File Sharing



Having now got ADSL and having a step-son increasingly pressurizing me to download other peoples files, I need to find a suitable file sharing utility.

I've been resisting this because of the annoying spyware programs that come with most of them, I've had a lot of problems with spyware in the past, disabling my machine and clogging up my downloads.

I have an old K5 computer connected in the LAN, so I probably use that to install whatever damaging software comes with one, but I'd like a recommendation which file sharing program is considered the best.



Morpheus.... its all I use to be honest...


I'd advise against Morpheus myself, I tried it for a few weeks and it did some *very* dodgy things. At one point I had an entire directory full of mp3's downloaded using it that were all "access denied" - couldn't play, move, rename, delete them, anything. I ended up having to boot into DOS and delete them from there. Morpheus is also totally insecure, as unfortunately are all the assorted file-sharing apps that are out :/

Currently I've given up on them all as being far too risky so if anyone knows a good, SECURE one let me know :)


i recommend morpheus, used to use winmx but it just seemed to be getting less and less popular


Thanks for replies so far. Can anyone comment on Audiogalaxy, or the popular Napster-clones like Bearshare and Limewire ?

Out of interest, do any of these programs insist you need them installed to continue to use or copy the downloaded files. I intend to download them on one PC and transfer them to a shared disk to be picked up by another PC on the LAN.


i use audiogalaxy, its really good, get decent speeds, and its just one small program that needs installing, which may be suited to your needs, ie no spyware etc., having adsl, the web interface wont slow you down too much, i recommended it to xenon a couple of weeks back and he seemed fairly impressed, so if ur looking for another opinion on it you could ask him, also its possible to get around the blocked songs just ask if you need to know how :)

edit you can use the files from audiogalaxy on any pc, they are jsut plain old mp3's that u get. :)


WinMX wouldn't work lol; installed it and it couldn't connect.. ffs. Morpheus is class though :):)


Audiogalaxy does have spyware, in fact it has a particularly nasty one called Webhancer which remains even after you uninstall Audiogalaxy. I have seen a spyware-disabled version and I was wondering if anyone had news on that.


audiogalaxy is very good, i've found recently songs are getting a little bit hard to get as they are starting to copyright stuff alot more nowadays - but if u spell it slighty wrong u tend to find it :D

Another good thing with audiogalaxy is i can leave my machine at home switched on (connected) boot up the audiogalxy program, i then come to work, log into the audioalaxy webpage (all browser based u see) i can search for the songs, click download and it'll start downloading them at home. Very cool - specially that i can scare the shit out of people at home as u can click play song thru the browser. So my machine at home will just start playing the music all by itself :D

well not exactly scare the shit outta them but u know what i mean... :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Sar

It is, but finding stuff can be pretty hard.

Yeah, I've just found that out.. and some hubs won't let you connect unless you're sharing a minimum amount (tried to get on a hub without sharing 15GB.. they politely tell you to fuck off :) )


For getting songs Audiogalaxy is best, you can specify bitrate of the song you want. The main drawback are a lot of songs are becoming copywrighted, so you have to search for variants on the name of them.

Direct Connect is the best program for downloading ISO's and full albums.


unless you're sharing a minimum amount

What do you mean by that ? Is this some kind of upload/download ratio you have to maintain, and do you need to expose your own file collection to get connected ?


You specify directories you want to share.

Though there are about 3 hubs, with lots of users that specify a minimum share of 0GB, so you should be fine.

KaZaA and Morpheus are ok I suppose. But the bad thing is all MP3's come as 128bps which sucks.


All file sharing is insecure, since it opens up a port, allowing people to browse your files. But it's all about calculated risk. Just remember not to share your whole computer,have a firewall and a virus-checker anyway, and the pros more than make up for the cons.

I use Morpheus, very good program, though Bearshare is supposed to be good now it allows multiple source downloads. And eDonkey is supposedly good for your visual needs.

Cjeck out Zeropaid for file-sharing info.


Originally posted by ItchyTrigaFinga

I use Morpheus, very good program, though Bearshare is supposed to be good now it allows multiple source downloads.

so does morpheus


Itchy, ta for the ZeroPaid link, its got a comprehensive review of all the file sharing programs out there.


Audiogalaxy's copyrighting is useful; it's a large step taken to avoid legal action from record companies, who can supposedly ask for any record to be blocked at any time. The good thing is that people name all their mp3s differently, so it's really unlikely that all versions of a song you want will be blocked.
I really like it though, I've had about 99% success rate with it so-far; it's probably not quite up to the quantity of Napster but it's still more than enough. And the interface is convenient, too, for reasons like the one Hash mentioned :).


Kazaa is the daddy. It's identical to Morpheus, except the latter is repackaged for the MusicCity network. Kazaa is on v1.5 and Morpheus is still trundling along on 1.33, which caused problems for me.

Tried a few others, including BearShare, but none of them ever found as many files as Kazaa.

I love it, I'm sticking with it.

/edit: Ooh! No Spyware with Kazaa, either. An ad on the front page which isn't obtrusive.


Aye, Kazaa is what I settled with after a while. And if you are worried about spyware, simply download ad-aware, and run it frequently to make sure your system is clean of any unwanted spying. That reminds me... *runs* :)


I run Gtk-GNUtella. It's an open sourced Linux GNU program. I refuse to use anything else, because you don't know what it's doing to your computer. So when i found an open sourced program, i was fairly pleased.

It's proper GNUtella, so it uses alot of bandwidth, but if you connect to enough hosts, you can get decent search results. You can also do have pasive searching, which means that any search results that are routed through you are scanned for your query and displayed, which doesn't use any extra bandwidth. It's also nice to see what people are searching for :D


In your case probably 'Tux' 'Linux' 'Penguin' 'Fisting' 'Gates'.



At a hint of SpyWare I tend to run and if the neg. user comments on have that sort of thing mentioned I don't download it - watch out for scaremongers though - usually identifying by the "use <rival program> instead it is l33t!11!" text following their claim.

At the moment I use Blubster - very Napster like in apearence. VERY fast searches and transfers. The number of users is smallish at the momemnt but seems to be growing exponentially. Highly recommended as a "first stop" before trying one of the slower spy infested clients. Blubster is only MP3 though.

Also use to ZeroPaid version of Xolox (Gnutella) which is average, but has lots of files (and of any type).

Have WinMX on my system too. TO get mor files you need to add OpenNap servers to its list. There is a list for them linked on the ZeroPaid forums somewhere!


Never touch them these days, but if your after the best of the average, then Direct Connect is by far the best of the bunch.

Finding stuff isn't that hard, but getting onto a decent hub can be.

The best hubs have share ratios, eg unless your sharing over 30 gigs of decent stuff, you ain't gona get acess to the decent hubs.

I know an admin in one of the better hubs, you get booted within seconds if your share isn't big enough...


Direct connect is pretty good, I also use audiogalaxy. I'm now trying out blubster - its taking ages to go through about 2000 files though

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