Attention Aattttttention i waaant
this terrible thing happened! i was sitting in the middle of umbral hulk room and resting and suddenly i pulled 4 hulks on me! and and this grp starts hitting them!!!1 and they kill them and take the seals, they stole my pulls i want the seals!!!! i'm gonna report them!!!
shike. lol
edaudric. once another following redi's trail
chimaira. at least i havent been married to a man, i wuv u anyhow you know it ! \O>
turamber. dunno who you are, didnt you stop to play ? if not, could you do it, would make meh happy
Hi mom.!
love you all
this terrible thing happened! i was sitting in the middle of umbral hulk room and resting and suddenly i pulled 4 hulks on me! and and this grp starts hitting them!!!1 and they kill them and take the seals, they stole my pulls i want the seals!!!! i'm gonna report them!!!
shike. lol
edaudric. once another following redi's trail
chimaira. at least i havent been married to a man, i wuv u anyhow you know it ! \O>
turamber. dunno who you are, didnt you stop to play ? if not, could you do it, would make meh happy
Hi mom.!
love you all