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was in barrows and PLd my wifes Mincer for a few hours at the megaliths, people come and go but its runnin like usual in there, I stand down on the floor all the time and after a while, another necro shows up.
He starts attacking my mobs often from the ramp, as in not by mistake, after a while he moves down to where I stand and keep on pulling, not only making it impossible for me to pull, but keep on attacking my mobs aswell when I manage to pull something.

here is the "nice talk" we had


due to his "inabilitie" to speak english as he said, most is on swedish so I went through the trouble to translate it aswell

You say : stop attacking mobs that are on my pet
You say : could you go somewhere else?
You say : lie up on the ramp?
You say : like even
You say : I am talkin to you dude
Kalea says: no englis
Kalea says: good good
You say : can u move away?
You say : you are on my spot now
Kalea says: not many englis
You say : go up to the ramp
You say : right, and my papa is elvis
You say : dude, u are standing right on my spot and pullin mobs i wanna pull
You say : get a grip
You say : and dont blame it on the language
Kalea says: french?
You say : nope
You say : will report you for griefing via rightnow so u know
You say : i dont accept this
Kalea says: me only swedish and french speak
You say : I am swede
You say : so move away to another spot
You say : I stood here
Kalea says: stop pulling the whole room then
You say : lol, I will report you
Kalea says: do that
You say : suit yourself
Kalea says: i know Kemor pretty well and knows exactly what you can and cant do
how nice for you
Kalea says: am also GM for PE so feel free to report to me
You say : rofl
You say : nice example you are dude.. GG
Kalea says: says nothing in CoC that you cant pull mobs from same camp as others
You say : you attacked my mobs, steal my spot, refuse to move
You say : enuff for me
Kalea says: i aint touching your mobs
You say : you did, you know that, but go ahead and lie some more
Kalea says: killed 2 wights that was on your pet to come down
You say : to steal my spot, great dude
Kalea says: i see no flag with your name here on the ground
You say : last time
You say : do not attack my mobs
Kalea says: you dont get it do you?
You say : what?
Kalea says: i dont give a shit about what you say
You say : how nice
Kalea says: totally wrong attitude if you are gonna talk to me at least
You say : roflol
Kalea says: lol away you fucking kid
You say : not so easy to talk to people like you tbh
Kalea says: with whine etc, you dont get anywhere
You say : haha
You say : wowow
You say : big words :)
Kalea says: mommy he is taking my toys and so on leads nowhere here
You say : haha
Kalea says: went well with 2, went very slow with 3 necros
Kalea says: you see, the other necro left
You say : and?
Kalea says: can talk, which you cant
You say : ooh and?
Kalea says: to be nice always works best
You say : dude, you are one of the biggest assholes I ever met in daoc, quite an achievement, quite many albs seem to think so aswell, very nice to be honest, I am very impressed with you
Kalea says: hehe, my girlfriend is laughing at us for fighting over a computergame
You say : my wife only laughed at you
Kalea says: how old are you?
Kalea says: I am 24 and engaged
You say : its non of your business to be honest, dont wanna talk more to you, adios
You say : do not attack my mobs
You say : I will only report you again
You say : and again
Kalea says: do that
Kalea says: so we can laugh at you tonight me and Kemor :D
Kalea says: have to talk to him regarding the dragon pop anyway

he also mentioned that PE made 10million RPs last week and bragged some, and I also told him that I would post this on BWs since I cant talk to someone higher than him in PE and he said do so, but I should post it on theirs forum since most of Albion uses their forum (huh?) he also wondered about the guild I was in, for some reason that fell out from the SS's :(

anyways; i just wonder if this is common rules for PE since Kalea is Gohrims alt and he is PEs GM if I am informed correctly

attack others mobs
steal spots in front of the nose of other people
act like a child

I know PE is a quite big guild on the RvRside in Alb and deserves some respect for that, but to be honest, this is imo shit worth. A GM that acts like that is an arse and I cant understand how people follow him at all. I am rather dissapointed to see how this guild works, I did have higher thoughts about PE.



if he cant speak english then wtf is he doing on an english server... but I guess he was pretending :rolleyes:


thats a interesting conversation.

just report him for using the wrong language on the server and being offensive :)

(btw, what does PE stand for?)


this was quite funny first.. i was thinking it was a post about necros fighting over their xp spots.. bah... ;p

But after reading through i can nothing but agree.. i hate people like kalea.. ruins the game.

and: "i know kemor" rofl....



