First Impressions -- Shrouded Isles Upgraded Engine



Read this with interest on the Shrouded Isles Expansion Engine now being tested by the TL’s in closed beta.

With full permission from Mythic, Friar team leader, Olivia Quicksilver dropped some first impressions of the new Engine she’s using.

I've been given permission from Mythic to speak on my first impressions of the new game's engine that will be available with the Shrouded Isles expansion pack Quarter 4 2002.

I thought I'd post it here, since people can just link to this blurb on the new engine if they like

First off, let me say that I had my doubts. I thought my system was going to be sluggish and that RVR and big PVE events would cause even more lag with advanced graphics and rendering techniques... I was terribly wrong.

When I first logged in to test, it was around 5pm EST last Friday night. I thought, "ok, I'm gonna crash every 5 minutes." WRONG! Totally wrong!!! I was in the game an entire six hours, following a zerg of 20 to 30 Albions around Emain and running into equal or greater zergs of Midgards and Hibernians.

The best part of it is...

1. I had full spell effects on the entire time. My computer didn't even FLINCH at the massive amounts of GTAOE and PBAOE spells shooting off all around my character.

2. I had names turned on. Most people turn these off when they RVR, but I had them all on and was running in and around the zergs all evening without a problem.

Remember those slideshows you used to have? Fear not! They don't exist anymore.

I logged off that evening with tons of realmpoints (thanks to a solid RVR group) and a big smile. Before, I used to crash all of the time when loading up the zerg and surrounding objects (trees, mileforts, rocks, etc.). I couldn't even play with spell effects or names on.

The animation and graphics are amazingly smooth and the effects on gameplay are noticable.

Some may think that this is a tactical advantage in favour of testers of the new client; however, please bear in mind that without this testing, small bugs and optimization of the engine would not be possible. There really are no tactical advantages other than being able to play with spell effects set to full, and stay in-game longer than others.

In the six hours that I played, my groupmates had to reboot their computers 3 times. I just stood there and waited for them to log back in 2 minutes later

This is still a really early beta, and I can only imagine what else is to come. I'm really thankful they let me speak about this, because I was going to literally bust into a gazillion pieces if I couldn't tell anyone about it :p I am one of those people that loves to promote things when they make me happy

My previous computer (What I used to test the expansion through the first run that I'm bragging about above):

AMD Athlon 1000 mHz
512 MBs RAM
GeForce3 (plain ole original release running v29.42 drivers)
Windows XP Professional
Sound Blaster Live! Value

Textures are much richer... screenshots have never done this game justice I mean, screenshots of AC2 look cool, but once you log in, you realize that they used Photoshop to touch them up and anti-alias the edges of objects.

Anything that improves the RvR Zerg issues gets a thumbs up in my book....


All i really wanna do is make it arrive faster. But for now im simply gonna say - Amen to that engine Bro !!!



I dont see why players of daoc should have to pay extra for this engine it should be free!!!!!!!!!!! aye thats right! spank me and call me betty!


This really sounds promising, but I'm gonna remain a sceptic to the very last minute :)


nikolas. it is free. you can stay with original daoc and still get the engine. but if you want the new classes/races/islands you have to buy the expansion.
ohh betty *spank*spank*

Uncle Sick(tm)

You sure the guy was no Mythic employee?;)



Team Leads are volunteers who act as the voice of the players. The thread below covers their remit…

All my exposure to TL’s (mainly Taco & Oakleif the Ranger & Hunter TL’s) has convinced me they are players with a passion for there class and a drive to make their class as fun as possible but also a conviction to present the communitys opinion, not be mythic puppets.


hope theres a leak of the new engine I dont really want to wait till the expansion pack actually comes out ;)


Originally posted by Meatballs
hope theres a leak of the new engine I dont really want to wait till the expansion pack actually comes out ;)

yeah would be nice ;)


You sure about us getting the graphics engine for free ... I seem to remember reading that it was "too big" to be downloaded as a patch.

