FFA TG RAID Friday 10th, 18:00CET


Tesla Monkor

CG will open at 1700 GMT / 1800 CET
Raid will depart and CG will close at 1730 GMT / 1830 CET

Level 45 minimum to attend, level 50 char to get loot.

The King and Queen will only be attempted if there are 60+ people.

Know your own Mod. They're posted publically on these boards, and will be checked when your claimed mod would make you the happy new owner of the item being lotto'd.

You can find the current mod list here: http://forums.barrysworld.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=84533

- You must be level 50 in order to enter the lotto.
- Any alt you are rolling for must be level 50
- While bufbots are welcome to join (in or out of group), they are not allowed to claim loot. Regardless of you claiming to be able to play two characters at the same time.
- Failure to follow these two rules means you have 24 hours to return any items you received to the raid organiser (in this case... me)
- Before the raid starts you will be asked whether you will roll for the class you are playing or for one of your level 50 alts. This choice cannot be changed after we enter TG.
- You may only receive *one* item per raid - this includes respec rocks.
- If you chose a class which had no drops during the raid, then tough, I'll add your nice +10 mod for the next raid.
- Winning loot means all your modifiers are wiped back to null/zero/zilch/void.
- YOU MAY NOT SELL ANY FFA RAID DROPS. IF YOU CAN'T USE THEM THEN DON'T LOTTO FOR THEM. These raids are not a way to generate cash. Make your own raids if you want to get stuff to sell.

Modifiers are awarded as follows:
- Attending a raid until we all die horribly or clean out the glacier +10
- Attending a raid but leaving before we die horribly or clean out the glacier +5
- Winning stuff in the lotto reduces your modifier to <zero>. This includes respec rocks.

For those of you who have been attending my raid, yes the lottery does tend to change venue quite a bit. It will announced where it will be held as the raid ends. You can only roll for things you can actually use or for the class you are rolling for. I usually do it inside TG at entrance, if you ld just before lotto it's your responsibility to get your ass there. No amount of whine/threats/cake's will ever change that.

You're expected to follow the commands of the Raidleader and anyone appointed by such. (That's me, in this case.). Whacking mobs after being specifically told not too gets you a warning. Two warnings = Your mod is reduced to zero. Three warnings = ban. This is during raid _and_ lotto.

Any loot not claimed will be auctioned off/relotto'd at a later date, please look at the thread entitled TG FFA Loot.

I was planning to do this on saturday, but I have to go visit my grandpa for his b'day. Next week it should be back to saturdays as regular. =)


She's letting you off the leash tonight eh? You might have a better chance tonight too. :D


Yeah tonight is daoc night, no gf. Wasn't for free tho =)


just wonder one thing, auction leftover.
where gc from auction goes? personal usage? alliance? guild?

no need blame me if ask, just wanna know because been several TG raids, and seen now these "leftover" is getting auctioned, maybe even persons who never was in TG raid win?

raidleaders job is pain in ass, we all know that, but participatign and following raidleaders orders is pain in ass too :D


Originally posted by old.tuppe
just wonder one thing, auction leftover.
where gc from auction goes? personal usage? alliance? guild?

no need blame me if ask, just wanna know because been several TG raids, and seen now these "leftover" is getting auctioned, maybe even persons who never was in TG raid win?

raidleaders job is pain in ass, we all know that, but participatign and following raidleaders orders is pain in ass too :D

I dont sell tg drops, that's kjel and maybe Tesla's thing and since im back it will be no selling of loot whatsoever. It will all be relottoed when I say so. ( no I dont know when so stop asking)

So any personal gain? Nope, lots of work for nothing.


thx for answer fetst.
was just wondering when you allways had this relotto, and suddenly there is auction going "leftover" TG drops.

if gc goes to "realm", mean example relickeep doors repair, its fine, but if person is funding own sc suit, just for "really hard" example, feels vierd.

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