Is it possible ? if so how ? Would just be damned handy.
O old.Delboy Guest May 25, 2000 Thread starter #2 RVS COM software can do that. Simulates a COM Port. CAPI also helps a little in doing it
Y ~YuckFou~ Guest May 26, 2000 Thread starter #3 I use Delrina Winfax, setup has an ISDN option. ~YuckFou~
S stu Guest May 26, 2000 Thread starter #4 Just hold the piece of paper up to your monitor and press "Print Screen"
K kryt Guest May 26, 2000 Thread starter #5 LOL STU! [Cw.F]Kryten If it don't moo, sorry sir, but I'm afraid it just will not do. Please step outside and remove your shoes.
LOL STU! [Cw.F]Kryten If it don't moo, sorry sir, but I'm afraid it just will not do. Please step outside and remove your shoes.
O old.Fastman Guest Jun 2, 2000 Thread starter #6 You could also try Tobit Faxware with a Dboard card, not cheap but excellent solution.