Fastest necro lvling



Since necro's are no longer fotm ive decided to start one for cash farming etc ..

Can any of u guys with lvl 50 necro's suggest a lvling guide i.e where u hunted at which lvl's etc to help us lowbie necros :)

will be huntin solo and most of the time buffed if this helps in mobs to hunt etc .

thanks in advance

Cap'n Sissyfoo

There are shit loads of guides around but my best suggestion is go to avoid some of the ones suggested and hunt around for your own spots.

e.g. Danoin clerks come highly recommended by most guides and as a result it is over-camped to the point of Danoin extinction. :/

Same goes for Dunters and a few other spots I have been recommended to.

Explore Avalon for some really nice XP spots which are way off the beaten track. Apple Pickers and the small village near Avalon City are rarely camped at lvl 32-35 and you can do some nice leveling there without too much hassle.

Leveling a necro is fast but it is also frustrating as you spend a lot of the time competing with other necros for kills. :/


This is a fairly good Lvl'ing guide

Xp in SI zones does seem to be a lot better you will be 50 very quickly only need help on 50th epic :)

edit: buffs dont make that much differance but a short stop in BG1 to get MCL1 for those times when you get lots of resists is imo a must :D


Originally posted by Feac_

edit: buffs dont make that much differance but a short stop in BG1 to get MCL1 for those times when you get lots of resists is imo a must :D

/duel challenge the person you are powerlevelling and powertap him occasionally ;)


or hunt near where there is grey con mobs :)

do you power lvl many people Pin :confused:


Originally posted by Pin
/duel challenge the person you are powerlevelling and powertap him occasionally ;)


cheers for the fast replys guys :)

one final question ...when buffing a necro , do u buff the necro , the pet or both ?

cheers again


dex and intel are going to be useful for the caster, providing you wish to increase your mana pool and the casters magic attack speed, and alot are going to benefit the pet... for example health, dex, quickness, etc. etc.


Originally posted by bombshell
one final question ...when buffing a necro , do u buff the necro , the pet or both ?

int and dex on the necro. everything apart from int on the pet.


Originally posted by Pin
only myself (Ice Wizzie is 31 after 17 hours ;) )
Beats the time on my 32 reaver by a few hours - but its died far too often due to various acts of stupidity on my part ;)

Shame they fixed the bug on powertap - before the patch you could go from empty to full on 1 powertap if it killed the mob. Very handy - but no more :rolleyes: Must try powertapping the alt being PLd - but really I cant remember MCL being down when Ive needed power. If your low on power often your doing something badly wrong.

Have to disagree with Feac about buffs - con buffs on a necro pet make a HUGE difference to its tanking abilities. See what happens with 3 or 4 yellow cons hitting a unbuffed vs buffed pet - far bigger difference than you may expect.

The levelling guide looks reasonable - sticking to SI zones is worthwhile since the drops seem to be far more valuable, and alot more coin is dropped too.

Buff the necro as if its a tank (everything apart from the int buff), give the shade dex + int.

I think that covers everything ...


once again thnxs guy ..nice quick replys and good advice



On what draylor was saying ive noticed very little difference on my necro powertap and am usually full after kill.

Ive been using that guide alongside one wildfire posted however struggling a bit at 36 now. Have tried the danoin clerks but this stupid los fix now means i cant hit one behind a low wall that they are stood behind , ffs it only goes up to their waist area.
The undead gangers and marshmen are almost all yellow now and dont pop that fast so its not particularly efficient.
Not tried the granite giants yet but i thought they add even on solo pulls although im not sure, been a while since i was there.. Anyone else got any suggestions please?

- Pathfinder -

Clerks at the villa suck, do the ones near the sea :p Dunno how overcamped it is on excal, but I rarely have probs getting the druid room in barrows (which has been great from 40 to 45).


Originally posted by darbey
On what draylor was saying ive noticed very little difference on my necro powertap and am usually full after kill.
It used to be bugged. The power returned is capped to the mobs level, but this wasnt the case with the killing blow before this patch - the cap seemed to be the mobs remaining HP. So if you were low FP/powertap/powertap solved all your problems :) Was very useful when you burned too much power when pulling too many.

Caer Caddug (NE corner avalon isle) is a nice spot, but 36 might still be a bit low.


Originally posted by Draylor

Caer Caddug (NE corner avalon isle) is a nice spot, but 36 might still be a bit low.

The mobs around the NE of Caddug start at level 36 (most are 38-43 though). I was there from 36-41 unbuffed and they usually came 2-3 at a time.


Originally posted by Pin
The mobs around the NE of Caddug start at level 36 (most are 38-43 though). I was there from 36-41 unbuffed and they usually came 2-3 at a time.

and dont go inside Caer Caddug !!!!!!!
That place makes tanglers look like a low aggro spot


Originally posted by Sibanac
and dont go inside Caer Caddug !!!!!!!
That place makes tanglers look like a low aggro spot
Its a fun place to suicide though.

Run inside, see how many you can get aggro'd before your dead. Ive a nice screeny with 20+ attacking me ;)


Originally posted by Draylor
Its a fun place to suicide though.

Run inside, see how many you can get aggro'd before your dead. Ive a nice screeny with 20+ attacking me ;)

you went in there with my cabby and a lvl 50 necro

our last words where : ' they are only green-blue what harm could they do'


the guide that corel posted is nice
but going camelot hills-->si zones-->camelot hills-->si zones suck


I did isle of glass (to level 15), cornwall (16-23), avalon isle (24-41), caldey (42-46), gwyddneau (47-50) = virtually no useless travelling, etc.


Best advice that I can give you is do the first 20 lvls solo. The only good way to learn a necro, its one of the most tricky chars to play. At the moment you know how to play a necro go kill spirits and undead (lyonnesse, Cornwall, SI and do not forget: Lyn Barfog). Stick to orange cons, if you get low on power/health take a few yellows. Pulls could be none stop then and xp great.

Red con mobs give only marginaly more xp then Orange con mobs but are much harder. Not really worth the trouble. Stay away from blue cons.


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