was in barrows and PLd my wifes Mincer for a few hours at the megaliths, people come and go but its runnin like usual in there, I stand down on the floor all the time and after a while, another necro shows up.
He starts attacking my mobs often from the ramp, as in not by mistake, after a while he moves down to where I stand and keep on pulling, not only making it impossible for me to pull, but keep on attacking my mobs aswell when I manage to pull something.
here is the "nice talk" we had
due to his "inabilitie" to speak english as he said, most is on swedish so I went through the trouble to translate it aswell
You say : stop attacking mobs that are on my pet
You say : could you go somewhere else?
You say : lie up on the ramp?
You say : like even
You say : I am talkin to you dude
Kalea says: no englis
Kalea says: good good
You say : can u move away?
You say : you are on my spot now
Kalea says: not many englis
You say : go up to the ramp
You say : right, and my papa is elvis
You say : dude, u are standing right on my spot and pullin mobs i wanna pull
You say : get a grip
You say : and dont blame it on the language
Kalea says: french?
You say : nope
You say : will report you for griefing via rightnow so u know
You say : i dont accept this
Kalea says: me only swedish and french speak
You say : I am swede
You say : so move away to another spot
You say : I stood here
Kalea says: stop pulling the whole room then
You say : lol, I will report you
Kalea says: do that
You say : suit yourself
Kalea says: i know Kemor pretty well and knows exactly what you can and cant do
how nice for you
Kalea says: am also GM for PE so feel free to report to me
You say : rofl
You say : nice example you are dude.. GG
Kalea says: says nothing in CoC that you cant pull mobs from same camp as others
You say : you attacked my mobs, steal my spot, refuse to move
You say : enuff for me
Kalea says: i aint touching your mobs
You say : you did, you know that, but go ahead and lie some more
Kalea says: killed 2 wights that was on your pet to come down
You say : to steal my spot, great dude
Kalea says: i see no flag with your name here on the ground
You say : last time
You say : do not attack my mobs
Kalea says: you dont get it do you?
You say : what?
Kalea says: i dont give a shit about what you say
You say : how nice
Kalea says: totally wrong attitude if you are gonna talk to me at least
You say : roflol
Kalea says: lol away you fucking kid
You say : not so easy to talk to people like you tbh
Kalea says: with whine etc, you dont get anywhere
You say : haha
You say : wowow
You say : big words
Kalea says: mommy he is taking my toys and so on leads nowhere here
You say : haha
Kalea says: went well with 2, went very slow with 3 necros
Kalea says: you see, the other necro left
You say : and?
Kalea says: can talk, which you cant
You say : ooh and?
Kalea says: to be nice always works best
You say : dude, you are one of the biggest assholes I ever met in daoc, quite an achievement, quite many albs seem to think so aswell, very nice to be honest, I am very impressed with you
Kalea says: hehe, my girlfriend is laughing at us for fighting over a computergame
You say : my wife only laughed at you
Kalea says: how old are you?
Kalea says: I am 24 and engaged
You say : its non of your business to be honest, dont wanna talk more to you, adios
You say : do not attack my mobs
You say : I will only report you again
You say : and again
Kalea says: do that
Kalea says: so we can laugh at you tonight me and Kemor
Kalea says: have to talk to him regarding the dragon pop anyway
he also mentioned that PE made 10million RPs last week and bragged some, and I also told him that I would post this on BWs since I cant talk to someone higher than him in PE and he said do so, but I should post it on theirs forum since most of Albion uses their forum (huh?) he also wondered about the guild I was in, for some reason that fell out from the SS's
anyways; i just wonder if this is common rules for PE since Kalea is Gohrims alt and he is PEs GM if I am informed correctly
attack others mobs
steal spots in front of the nose of other people
act like a child
I know PE is a quite big guild on the RvRside in Alb and deserves some respect for that, but to be honest, this is imo shit worth. A GM that acts like that is an arse and I cant understand how people follow him at all. I am rather dissapointed to see how this guild works, I did have higher thoughts about PE.
