So here's the situation, your running along and find a whole group on the floor dead, so being a helpfull pally / cleric you do which of the following:
1) Rez the groups cleric first because after MCL he can help with future rez's quite quickly.
2) Piss about rezing everyone else in the group until you run out of power, and run off without bothering to rez the cleric?
Well being albion of course the action would appear to be the 2nd
Follow that up with GOA then giving me an LD death because their network connection is screwed! - what a great evening 2 hours of play for -.5 of a bulb
- Edit
Soz for the flame post, was really pissed off with getting an ld death
1) Rez the groups cleric first because after MCL he can help with future rez's quite quickly.
2) Piss about rezing everyone else in the group until you run out of power, and run off without bothering to rez the cleric?
Well being albion of course the action would appear to be the 2nd
Follow that up with GOA then giving me an LD death because their network connection is screwed! - what a great evening 2 hours of play for -.5 of a bulb
- Edit
Soz for the flame post, was really pissed off with getting an ld death