Er, isn't Gohrim's necro called Kalea? :eek:

And as far as I was aware, his English was pretty good.


Great attitude from Kaela, really :rolleyes:

People such as him that makes me so proud of being a swede (and how the hell can he claim that he doesn't know how to speak english if he's swedish (at least 6 years of english studies in school), and GM of a guild on Prydwen?).

And maybe Kemor should get some new friends :p


I thought Gohrim was an OK guy till I joined his guild, then he told me wizards are useless /cry


he meant your useless, not wizards in generals :p hows the cloak :ROFLMAO:


Kalea = Gohrim

riight, he speaks english quite well actually, so i dont know htf he can say "no englis"


gotta be some sort of roleplay :p

Sweeds r born with an English dictionary in their back pocket ffs ;)


If Kalea is Gohrim why is anyone surprised? Pity its not the PvP server, he'd have a chance to show *just* how good he is in duels... cept its a problem trying to parry 75% of Albion at the same time :D

Sarum TheBlack

Anyone know how many people have access to Gohrims account? Last I heard (which was a while ago now) it was atleast 2/3, one of which is a really nice guy, and one is a complete asshole. (unfortionately, I only ever had the displeasure of meeting his gollum rather smeagol self.)


ok so i get it that Kalea is not a very nice guy, but what i dont get is how a big guild like PE (that should think abit of there reputation) can have a person like him as GM....

i am wondering since a GM is the faceout of a guild, is the hole guild like this? the reason that i ask is that i dont know any1 from PE.


Originally posted by old.Hardbein
gotta be some sort of roleplay :p

Sweeds r born with an English dictionary in their back pocket ffs ;)


EDIT: And shike, I admire you for talking so calm to him afterall, no abuse etc, thats why I miss yooooou, the nice dorf you were! :mad:


You didnt write his smilies, he's just having fun with you. Of what i know gohrim have been PL'ing his alts in barrows the last few weeks, and if he pulls from the upper spot, he can do so, if you pull from the spot down there you can do so, but if he was there first it is/was a "unwritten rule" for pl'ers that you ask before you pull mobs from other players camps.

There is nothing in the CoC about pulling "other ppls mobs" from "their" spot. It is only against the CoC if you are attacking a mob that another player ALREADY have pulled and is fighting.

Public Enemies means something you know, :D j/k


Originally posted by Kahland
There is nothing in the CoC about pulling "other ppls mobs" from "their" spot. It is only against the CoC if you are attacking a mob that another player ALREADY have pulled and is fighting.

Originally posted by Shike
He starts attacking my mobs often from the ramp


Moth Twiceborn

I agree with Sarum: Sounds to me like Gohrim needs to be more choosy who he lends his account to.


Originally posted by old.TeaSpoon

Kalea says: says nothing in CoC that you cant pull mobs from same camp as others
You say : you attacked my mobs, steal my spot, refuse to move
You say : enuff for me
Kalea says: i aint touching your mobs
You say : you did, you know that, but go ahead and lie some more
Kalea says: killed 2 wights that was on your pet to come down
You say : to steal my spot, great dude

The advisors/phantoms/spectrals are aggro.

Oh and, you're gonna report him shike, where's the proof ;o

I dont believe gohrim would ever attack or kill mobs that you acutally pulled.


Oh and for the english, maybe shike should translate a bit better, i wouldnt translate "aja lola på du jävla kid" to "lol away you fucking kid".



Post something useful here instead of your own whine. Welcome to the PostFarmerIDontHaveALife Paradise :(

- Pathfinder -

lul, you do realsie he's on about the wights and not the infmaous advisor spot? Välkommen till jorden, blixten :m00:


Oh and, if he was just helping his way through maybe you could be a bit understandable instead of just thinking that he's jerk. Treat people like you want them to treat yourself, wonder why i always get flamed :D


Originally posted by Kahland
Oh and for the english, maybe shike should translate a bit better, i wouldnt translate "aja lola på du jävla kid" to "lol away you fucking kid".



Post something useful here instead of your own whine. Welcome to the PostFarmerIDontHaveALife Paradise :(

Hmm, how would you translate it? Make a better one.

I aint overreacting, I think I have the right to get pissed off after I have been at a camp for 3-4 hours already and some arse shows up and mess it up so much for me that I log out in the end.

