Finally it comes



Couldn`t have wished for a better time to hit 50 I can now walk down the aisle adorned in my epic armour.

There are so many peeps I would like to thank for their help along the way,to all those who have made xping so much fun I salute you all.

A big thx goes to my beautiful wife to be galalissa,gimly,panthera
ffiona,tasos,winnie,maxer,boss,kyra....jeez the list could be endless,thx guys I love you all.:)


Level 50 and wedding on the same day. Congrats and well done, Max!



Well done, Max! It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.



But what has it brought

I thought on finally reaching 50 would have meant something.

Now is the time to do some serious rvr I wrongly thought,doh, was I ever wrong,all I hear in rvr is " we are cowards " from our own.

IMHO peeps hang back because they dont want to do the wrong thing,so as not to bring shame to themselves they do bugger all.
I am no expert in this game (or any other) but it is so plain to see look at hibs/mids when they come at you in numbers they are hard to beat because they are organised, PERIOD, we unfortunately are not.

We as a realm have accomplished many things when uniting as one!!! why oh why can`t this carry on to the frontiers where we should all stand as one and await some form of organisation.

Why have big guilds etc,if the knowledge/ leadership qualities they have,cannot be passed on in the field of battle,by taking control,and making our realm a stronger force to be reckoned with??????????????

IE:-dont moan at your comrades for not knowing what to do, show them what to do!!!!!!!!


Max i charge with both my main characters but people still stand back and dont realise its helpful way of earning rps without getting half the army killed by running.

Well done on 50 btw glad you got it,i will have 2 50s soon.


Re: But what has it brought

Originally posted by maxgirth
I am no expert in this game (or any other) but it is so plain to see look at hibs/mids when they come at you in numbers they are hard to beat because they are organised, PERIOD, we unfortunately are not.

Don't draw sweeping conclusions from a few days intensive RvR. Each time you go out into the battlefield you will see things unfold slightly differently. It's been my pleasure to be with a number of organised and effective Alb forces ... and it's been my equal pleasure to farm RP's from disorganised Middie & Hibbie forces.


Re: pffft

Originally posted by mis_demeanour

wow, that made a difference :p

grats Max (again i think)
best rvr is not in emain but in yggra, df, our own border (if you can find anyone)
leave the zerg and mak nice hunting groups
way more fun


Congratulations on reaching 50 Max, if there's one person in the game who deserves to get to 50 it's you :clap: :clap:


have too agree

Have too agree with Turam on that.But it still gets bloody disheartening when a sizeable albion force decides too self destruct by splitting up, running around in small groups just cos they have speed and with no communication with others.Countless times have i seen speeders rush past only to then see death messages appear 5 minutes later when if they`d just waited and traveled together we would of had a better chance of victory.


Originally posted by Lam
Congratulations on reaching 50 Max, if there's one person in the game who deserves to get to 50 it's you :clap: :clap:

Thx bud:).


Re: have too agree

Originally posted by Blessus
Have too agree with Turam on that.But it still gets bloody disheartening when a sizeable albion force decides too self destruct by splitting up, running around in small groups just cos they have speed and with no communication with others.Countless times have i seen speeders rush past only to then see death messages appear 5 minutes later when if they`d just waited and traveled together we would of had a better chance of victory.

I do agree with Tur,but in general we are disorganised,loads of peeps dont like zerging but IMHO it is the only way to achieve anything,then if this is the way to do it lets get it sorted that is all im saying.

P.S. I have been rvring for about 6 mts I had to restart Max from lev 45 due to a rl situation and nothing has changed much.

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