Well, I have absolutely no idea what kind of items are available to me. I would like to start working on my SC template for when I hit 50(some time yet, but still).
Although I could spend the morning searching sites, it is easier to ask here which items I should be looking to get from quests etc. I know that with my armsman all his sc template items were from quests or seal items from DF, and I would prefer to have the same with my druid so that I wont have to farm for hours for an item.
Can anyone help me by listing items I might want to include?
Also, will taking Regrowth above 50 lessen the variance on my heals, or does going above 50 serve no purpose?
Although I could spend the morning searching sites, it is easier to ask here which items I should be looking to get from quests etc. I know that with my armsman all his sc template items were from quests or seal items from DF, and I would prefer to have the same with my druid so that I wont have to farm for hours for an item.
Can anyone help me by listing items I might want to include?
Also, will taking Regrowth above 50 lessen the variance on my heals, or does going above 50 serve no purpose?