And to be frank, I dont give a shit if you dont give a shit, you seem to be of the same material as your beloved Gohrim tbh, and dude, that aint good. And seriosly, show me something useful that you yourself have posted.


and I realize that you havent understood what actually happened. he walked into the megalithroom at the top, starts to pull wights from the ramp, hits mine a lot, even though they was on my pet, and you have to be an idiot to be mistaken that much as he was, since he was ruining the xp quite good, after he have done that for a while, he steps down and stands right upon me and starts pulling, if you know how that room looks, you realize that there is no reason for him to go there other than to mess with me so I would leave in the end. And if you think it was a joke, well, kinda bad joke since it in the end ruined my mood totally dont you think?

The Real Redi

Gohrim is a whore of an account that has changed hands more time than Mrs Gohrim.

Seems people are becoming convinced that PLing is a right though, which sucks. If your PLing at a camping spot, and a full group of the right seasons turn up, then use your nordle and either move, or wait. I don't care how long someones been PLing a room - groups get the sway, as they're playing the game, not skipping a big chunk of it.

I got moaned at by Necrophile in DF a while back, as he was camping the entire rocots room, and i wanted to pass down to the cooks room. I stepped up, beat down three of them that were going to aggro me anyway, then a fourth popped and did aggro, so i killed that and moved down. He then started preaching to me about wiping out campsites (even though in the time it took him to type, they had all popped again anyways).

People need to stop being so bloody picky about these things and try to be a little more civil, and folk like Kalea don't help at all. Live and let live, if that don't work, report them daily for a week - that'll get the Rightnow chimps so fed up with you, they'll at least say something, just to get you off of their case i'd imagine...


Originally posted by The Real Redi
Gohrim is a whore of an account that has changed hands more time than Mrs Gohrim.

Seems people are becoming convinced that PLing is a right though, which sucks. If your PLing at a camping spot, and a full group of the right seasons turn up, then use your nordle and either move, or wait. I don't care how long someones been PLing a room - groups get the sway, as they're playing the game, not skipping a big chunk of it.

I got moaned at by Necrophile in DF a while back, as he was camping the entire rocots room, and i wanted to pass down to the cooks room. I stepped up, beat down three of them that were going to aggro me anyway, then a fourth popped and did aggro, so i killed that and moved down. He then started preaching to me about wiping out campsites (even though in the time it took him to type, they had all popped again anyways).

People need to stop being so bloody picky about these things and try to be a little more civil, and folk like Kalea don't help at all. Live and let live, if that don't work, report them daily for a week - that'll get the Rightnow chimps so fed up with you, they'll at least say something, just to get you off of their case i'd imagine...

Redi, I dont mind sharing spots with grps or other necros if the camp support it. If barrows get too crowded I usually just move to SI or lyonesse and PL there. I avoid PLin under primetime and have done most of my xping overall during nights when there are few ppl online since its usually faster anyway with bonuses on top etc.

Regarding whether it is right or not to PL is another thing. I have a massive amount of days /played by now with several 50s behind me. I know the game fairly well and I really dont enjoy the lvlingthreadmill anymore at all, it bores me to death and I do everything I can do escape it to lvl45 with my sorc I have as my main. After 45 i will group normally just so I dont slack off totally. Tell me, what differs me from the group you ask me to leave a campspot for if they show up? I usually am grouped with a sub50 cleric and someones alt so its not like nobody is gettin xp or something. Is it just the fact that I took the time (6 days) to lvl up my necro to 50 to use it for this purpose? What if the necro is 49 and need xp aswell? Would that be ok? I did excellent xp in megalithroom at 49 for instance. Aint it really a small group xping in barrows, just like any other group? I think it is to be honest.

Tell me, what is wrong with that? :)


Originally posted by The Real Redi
Gohrim is a whore of an account that has changed hands more time than Mrs Gohrim.

Wtf are you on about ? you dont know jack shit. How can you judge someone you do not know at all

Originally posted by The Real Redi
Seems people are becoming convinced that PLing is a right though, which sucks. If your PLing at a camping spot, and a full group of the right seasons turn up, then use your nordle and either move, or wait. I don't care how long someones been PLing a room - groups get the sway, as they're playing the game, not skipping a big chunk of it.

Are you the one to decide how other ppl plays the game ?. At least we're not the one pretending the game is reallife. If you were to decide how ppl are supposed to play we would all be faggots running around cyboring eachother in our own dreamworlds. Just because you dont have a l50 you have to cry about other pl'ing because you cant do it youself, i feel such envy.
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