fire or ice, positive and negative points.



If u were to start a wizard. Would u choose fire or ice + why.

What are the positive and negative sides of both speclines.

wolvon fury

What about Earth,

1.51- Earth gets added spells, and also

Fire Resist are easy to get,

Cold resist are also easy,

Matter Resist now there not,


A Fire Wizard is a man of his Bolts, Has the most power Full speced Bolt in the game, He is a soloing machine,

For Grouping he also had a Direct Damage and a
Area Of Effect Direct Damage Spell,

Fire Wizard are great for takeing down targets from a Distance


A Ice Wizard, the Loan Sheep, not many people go the path of Ice, Not sure why,

First Ice had the ONLY form of Point Blank Area of Effect in the game, a Spell what had surpream power, Great for exping and Great for Keep Defence,

They also have a Single Target root spell, being spec Ice, it will last much longer than fire or Earth spec,

They have a Direct Damage Spell, a Direct Damage Spell + Snare
a Direct Damage Spell + Cold resist

And to top it Off a Area of Effect Direct Damage spell with Resist Decrease (I think)


Well It all goes down to you how you choose, both have advantages and Disadvantages,

The Important thing is, you have fun playing him.


Thnx for the very good reply, u made my interest in earth grow, if anyone can tell me about earth, pls do so :)


You go ice for the PBAOE, get that clear in your mind! :D

The resist decrease = 5% which is pathetic when most epic armours have about 26% cold resist.

Having the dd at 50 doesn't make up for all the cold resistance in the game neither. It's nice and fast to cast tho, so it burns up yer power ;) Spec fire dds are much nicer than the ice dds.

The dd with snare is a lot slower casting than the baseline dd and does the same damage and uses the same power, it also has a shorter range (this gets increased) and so is pretty unused in RvR.

The AOE is heat damage, so it's okish.

The root timer hardly makes any difference when you're over 60seconds anyway...


Fire = best bolts + nukes
Ice = PBAOE + some funky snares and debuffs
Earth = GTAOE + good damage due to spells on the matter line


- fire sucks, since bolts are gimped and heat res is easy to get.
- ice might be worth considering, but again cold res is very easy to get.
- earth seems to be the only thing left....... not sure wether or not this is really wnat u want either :)


I am a caster n00b, what kind of spells does Earth have ?!
Besides the every-so-wonderful buffs.

wolvon fury

I am a caster n00b, what kind of spells does Earth have ?!
Besides the every-so-wonderful buffs.


Earth at the present:
Kickass Earth Buff (if you have 1 in Earth your buffs suck :) if you have full earth they do a lot more ...
Damage Shield (that magma thing) - not wonderful, but does a little bit extra ... handy for keeping aggro on a pet when doing tanglers I found out the other day :)
Bolt - doesn't get as high as Fire, but it's every bit as powerful whilst you're levelling up - the Fire lot only beat it if they spec to 50.

Area Of Effect Damage/Snare - superb in RvR when all the sorcerors are dead.. :) great fun. Good for killing groups of marsh scrags at level 10 too :) (well ok it's not the fastest xp you'll ever get but it's a laugh)

Baseline Ice
Baseline Fire

If you secondary spec early enough (i.e. work out your template, and split your earlier points, only putting earth up when you hit 40) you'll have ok variance on these... Get some items as well and your variance will improve.

However, unless you can get a really high level focus staff (generally your baseline damage spells are at your level... it's rare that your focus staff is until you get to the high 40s)
they will eat your mana in seconds... about 10 unresisted casts to empty your mana... (but they do look cool :))

What they get next patch: 1.51/1.52

Damage Over Time - not very good with roots/snares but a nice bit of extra damage, ask any matter specced cabalist what their DoT's are like :)

AoE Root - damned useful :) free ticket to some tangler-boredom at level 40ish.

Ground Targetted AoE - not very useful for PvE... but superb in RvR - can use it as the stealther finder (point at feet and fire) or for besieging keeps - blast those pbaoers.

Another note:
Someone was saying your ice root will rock if you spec ice... the baseline root doesn't get affected by specs - pretty much all that comes into 'Resists' is your level versus their level...

I've met far too many people that say "I'm not ice specced my root will never stick" - nonsense.. I've been rooting purples for ages :)
(you get resists... but same as any other spell, seems less in my opinion but that may just be perception, sometimes you get 7 successes on purples in a row - next day you might get 7 fails in row on an orange :()

Our matter cabalist's body-spec root works perfectly too...

Roo Stercogburn

Bad news guys, shammies have a matter resist buff, "Rock Unity". Don't know if skalds get the group version though.


There are matter resist buffs all over :)

But if you have to choose 4 resistances to max... what are you going to go for?

Body Heat Cold Energy :)

(might be different for the other realms though... but Body is high on anyone's list)


You cast a Dischordant Shriek spell!
You hit Eos for 95(-96) damage!
You cast a Major Cacophany spell!
You hit Eos for 76(-77) damage!

Body resists can't be hard to get =)


i find it easier to get body/matter resists in alb that mid.. on my SB i have 0 body or matter. but maxed heat/cold/slash and thrust..
on my minstrel i have maxed heat/cold/body and matter but very low slash/thrust :/


You cast a Major Cacophany spell!
You hit for 118 (-129) damage!
is my best, that was on a warden.
Slash resist for minstrels is insanely easy to get. 16% on epic armour, you can use your epic shield for a further 8%. Not to mention chain is slash resistant anyway. Getting good thrust resist is a pain though.

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