Fellowship alliance open for new guilds



The Fellowship alliance has existed for a few months now and the dust around the forming of the alliance has settled a bit.

Now that this has happened and the existing guilds in the alliance have gotten to know eachother and cooperation with Albion United has been set up it's time to embrace new guilds in the alliance.

Fellowship is an alliance that is focused on both in-realm and frontier (RvR) activities, ranging from LB/DF hunts to keeptaking/relicraids and general RvR.

What we are looking for are guilds that have players willing to participate in these activities on a regular basis.

What we are NOT looking for are guilds that focus purely on XP-ing, because those guilds tend to be non-responsive at alliance events in- or outside the realm.

So, if your guild is interested and you think your guild can reinforce the alliance, leave a message here, or contact me, or one of the GM's in the alliance.


If you will have my guild please count me in, although most time will be spent crafting both Kessica (lvl 49 full rej cleric), or Nimh (lvl36 Mincer) might be useful.

As prices of weaps will be going up marginally (retry costs for lvl 50 weaps), Im sure a deal could be struck for alliance members and some discount.

Also if Kiarra can be PL'd a bit, with 1050+ in wood skills Im sure she might also be useful in repairing keep doors etc. :D


Asked, asked again, asked again, asked again, no answer, still un-allied. Now joining another alliance :\


Alliance is dead ?

No more responses... I guess everyone has given up on this idea :(


Re: Alliance is dead ?

Originally posted by old.Kiarra
No more responses... I guess everyone has given up on this idea :(

Definately not Kiarra... but every night i try to contact you, you are not ingame...

You have been accepted by the council of GM's and are very welcome to join us. I wanted to tell you this ingame, personally, but since i havent been able to reach you ingame, i'll do it this way.

Contact me when you are ingame to settle the joining.


Originally posted by old.Akirai
Asked, asked again, asked again, asked again, no answer, still un-allied. Now joining another alliance :\

Well there was some confusion of which guild wanted to join... <The Nemesis> or <Nemesis>.

At the time we discussed it, no member of either guild was online.... so we postponed the discussion to a later date.


Aha cool :) didn't see Methos's reply there...

duh :) teach me to read more carefully :)

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