Fights in Cruachan Gorge



Thumbs up for all of those brave Hibernians who we fought several times in Gorge tonight. It was loads and loads of fun.

I know we all must have conned red/purple to you but as there was so many of you (30+?) it was an even fight and every time you managed to push us away. I was amazed that no /laughing or /dancing or any other rude thing occured there but every time you just saluted and bowed to the dead.
You really really should teach a thing or two to Albs who refuce to charge even when the forces are near equal.

/salute to those brave lurikeens (Tokfan to name one) who despite the fact that we conned deep purple decided to attack and once actually killed our lvl 50 thane Quozl :D

On behalf of guild Kalevala I thank you for a great fight.
(few times there were other Mid's too)


Yip, enjoyed it very much, thanks guys.

When we actually decided to use tactics we cleared you away quickly, but it took a while for our brains to start working again after monotonous XP'ing :)

Well done to all my Hibernian realmmates who were there and assisted with the removal of these foul invaders from our realms doorstep, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.


Yeah was fun. Was gonna go to kill some peeps in Yggrda, but then saw the death messages pop near Ligen, so decided to have a look, hoping that the mids would be lower con than me for a change... but no all orange/red with one or two exceptions. Killed Barthas (?) with a little help, thanks for the 200RPs mate.

Then got smacked by Cordain i think, and by the time res sickness had worn off, the Mids had been routed. Then went to Emain... too many red mids there, no purples anymore, so at least my resist rates have gone down a bit now. Froler killed me there.

Then to Yggrda, where once again a bunch of lvl50's were waiting for us, and this time Nasco got me. At least I only get killed by redcons :p


Ah, sorry about Yggdra, that would be our fault - 9 lvl 40+ and 2 or 3 others along for the fun of it who went there after the little skirmish in the gorge. Didn't manage any wipeouts, but did take down some of those lvl 50's a couple of times :)

Well... I say we didn't manage any wipeouts - we did it to ourselves twice :)


Hehe well I think the same group got me in both Gorge and Yggdra could that be?? Think I recognized some of the names.

Thanks to you on other hand for bows, and even kisses from Thina ;) I still cant get rid of my charging pally behaviour (D2) and charge all Mids no matter con :) After a while we got people coming that had some lvls and you were a bit few.

And sorry from my side for killing a few greys outside Yggdra gate....... :( Reflexes are to bad and I dont expect to see grey kobolds.....
first thought CHARGE!!!!
second thought STOP!! Grey con!
third thought. :( noooooooo stupid me promised not to get back at Mids for being killed 100 times by purps at the Gorge. :rolleyes:


Heh the gorge

A cowardly purple con kobold tried to assasinate one of my fellow druids and was unstealthed by his damage shield. He tried to run so I rooted him to the spot and the chase was on!

We chased him through forests and across fields as he ran blindly from the chasing horde. Foolishly the young kobold ran into 2 fee lions, a lugraden, and other assorted beasties and vainly turned to fight. We leapt on him and hacked him to pieces, then we turned and hacked the aggravated beasties to pieces.

Salute m8 - was a good chase. You shouldnt have run off like a coward tho =) He was purple to me, but yellow to our guild m8 who was attracted by the shouts in guild chat.

Last nights rvr was good fun - the high levellers seemed to be roaming the gorge with small parties of exping low levellers there for support.

Cheers all - was a top night




Thanks for the respect, hopefully Hib will grow to see you again.

However not so sure some of your realm buddies are as respectful.

A lvl 40+ (a suggestion that he was over 45) Malle thought it good to wait for a party of 7, highest lvl 30, low of 23 to engage a mob and then take us down one by one. All a deep, deep, grey to him.

A friend called Beowulf about lvl 40 and his troll mate Naegl decided to do the same. Naegl conned yellow to 2 of us, purple to some others, but waiting for us to engage mobs is still pretty damn shameless. Even more so when we all con grey to him! Hey I hit you for 265 hp's, did the scratch hurt?

2 other guys tried the same trick (didn't get your names)both purple to me at 30, but we defeated them. Thanks for the fight guys, you were not shameless unlike your brethen, you at least waited.

Thanks Nasco and Jeweille for the lesson a bit later on your own turf, nice to meet you.


Heh Beo -

Never fear he got his come-uppance. When I arrived at Ligen he had just been tagged by a high level hunting party (8 * lvl 35+)

I think low levellers need to do what is done in Midgaard - if you get taken down by a purple troll, loc to ur guild leader who should then broadcast on alliance chat.

then its time for some high level payback.



It took 3 days of RvR to find the rotten aple in Hibernias basket.

Thanks Frodolina for taking the full 4 minutes out of your gaming time to spam /laugh when you and your gang (was it 12 ?) finally got me at Odin's.

Oh and seems like you adapted the guard hugging tactic from Albs eh ?


Yes Cordain I was there, I told her off as well, but as she wasn't in my group there's nothing really i can do about it.

As for guard hugging... If there's an equal numbered force with higher lvls waiting below... Most the people there were in their 20's and 30's, just me and Frodolina were 40+. You had a bunch of blue, yellow and red cons to me.


Originally there was only me and Finrod (47,50) but just as we were going to pull to MG another group of Mids came.
I hate camping too as I have only short range attacks ;)

I was onlyone left alive there for the last ~5-10mins.

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