Feedback pls!!!!



Hmm, I also trialed and also thought I did well, so I think I kinda know how u feel.
Anyway ......

Imo, the method u suggest would prolly not work.
The only true, effective way to do it is for the selector(s) to see players in their 'natural environment'.
Although very difficult to actually carry-out, the only decent method (imo) is for those who make the decisions to spectate games of those players (or possibly see demos) so that they can see them in action, doing what they do day-in, day-out with players they have learnt to communicate with and work alongside (which hopefully would be the case for the england team, once selected and working together).
The way it was done and the way you suggest both have this manufactured feel to them, which doesnt really show the players in their true light and ends up making the selector(s) make decisions on what he already knew about the players, rather than how they performed on the night. For example, I played well, did some great midfield FC support and capped on the night. I played well, but wasnt surprised to NOT be picked, firstly cos I know those picked are better than me, and secondly because it would be impossible for Duece to make a decision based purely on those 2 games.
There simply wasnt enough preparation time imo, which meant that they had to do it in the only way possible in the time they had. Shame, but the team looks good anyway.
I see it as being very similar to the job erricson has with the england football team. The only way he can do a fair selection is to go and watch as many games as he can (which he is doing). His only alternative otherwise would be to pick from what he already knows (as deuece pretty much had to do).
If it's to be a long term thing AND taken seriously by the team captains, the method ought to change imo. Trouble is, like everything else, the net aint the best place for effective communication and organising the ppl involved, even using the method they chose, was full of problems from what I saw.
Maybe if we pay em they'll be more inclined to do a more thorough job ;)



hmmmm...some good points there.

ok. if we had loads of time and were able to do it.... how about this:

1. use the method I describe in my column to shortlist a number of potential players.
2. next arrange some games with the players that have been selected from step 1.
3. finally view demos of players in there day to day clan matches. see how they react to their team and communicate with them (as you say above)

of course this still isn't perfect and would take a lot of time. but I think it would make people a lot happier if they could see the people with the power making this much effort to select their team, rather than WHO they know is good.

thanx for your post, more like that please...


IF there was enough time and we lived in an ideal world, the England captain/manager/selection panel would be able to go around and watch the games played week in week out, and see who is best and who is not. but we dont so we are left with the current situation, and there is only so much that can be done, the analogies (sp?) that have been made between quake and football, fall down in that in football things have been around for a long time, most teams are where they are because they belong there (they have had 100 years to find their place (of course this will change over time and whatever), and this is the same with individual players, they might start in a lower team, but as soon as they are good, they normally get noticed by the bigger clubs, and move on. In Quake there is more of a loyalty aspect, and quite a few clans play together cos they are real life friends etc, and they would not dream of leaving... so they might be in a clan that doesnt truely indicate their true potential, and this also brings up the point that the player might be very skillful, but has not been exposed to the tactics of a higher clan, but if they were exposed to them, and played with people that knoew them too, then they might be just as good as the higher clanned players. The only way to make it as fair as possible imo, is the idea that has been suggested of using aliases, everyone gets asigned a number, and plays as that, and the selection pannel has no idea who is who (granted that some peoples style of play, or their voice or binds might give them away) but then that is going to be impossible to get rid off, but at least it is minimised in this case. Any way I have typed enough, and ramblled a bit...


Guest I like that stranger. definately got merit that idea imo.

perhaps a system good be setup so players register and are informed at the end of their registration their alias which they will play with.

this would work well especially if those that were picking the teams ONLY knew the alias names. ie they didn't even know if any big name/clan peeps had entered for the trials.


The alias thing sounds good.

The football analogy was making exactly that point u mentioned tho. I imagine there are players in q3 teams who could do well in higher placed teams, but dont get recognised. Players only end up in better football teams, or the england football team, cos the other teams, or england team send out scouts, who look at games and players and then say "wow, this guy is good, he should come and try for our team" ........... which is exactly what the quake team needs too. Players arent picked in football cos of the 'team' they play for at that moment in time, but rather the skill they show when seen by a scout.
Given the leagues that exist and the demos which are taken, it wouldnt actually be that difficult to do imo.
The aliasing is a very good idea tho, as I'm sure it is very difficult to NOT let personal opinions sway a decision .......... not that I would suggest that happened ;)

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