He starts attacking my mobs often from the ramp, as in not by mistake, after a while he moves down to where I stand and keep on pulling, not only making it impossible for me to pull, but keep on attacking my mobs aswell when I manage to pull something.
here is the "nice talk" we had
due to his "inabilitie" to speak english as he said, most is on swedish so I went through the trouble to translate it aswell
You say : stop attacking mobs that are on my pet
You say : could you go somewhere else?
You say : lie up on the ramp?
You say : like even
You say : I am talkin to you dude
Kalea says: no englis
Kalea says: good good
You say : can u move away?
You say : you are on my spot now
Kalea says: not many englis
You say : go up to the ramp
You say : right, and my papa is elvis
You say : dude, u are standing right on my spot and pullin mobs i wanna pull
You say : get a grip
You say : and dont blame it on the language
Kalea says: french?
You say : nope
You say : will report you for griefing via rightnow so u know
You say : i dont accept this
Kalea says: me only swedish and french speak
You say : I am swede
You say : so move away to another spot
You say : I stood here
Kalea says: stop pulling the whole room then
You say : lol, I will report you
Kalea says: do that
You say : suit yourself
Kalea says: i know Kemor pretty well and knows exactly what you can and cant do
how nice for you
Kalea says: am also GM for PE so feel free to report to me
You say : rofl
You say : nice example you are dude.. GG
Kalea says: says nothing in CoC that you cant pull mobs from same camp as others
You say : you attacked my mobs, steal my spot, refuse to move
You say : enuff for me
Kalea says: i aint touching your mobs
You say : you did, you know that, but go ahead and lie some more
Kalea says: killed 2 wights that was on your pet to come down
You say : to steal my spot, great dude
Kalea says: i see no flag with your name here on the ground
You say : last time
You say : do not attack my mobs
Kalea says: you dont get it do you?
You say : what?
Kalea says: i dont give a shit about what you say
You say : how nice
Kalea says: totally wrong attitude if you are gonna talk to me at least
You say : roflol
Kalea says: lol away you fucking kid
You say : not so easy to talk to people like you tbh
Kalea says: with whine etc, you dont get anywhere
You say : haha
You say : wowow
You say : big words
Kalea says: mommy he is taking my toys and so on leads nowhere here
You say : haha
Kalea says: went well with 2, went very slow with 3 necros
Kalea says: you see, the other necro left
You say : and?
Kalea says: can talk, which you cant
You say : ooh and?
Kalea says: to be nice always works best
You say : dude, you are one of the biggest assholes I ever met in daoc, quite an achievement, quite many albs seem to think so aswell, very nice to be honest, I am very impressed with you
Kalea says: hehe, my girlfriend is laughing at us for fighting over a computergame
You say : my wife only laughed at you
Kalea says: how old are you?
Kalea says: I am 24 and engaged
You say : its non of your business to be honest, dont wanna talk more to you, adios
You say : do not attack my mobs
You say : I will only report you again
You say : and again
Kalea says: do that
Kalea says: so we can laugh at you tonight me and Kemor
Kalea says: have to talk to him regarding the dragon pop anyway
he also mentioned that PE made 10million RPs last week and bragged some, and I also told him that I would post this on BWs since I cant talk to someone higher than him in PE and he said do so, but I should post it on theirs forum since most of Albion uses their forum (huh?) he also wondered about the guild I was in, for some reason that fell out from the SS's
anyways; i just wonder if this is common rules for PE since Kalea is Gohrims alt and he is PEs GM if I am informed correctly
attack others mobs
steal spots in front of the nose of other people
act like a child
I know PE is a quite big guild on the RvRside in Alb and deserves some respect for that, but to be honest, this is imo shit worth. A GM that acts like that is an arse and I cant understand how people follow him at all. I am rather dissapointed to see how this guild works, I did have higher thoughts about PE.