Also, stealthers are apparently harded to see ... as necks will be transparent :)


Meatballs, even if you could have the engine patch, you couldn't use it because your account should be tagged as 'SI enabled' or something. Don't ask me where I got it but it was a post by Sanya somewhere.

Sigurd Volsung

The expansion is coming out in november in europe, right?

And will the subscription fee be increased, or still £6 a month, and just the cost of the expansion cd?


AMD Athlon 1000 mHz
512 MBs RAM
GeForce3 (plain ole original release running v29.42 drivers)
Windows XP Professional
Sound Blaster Live! Value

Funny thing is that i am using EXACTLY the same stuff (don't know what version my drivers are though) :D


I asume there HAS to be some sort of patch, because if there are new classes and races and they're wandering about all over the realms (not just SI), then everyone who doesn't have SI, is gonna need some sort of update to be able to see them..

Uncle Sick(tm)

I don't know if I want to see the new races in-game.

Trolls scare the shizznak out of me as it is... having some cave men with a huge mammoth femur charging me, would be just too much.... *shudders*;)


I dont see why players of daoc should have to pay extra for this engine it should be free!!!!!!!!!!!

dont mind paying for a good job done
looks like they got rid of the most shitty engine they could find :p


Mythic have said several times that the graphic engine upgrade is for everybody, not just for people who buy Shrouded Isles. Here's Darhoth's report from the Round Table event where they presented the alpha of the new engine for the first time to the public:
One piece of good news, even people that do not buy the expack will be given the graphical engine upgrade as part of the subscription service. The new minimum required video card did go up, but I would look to Mythic for the further specifics. My understanding is that it was still reasonable. Those who do not buy the expack will still be able to play, but will not have access to the new areas or the new races/classes.
As for the download, it may be large but it won't be unrealistic. The engine isn't going to be the biggest part of the download anyways, it will be the new models and animations.

One thing that still isn't clear is whether or not you will be able to keep using the old engine if you want to, or if the new engine is not compatible with your old graphics card. From the sounds of things it seems as though you will - that the old client will continue to be compatible with the server, and on a server you can have people playing with the old and new clients at the same time. But that's just a guess.


My guess is that it would be someting like EQ have (i dont play EQ, just passing on 2nd hand info) where you can turn off new graphics and see everything as it was before (is now)... dunno how this really works and how the new races would look like... and then again, i dont play EQ so i dont really know how it works there either :)



I would imagine, and hope, that the new engine will come with some actual options like in most other games to customise the detail settings etc so you can tailor it to your system. If you cant, I wont mind too much, my system "should" be able to cope, If it don't I am gonna cry hehe :)


I would think the new engine would be required to play.. as it is now for patches.

The code would be a nightmare if the server had to deal with two or three clients.


Originally posted by Novo
All my exposure to TL’s (mainly Taco & Oakleif the Ranger & Hunter TL’s) has convinced me they are players with a passion for there class and a drive to make their class as fun as possible but also a conviction to present the communitys opinion, not be mythic puppets.
Just so we don't confuse anything, Taco = ranger TL, Oakleif = Scout TL (not hunter). The hunter's TL is called Branin.

This new engine indeed sounds promising, I hate when I'm in a zerg and have forgotten to turn off the effects. Screen just freezes for a couple of seconds at a time when the AE starts to fly :p


Mkay, a while ago someone said that the new engine, or rather to play SI, you needed the GF4 chip, and she runs with a GF3.

Atm my choices would be buying a lowbudget low qua gf4 mx card just for the chip, for the above reason

Or spend some cash into a gf3ti 128mb for just abit more, which I'd rather do, but not if it'd ruin my chances of SI'ing later.


Uncle Sick(tm)

Min spec right now is an onboard intel840 grfx chipset... that's how my missus plays on her comp (and it works fine actually - a little laggy at times). *grins*

Hey - she gets my gforce 3 once I get my new machine (merry x-mas, me!;))

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