FFA RELOTTO : Saturday 25th Oct, Knarr, 19:00CET


Tesla Monkor


- Saturday evening (25th Oct), 19:00 CET, Knarr pub. (It has a vault.)
- Be on time!


- Need to be level 50 to participate.
- If you've been to one of my FFA hunts, you can join in the fun and /random for this junk.
- No mods are used, and no mods will be altered.
- You can roll for items your class can use in the first round.
- You can roll for whatever you want in the second round.
- If there's anything left it will be auctioned off/sold at some later date. Money from these proceeds will be used to keep those damn milegatedoors in Odin's repaired or Onslaught's keepdoor(s). (I hate it when the either is broken)
- I strongly urge people to ONLY roll for the respec stones if you REALLY need them. Let's make sure these go to the people who managed to f'ckup their specs. (God help them)

Up for grabs is:



1x Brittle Bone Gloves : AF51, Bone Army 3, Matter 9%, Crush 9%, Heat 7%
1x Brittle Bone Pants : AF51, Suppression 3, Hits 60, Dex 22, Con 22
3x Brittle Bone Boots : AF51, Darkness 3, Spirit 9%, Thrust 9%, Energy 7%


2x Soul-Scarred Gloves : AF51, Summoning 3, Crush 9%, Slash 9%, Thrust 7%
3x Soul-Scarred Boots : AF51, Darkness 3, Matter 9%, Body 9%, Spirit 7%


3x Runed Tuscarian Boots : AF51, Runecarving 3, Thrust 9%, Energy 9%, Spirit 7%


2x Ice-Shadow Gloves : AF102, Left Axe 3, Hits 60, Str 22, Qui 22
1x Ice-Shadow Sleeves : AF102, Critical Strike 3, Body 7%, Crush 9%, Slash 9%
2x Ice-Shadow Boots : AF102, Envenom 3, Spirit 9%, Energy 9%, Thrust 7%


1x Dragon-Shadow Gloves : AF102, Axe 3, Hits 60, Con 22, Qui 22
1x Dragon-Shadow Sleeves : AF102, Sword 3, Thrust 9%, Energy 9%, Spirit 7%
1x Dragon-Shadow Leggings : AF102, Parry 3, Slash 9%, Cold 9%, Body 7%
4x Dragon-Shadow Boots : AF102, Hammer 3, Hits 60, Dex 22, Str 22


1x Wintery Seeker's Boots : AF102, Spear 3, Hits 64, Heat 7%, Crush 9%


3x Tuscarian Discordant Leggings : AF102, Battlesongs 3, Hammer 3, Con 21, Cold 10%
1x Tuscarian Discordant Boots : AF102, Hits 40, Dex 18, Slash 9%, Body 9%


2x Tuscarian Bloodforged Boots : AF102, Str 15, Crush 9%, Heat 9%, Matter 7%


1x Tuscarian Monitor Boots : AF102, Mending 3, Hits 48, Dex 24, Matter 9%


3x Tuscarian Oracle Boots : AF102, Augmentation 3, hits 48, Pie 24, Crush 9%

Healer/Shammie only:

Kvasir's Hauberk : AF102, Pie 24, Body 9%, Matter 9%, Spirit 9%, 95DD Heat proc.


2x Seething Frostbound Hammer : Hammer 4, Power 8, Hits 48, Crush 8%, 3.7spd, Damage Shield Proc.
1x Seething Frostbound Sword : Sword 4, Parry 4, Str 22, Pie 15, 3.9spd, 95DD Cold Proc.
1x Dreaded Frostbound Fang : H2H 4, Parry 4, Con 22, Energy 6%, 3.4spd, Lifedrain Proc.
1x Icy Barbed Moon Claw : H2H 4, Parry 4, Dex 22, Energy 6%, 3.2spd, DoT Proc.


1x Seething Ember : Cha 22, Str 22, Con 15, Qui 22, 10 charges of haste.

Staves (glowie!):

Bonedancer only:

2x Tuscarian Bonewalker Staff : Pow 13, Pie 33, 50 Focus Bone Army, 50 Focus Suppression, 10 Charges 331DD Cold
3x Tuscarian Bonesplitter Staff : Pow 13, Pie 33, 50 Focus Bone Army, 50 Focus Darkness, 10 Charges 331DD Cold

Runemaster only:

2x Tuscarian Soul-Tethering Staff : Pow 13, Pie 33, 50 Focus Runecarving, 50 Focus Suppression, 10 Charges 331DD Cold

Spiritmaster only:

1x Lord of Niflheim Staff : 148 hits, 50 Focus Darkness, 50 Focus Summoning, 50 Focus Suppression, 95DD Spirit Proc

Other stuff:

1x Hurika's Shadowed Eye (gem) : Pow 14, Con 18, Hits 64, 5 charges AF75 buff
1x Vagn's Mantle (cloak) : hits 160, 5 charges healthregen(6)
1x Belt of Iceshadow (belt) : Pow 14, Cha 27
8x Luminescent Ceriac Stone : Single Line respec.


so with the relotto anyone can roll thats lvl 50 right? with no mods etc? :p


shhh u were sposed to let this roll off the bottom of the page ! tut!


edit: nvm ill let the TG shoe shop have them, won some in an auction, gifv glowy staff!

edited out stupid question :D

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