FFX - advice?


The Real Redi

Ok, i made it all the way up through Ronso country, and met the 3rd (4th?) spawn of Saemour(sp?) in his big silly-arse suit, with the massive swords.

He casts "Full Life" and does a move called "Cross Cleave" and heals himself from his bio-suit or whatever it is.

I have tried it thusly:

- All characters on full overdrive, ready to go
- All Aeons on Overdrive, ready to go, including the one you have to pay (looks like a massive Kendo Nagasaki, and has a bulldog thingemy)

I have also just got Reflect, and have considered the option of casting reflect on saemour, so he cannot heal himself from his suit. This doesnt, however, get me past the whole "Full Life" thing (if a member dies, to revive them means wasting one whole turn for either Kimahri, or Yuna, or a Phoenix Down) Reflect doesnt seem to affect it, and Cross Cleave can kill almost all of my party, no problems...


oh, on a lighter note, i could pwn ALL your arses at blitzball :great:


Originally posted by The Real Redi

You're playing some dodgy anime like game, that's what's wrong. Now go beat up some middies.


stop being an ass visit :D

i love that game

okay- i found this guy one of the toughest challenges in the game- he has an attack that will do 2k+ damage to your whole party
You can proect yourself using Shell and Protect(i think its protect)

Lucky he only did this attack once to me the first time i played through the game
Don't try and Pay Yojimbo to kill him- it will fail even if you use all your money

If you summon an Aeon Saemour Flux will dispel it.
Your best chance it to cast protect on everyone and hope that either tidus or one of your other heavy hitters can survive the attack- if this still fails then Train your characters more- IE complete the monster arena, get uber items :) learn the best overdrives.

The Real Redi

Ok, thank you :)

Well, most of the names in the game i have changed (eg, Yojimbo = NOOOOOOOO!) but i was going along the lines of Auron using the weapon with First-Strike on it, and casting Haste on Yuna - she then Grand Summons the first Aeon, and uses it's overdrive - aeon dismissed, then Saemour heals himself from his suit.

From this point on, its a case of Tidus either attacks or uses Guardian in the event of Yuna being hit. The big guy then casts full life twice, i get one Phoenix Down/Life in then he does the whole cross cleave thigemy and im pretty screwed - if it doesnt kill ALL of my players, then it only gives me the opportunity to either heal the sole remaining, or to rez another - in which case, they will die in seconds anyway... :wall:

I get the feeling that casting reflect at the right time will be a factor i have to work on, to stop him healing himself - do i cast it on the suit or the big fella?


basicly ignore the small target and go for the main boss
if you kill the small target(the tail) it will absorb 1000 hps from the boss and come alive again
I believe i Had Tidus, wakka and Auron in party(the teams heavy hitters) Tidus had almost completed his part of the sphere grid and cast Hastaga at the start of the battle, Wakka and Auron then hit with his weapon as fast as he could. I braught Yuna into the battle to heal when needed and cast protect on Auron. I believe when Flux used Total Annilation Tidus and Wakka died and i got Auron to use a Mega Phoenix and started the assult from the Begining

Don't be Afraid of blowing Megaelixa's etc
This battle is very hard and your probley need them

The Real Redi

oh, and to add to the misery, it takes AAGES to sit through the lead up FMV, and listening to all the inane waffle, which you can't skip.

another query actually, if you choose to talk to him, you get bonuses to your defence/magic def, but does it actually achieve anything other than that microscopic rise?


if you fail again-
start capturing monsters- it will get you more sphere's and also get you on your way to making uber items- maybe try and race and get tidus epic weapon :D kinda should rock to hit him for 50k damage a time with quickhits :D

The Real Redi

See, i spent last night doing chocobo races and playing blitzball to get prizes (ray! FINALLY got a level3 key!!) but i now realise i should've started off the chocobo contests being really lame, instead of going straight in with an awesome time.

I thought about trying to complete the arena, but i can't get back past the forest, as i appear to have pissed off the Guado a little - so far i've found three people throwing aeons at me for 99999 damage a time.

It's deceptive as i breezed my way up to and through the calm lands, soon as i got Tidus's "Danse Macabre" sword, it became a bit of a stroll. Tidus, Auron/Yuna, Wakka/Rikku is my team most of the time, as i've caught kleptomania since rikku joined me... :eek:


Ah but if you haven't encountered the Rabid Pulsator, when equipped with The Blade of infinte length, then you may have to resort to a group PARTICLE RAZOR spell.

If that doesn't work, then you can go see Gzimporp Freto in Drangin city in the Northern Province.
He can help you with a scroll which enables you to summon a Living Headless Porkpie. (Very useful in any situation involving the Crazy Wavey chant).

Get to Spumpf mountain as soon as you can, get your group inside the Cherry-Table concourse and ride the "Spritley old lady" ride until it reaches the orange and green doors. Beyond these doors you will find the Greater Spiv who guards a chamber containing a Pikled Eg. The Eg can be used to defeat Baron Caustic in Frampton.

Foutunes can be made and lost on the Stick Exchange, so try your luck in the forest.

And so end my tips for your wonderful game. What was it? I have no idea. Sorry.

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