I was sitting in the room of alb mfg, a few hibbies downstairs, all bluecon.
Eleasias had spotted me up there and tried to warn his fellow hibbies (eleasias yells something in a language u dont understand, and he opened the doors etc)
then suddenly this underhill zealot from down below between the doors starts to nuke me to hell
aigh, what to do? I cant kill it for obvious reasons..
Hibbies are camping albmfg on the side where the stairs is.. I decided to jump out on the alb side as I saw this as my only chance of getting away.. the zealot continues to nuke me for ~130 dmg, untill I reach the right zonewall (facing the mfg from alb side), but im already down to 15% hp, mind the fall dmg etc.
and there I got killed by some sniper...
this is just retarded
Its the same when doing keeps
those f*cking craplots come running thru the walls to nuke every1. ITS LAME ! LAME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uke: uke: uke: uke: uke: uke: uke: uke: uke: uke:
I was sitting in the room of alb mfg, a few hibbies downstairs, all bluecon.
Eleasias had spotted me up there and tried to warn his fellow hibbies (eleasias yells something in a language u dont understand, and he opened the doors etc)
then suddenly this underhill zealot from down below between the doors starts to nuke me to hell
aigh, what to do? I cant kill it for obvious reasons..
Hibbies are camping albmfg on the side where the stairs is.. I decided to jump out on the alb side as I saw this as my only chance of getting away.. the zealot continues to nuke me for ~130 dmg, untill I reach the right zonewall (facing the mfg from alb side), but im already down to 15% hp, mind the fall dmg etc.
and there I got killed by some sniper...
this is just retarded
Its the same when doing keeps
those f*cking craplots come running thru the walls to nuke every1. ITS LAME ! LAME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uke: uke: uke: uke: uke: uke: uke: uke: uke: uke: