the players expect some outside changes with the game, billing, account handing (transfers etc), advertisements and other things due to EA?

WY: There are no changes planned at this time for billing. That's for the immediate short term. Next year, with the launch of Warhammer, we'll definitely have some changes. We'll keep you posted if we make any changes as a result of the EA acquisition, of course.

4. CV: What is proposed for the fall expansion, we have heard about the single race/class feature and it being based in the frontiers, has that changed? And what other aspects can we expect?

WY: Nope, nothing has changed. We're putting together the initial marketing push now for the expansion and our first previews should appear in the middle of July.

The expansion is based upon the same themes as the Darkness Rising expansion, with a small increase in player power. As you note, this expansion will be set in the frontiers, so this should be our most RvR themed expansion yet.

5. CV: Class revamps are a hot issue; lots of classes have had some really huge changes from their initial design. What is in store for the classes who have yet to be looked at? What type of schedule has been established to review those classes?"

WY: We try to pick out no more than six classes a patch to adjust. This is not a hard and fast rule, but a guideline to work under. That lets us make adjustments and assess the results. We've been trying to stay away from the 'make massive systematic changes to the game' paradigm for quite some time. This approach appears to be working well for us.

In other words, upcoming class changes will not be bigger than the changes we've already made. All classes will get their turn.

6. CV: How does Mythic gauge the general balance of the game? Is it through hands-on testing and personal experience, or through the emails and feedbacks players send you?

WY: We try to combine three aspects of feedback. Feedback forms, polls, posts, e-mail and other direct feedback is one third of the input "what players are saying." Server and client logs of RvR effectiveness, relic status, monster kills "what players are doing" - is another third. And finally, we have our own plans for guiding RvR, making up the last third of input.

7. CV: Are there any plans to look at / change the loot tables for certain areas that seem to be very rarely visited by players (Darkness Falls, etc.)?

WY: No immediate plans, no. We have tried to stay away from the 'revamped areas arms race' that some other games experience. You know, where they buff up one section of the game's loot, and then begin an endless circle of increasing loot power.

8. CV: Relics really don't seem to move around very much. What can Mythic do to help lube things up?

WY: I'm reminded of Trey Parker's best memo ever, for some reason. Our goal is to have relic captures occurring every 3-4 weeks or so. We pull logs on that and make adjustments to the strength of keeps and towers if needed.

9. CV: RvR combat continues to be a huge draw for DAoC, are there any plans to expand on the current RvR system?

WY: Right now, we feel that large keep and relic siege is covered very well in current Camelot RvR. And small scale 8v8 is also very active. We plan on pushing a system to encourage intermediate combat between these two extremes in the upcoming expansion.

10. CV: Have you attempted a slushie intervention program for Sanya?

WY: I'm trying to get her to upgrade to Glenfiddich, so far with no success.

11. CV: Whatever happened to the third master level option? You nerfed banelord saying that it would be overpowered with new classes having yet, yet no new classes do have it...

WY: Along with our players' feedback, we felt that the third master level option was not appropriate for the game at this time. We also nerfed banelord because it was a touch overpowered for the classes that had it anyways.

12. CV: Where do you see DAoC in one year's time?

WY: In one year's time, I expect that we'll be talking about the 2007 expansion pack for Camelot.

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
cHodAX said:
Plus it isn't really in the EA mentality to give away freebies and I don't think Mythic could convince them that it is a good use of resources to do so when the subscriber numbers have plummeted over the last 12 months.
Given that The deak between EA and mythic wont close until 2nd quater of 2007 (earliest) EA wont have shit to say about DAoC, WAR or anything mythic related until then. ^^ So if they wanna give us a freebie before that EA can't really do sheit. ^^
Aiteal said:
And zeppelins ;)
I can see my house! Whish I had a wepaon! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Teh FnoRd said:
Given that The deak between EA and mythic wont close until 2nd quater of 2007 (earliest) EA wont have shit to say about DAoC, WAR or anything mythic related until then. ^^ So if they wanna give us a freebie before that EA can't really do sheit. ^^

Second financial quarter. So if their financial year starts in April, 2nd Quarter 2007 starts in July 2006 - as financial years are numbered from the year in which they end.



Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Chronictank said:

WY: In one year's time, I expect that we'll be talking about the 2007 expansion pack for Camelot.
hahaha had to laugh at this one :) - EA DAOC2007 :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2005
Ctuchik said:
they havent pulled anyone from DAoC to WAR, they hired a completly new staff for WAR... atleast thats what they say...

Sanya Thomas?

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